Chapter 531: The Secret Before Leaving

Outside Linsenxiancheng, a huge Elder starship docked there.

“Big Elder, there is nothing to give before parting. Let me tell you a secret inside the Elder Club.” Genyan Venerable said.

“what’s up?”

Xu Fan is a little curious, is it a way to break the seal of space?

“The space seal will be unsealed after 2000. This is the message left by the Lord when he left. Only Elder will know the internal serial number Elder.”

“I believe that in 2000, Elder should be able to set up a good game.”

The voice of Genyan Venerable resounded in Xu Fan’s heart.

“Big Elder, thanks for your life-saving grace, I will come to see you if I have time.”

Genyan Venerable walked towards Xingzhou after speaking.

“Thank you Venerable for telling me.” Xu Fan also replied with Voice Transmission.

Genyan Venerable just waved his hand and didn’t look back, leaving a chic back.

Elder will standardize the star boat to take off until it disappears.

“In 2000, it’s okay, too late.” Xu Fan said silently, looking at the sky.

“Master, that Venerable has left something for you in the source world.” Grape’s voice sounded.

“Why didn’t you say it earlier?” Xu Fan said with a frown.

“Genyan Venerable used hidden magical powers, and it didn’t show up until he left.” Grape explained.

Origin Realm, Xu Fan looked at this pile of fire-type fairy weapon-level spirit mines a little stunned.

“Aren’t you embarrassing me?”

“No more, no less, just enough to refine the spirit mines of two basic immortal artifacts.”

“If I became the Grand Great Master of the refiner and didn’t refine one for you, wouldn’t it seem like there is no way out.”

Xu Fan said, but he thought that by virtue of this relationship in the future, he could get a jade talisman for permanent renewal.

It doesn’t seem to be a bad thing to think about it.

“Receive all of these in the treasure house, and wait until I reach the Grand Great Master Refiner before taking them out.” Xu Fan waved his hand and said.

Yinlingmen, Xu Fan continued to refine the railgun as soon as he returned.

A qualified salted fish must be moved when it is in danger, and can continue to be salted until it is safe.

At present, Xu Fan is in this state. He has the feeling of returning to the early stage of entrepreneurship. He does everything by himself and occasionally fights.

In the trial tower, Xiong Li shattered Xiang Yun’s sword formation with a punch.

“Five Elements breaks the power, follow me!” Xiang Yun used his full strength to break the back sword formation.

The sword array that was suddenly shattered by Xiong Li once again condensed into a Five Elements giant sword, and the right Xiong Li stabbed it.

“There is no new sword formation either.”

Although Xiong Li said so, he was very honest, and frankly avoided, and rushed towards Xiang Yun’s body.

The final result was that Xiang Yun was shaken to death by Xiong Li’s giant hammer for the 101st time.

The two walked out of the virtual dojo of the duel.

“Big brother, can you stop using the broken hammer in the future, every time you use it, it’s like cheating.” Xiang Yun said helplessly.

“I already have it, why don’t you let me use it?” Xiong Li said with a smile.

As the leader of a generation of disciples, his equipment is also first-class luxury.

There is Dao Item heavy armor from Weiyun Elder and the game wins the Dao Item hammer.

There is also the Cultivation Technique customized by Elder.

All of this coupled with his perseverance in cultivation and excellent talent for refining, it can be said that among the Sect disciples, he is in a crushing existence.

The only ones who can compete with it are the top-notch people in the generation of disciples.

“Go on the expedition mission with me in a while, go?” Xiong Li said with a smile.

Xiang Yun waved his hand with a bitter face and said, “Big brother, you are masochistic, you are not going to perform a task.”

Once he followed Xiong Li on an expedition mission. He watched Xiong Li wearing Dao Item heavy armor and holding a giant hammer against a group of demons in the transformation stage and rushed over.

There is no need for the last bit of Spirit Power, and absolutely no help.

“Only in the life and death experience can you feel the true meaning of battle. I feel that your sword has reached the bottleneck. Do you want to make a breakthrough with me?” Xiong Li continued to persuade.

“Am I bottleneck? I have honed the sword formation to the top, okay?” Xiang Yun argued.

Due to the excellent environment of Sect cultivation, plus the Five Elements Origin Spiritual Qi cultivation Sacred Land, so now the Sect generation disciples have all breakthrough Nascent Soul period.

The best have been promoted to the peak of the Nascent Soul period.

“Hone to the peak, I don’t know if you have ever felt the sword formation that Elder used when he was still in the Nascent Soul period, or the magical power of kendo.” Xiong Li recalled.

“No~, have you seen it before?” Xiang Yun asked curiously.

“I’ve seen it. At that time, Elder was teaching Master Xiang Chi.”

“At that time, I happened to be passing by, and I saw Big Elder slowly stretch out a finger, and the world changed in a flash. There was no color in my eyes, only the Sword Ray.”

“Actually, when I recall that sword now, I feel that it is absolutely not a problem to kill me in seconds.”

Xiong Li said and looked at Xiang Yun, his eyes full of contempt.

At your level of just breaking the defense, you dare to claim that you have honed your sword formation to its peak.

“I am also limited by my own qualifications. It is so easy to break through again.” Xiang Yun scratched his head and said stiffly, but his eyes were full of yearning.

Elder also taught him the sword formation, the power is indeed good, but it is a pity that he is dull and can’t fully comprehend it.

“Excuses are all excuses. As a big brother, I have the right to urge you to make progress.”

Xiong Li said that he clamped Xiang Yun’s waist with one hand, and took the mission in the spirit boat and flew outside the Yinling Gate.

Behind the Lingzhou, followed by a small team of puppets during the fit period.

“Big brother, I feel that you have been a little anxious about cultivation recently.” Xiang Yun said while looking at Xiong Li.

Xiong Li sighed slightly when he heard Xiang Yun’s words.

“I don’t know if Junior Brother feels that our role in the door is getting smaller and smaller.” Xiong Li said.

“Big brother, are you talking about the few sky puppet masters who have been promoted to the seventh rank?” Xiang Yun said.

Xiong Li nodded slightly.

“The seventh-order puppet master can display the combat power of the combined period, and those with high qualifications are more able to slaughter a group of combined period demon races alone. Look at us.”

Xiong Li sighed again when he talked about it. It has been less than a hundred years since the appearance of the Sky Puppet Master, and now he is able to beat the existence of the fit period, which makes him feel so embarrassed.

“Big brother, didn’t Elder say it?”

“Cultivation Cultivation Technique supernatural powers are the mainstream. Now that day, although you can drive a Tier 7 puppet, it will be invincible and fit, but after that, how many people will reach Tier 9 Heavenly Puppet Master?”

“Furthermore, the refining price of a Tier 7 puppet of a combined device is comparable to a Dao Item. I estimate that the value of the Mahayana puppet is about the same as that of a fairy.”

“Although Sect is rich, we can’t afford so many fairy artifacts.”

“But as long as we work hard to cultivate, we can reach the Mahayana stage as a disciple of the Hidden Spirit Sect.”

“Big Brother is also expected to become the first invincible Venerable among Sect disciples.”

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