Chapter 541: If you can’t win, we can go and run.

“Some time ago, a golden tiger came to provoke him, and he was holding a fairy weapon to bet against.”

“I am soft when it comes to this good thing. Now that piece of fairy weapon is already the core of my Sect Spirit Gathering Array.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

Hearing Xu Fan’s words, Qianling Venerable and Tai Shangda Elder were startled and looked at each other.

“That tiger ran to you? Who did you send to fight? How did you win?” Qianling Venerable said.

“That gold-eating tiger is really an evildoer, even when I am in a fit period, I am not 100% sure to suppress this tiger?” said Elder, the Great Qianling Sect.

“If it weren’t for his father to come across the border, I really want to get rid of this future human confidant.”

The Qianlingzong is too great. Elder’s tone is a pity.

“Big Elder, tell me who defeated him.”

“After the Golden Devouring Tiger defeated my first Tianjiao of the Qianlingzong Integral Stage, I discussed with the boss for a long time, but did not find a Human Integral Stage Tianjiao who can rival that tiger in the Cultivation Realm!” Qianling Venerable excitedly Said.

“It was I who controlled the Sect Puppet to defeat the Golden Devouring Tiger.” Xu Fan said honestly.

“Shuangxin, I didn’t expect the power of the big Elder to be even higher than I thought.” Qianling Venerable exclaimed.

What the hell is Dan Qi Shuangxin?

“Qianling Venerable has passed the award.” Xu Fan said, and then said to the sky: “Grapes, advance the Five Elements Origin Spiritual Qi month.

“Yes, master.” Grape replied.

A five-color spiritual rain fell in the sky, and the Spiritual Qi of the origin of Five Elements quickly spread throughout the hidden spirit gate.

“Of course it’s a big deal.” Qian Lingzong too big Elder smiled and praised him.

“Thanks to that fairy artifact, Sect can fall into the Five Elements Origin Spiritual Qi for one month each year.” Xu Fan introduced.

“Boss, let me tell you, our Qianlingzong is a little bit tricky to the disciple.” Qianling Venerable said with a smile.

“Wait for you to ascend, don’t be afraid that the previous masters Elder will tear you apart, you can do it like this.” Elder, the master of the Qianling Sect, rolled his eyes and said.

“Thousands of cultivators eat horses and chew, don’t you know how much they consume?” A voice sounded from behind everyone.

“Mr. Elder, you won’t show up when you come.” Xu Fan smiled and welcomed him.

“Don’t worry about me, I’m a half-consciousness clone, just come over and have a long experience.” A phantom appeared and said politely to Xu Fan.

“I didn’t expect you to come too~” Qianling Venerable said.

“You just want to trap me in Sect, there’s no way.” After the ghost said, he ignored Qianling Venerable.

“Well, now that we are all here, let’s take a look at the Xingzhou that has been refined for the noble sect. Please seniors to accept it.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Yes, yes, hurry and take a look at our baby.” Qianling Venerable suddenly forgot to quarrel with Elder.

“Please follow me.”

A large spirit boat landed in front of everyone.

Then the people with him quickly flew towards the plain behind the main peak.

“Is this the refined starship!” Tianling Venerable said excitedly.

Although he had seen the appearance in the design drawings before, he was a bit excited when it really appeared in front of him, especially the two pairs of wind wings that fluttered in the wind directly hit his soul.

Qian Lingzong is too great Elder, there is also a look of wonder in his eyes, not to mention the high level of Qian Lingzong behind him.

Xu Fan nodded when he saw the performance of the crowd, and it was true that the classics were more in line with their tastes.

“Hey, Elder, where is your star boat, let me have a look.” Qianling Venerable said.

“Grape is testing its performance. If Venerable wants to see it, let it come back now.” Xu Fan said.

Without Xu Fan’s order, a huge ship shadow enveloped everyone, and then a sci-fi starship landed next to the classical starship.

“It’s so weird. Looking at its shape, it feels like it can exert a strong combat power in the extreme air.”

“But it’s not as pleasing to the eye as our ship.” Qianling Venerable commented.

Elder, the Taishang next to him, also nodded, and he also felt that the weird starship was a bit inconsistent with his wishes.

“Too great Elder, Venerable, you are tired from the journey, and rest for a few days in my hidden spirit gate, how about we set off to the extreme sky together?”

“By the way, let’s show you the functions of Guizong’s star boats.” Xu Fan said.

“That way, I’m a little tired of driving on the road. I will leave after a few days of recuperation.” Qianling Venerable said with a smile.

“A new residence has been built for you, please move with me.”

As early as when the Xingzhou refining was completed, the residence for the Qianlingzong had been established.

In the evening, after Xu Fan hosted a banquet for the senior members of Qianlingzong, Qianling Venerable and Taishang Elder got together.

“Boss, how do you feel when you strolled through the hidden spirit gate?” Qianling Venerable asked.

“It’s unfathomable. Every disciple of the Yinlingmen has a solid foundation, as if he has defended the hammer thousands of times. In this respect, it is stronger than the disciples of our sect.”

“What’s even more rare is that I look at its combat power. Everyone can play 80% of their peak combat power. Do you know what this means?” Tai Shang Da Elder said.

“Of course it means it’s great, what else?” Qianling Venerable smiled.

“This means that every disciple has the possibility of breaking through his own limits, and the number of disciples of this generation who will be promoted to the Mahayana Venerable will increase.”

“Developed in this form, after ten thousand years, it may not be impossible to leave a Heavenly Feather Gate.” Qianlingzong Taishang Elder said.

“Boss, you are so optimistic about Elder, the hidden spirit gate, or find a chance to tell him, and pick him up when Elder ascends.”

“Then we will find a way to draw Elder to the Qianlingzong of our great world.” Qianling Venerable said hehe.

“You think too much, for a talent like Elder, it’s not our turn to win.” Elder sighed, too.

“We Qianlingzong can still be stunned in this realm. In the Great Thousand World, it is of the same level as the small fish and shrimps that we used to look down on.” Taishang Da Elder said faintly.

“Boss, I feel that your thinking is rigid, we can go without it.”

“At that time, take those seniors who have soared before and rush to the hidden spirit gate!” Qianling Venerable said.

“If it weren’t for the fusion of the two realms, the senior of the upper realm wouldn’t be able to come down, just what you said today would be enough for you to die eight hundred times!” Elder, the great master of the Qianling Sect, laughed and cursed, but there was a slight movement in his eyes.

To reach his Realm, the way of looking at the problem is different.

He could see that as long as Elder didn’t fall, he would be a character like the Lord from now on.

In the future, following such a person in the Great Thousand World is worth considering.

“Boss, you are moved~”

Qianling Venerable said with a smile looking at Elder’s expression.

“Forget it, our Master attaches great importance to the Taoism of the Qianlingzong, and I will ascend in the future and will not leave the upper realm Qianlingzong.”

“But I think you can, and you will work hard in this direction in the future.” Tai Shang Da Elder said leisurely.

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