Chapter 555 How big is the backing [Thanks for the anti-missile prevention and control nuclear fusion greatly becoming the first leader in this book]

Thousands of miles away from Shuiyunxian City, the invisible Serpent Spirit quietly landed here.

“Minister, are you sure you don’t need me to follow?” Jie Yu Yaozun asked.

“No, you just need to be here, I can bring the fifth team of puppets.” Pang Fu said with a smile.

After Pang Fu experienced the journey of going home at this time, the pure meaning in his body was even better than before.

A treasure-level spirit boat flew towards Shuiyun Immortal City.

“Yell, isn’t this the president of China Unicom Chamber of Commerce?”

“I heard that you gave the entire chamber of commerce to Xiaoyunzong half-sold and half-free.”

“I heard it was just to rent a star boat to go home to see the old owner.”

Not long after Pang Fu entered Xiancheng, he was stopped by the president of a large chamber of commerce.

“Brother Pang, you have bad rules, you know?”

“But you still have the courage to come back, I admire you.” The president of the Chamber of Commerce looked at Pang Fu with a chill in his eyes.

The China Unicom Chamber of Commerce had been regarded by him as something in his pocket, but he did not expect it to be cheaper for others in the end.

“So you have to suppress me next.” Pang Fu said lightly.

If it is still in the previous state, Pang Fu is really a little scared.

Now, Pang Fu, who has received investment from Yinlingmen headquarters, has an international perspective.

He already looked down upon this city.

“Yes, suppress to death.”

“At first you said you were going to stand and earn the Spirit Stones, but unfortunately you made a mistake.”

“There was nothing wrong with kneeling, but what was wrong is that you didn’t kneel before me.” The president of the Chamber of Commerce said coldly.

Pang Fu glanced at the president of the Chamber of Commerce with disdain.

“In business, business, if you only used the chamber of commerce to suppress my competition with me, why not my Unicom Chamber of Commerce will send you?”

“It’s a pity that you are not a pure merchant.” Pang Fu walked past the president of the Chamber of Commerce after speaking.

“I am not a good man and believer. I will repay you twice as much for what you gave to you.” Pang Fu’s eyes flashed with cold.

“It seems that your old club has given you a lot of confidence and hopes to keep you standing.”

The president of the Chamber of Commerce smiled and squinted at Pang Fu’s back, as if staring at his prey.

Pang Fu gathered dozens of people with a message from the former headquarters of the China Unicom Chamber of Commerce.

“Boss, have you seen your old club?”

“Boss, you came back a bit quickly. Wasn’t it originally scheduled to come back in a year? This is only half a year.”

“Pang Dage, did you say that the Master who was looking for me found it.”

As soon as everyone saw Pang Fu, they seemed to talk in a rush.

Pang Fu raised his hand and pressed it down, and the audience fell silent.

“Brothers, I’m back from Sect, we have a backer.” Pang Fu said with some excitement.

“Backer, how old is it?” a middle-aged man said urgently.

“There is a Venerable and a starship as big as that.” Pang Fu gestured in the void.

Everyone was stunned, but still didn’t understand what Pang Fu meant.

“Brother found a bright road for you. From now on, our chamber of commerce will travel across the entire central continent!”

Pang Fu waved his hand, and the phantom of the Serpent Spirit appeared in front of everyone.

“This is Xingzhou, where did Pang Dage see it?”

“This way, I feel mighty Bufan.” A young man said, his eyes revealing a sense of exploration.

Everyone also seemed to have thought of something, all staring excitedly at the phantom of the Serpent Spirit in front of them.

“From now on, it will be our star boat, which was specially matched by Sect Elder for me.” Pang Fu said proudly.

A light curtain appeared in front of everyone again, above it was the goods that Pang Fu brought out of the hidden spirit gate for sale this time.

“16 Dao Items! Puppets of the Void Refining Stage! 20,000 Tier 5 treasures!”

Just the first three things directly suppressed everyone.

“Brothers, starting from today, I will take you all over the central continent, and I will take you all over the world of immortality in the future.”

“Brother Wang, Brother Yu, Brother Zhou, don’t you always want to experience the feeling of being the president of the Chamber of Commerce?”

“You alone are in charge of a fairy city for me, and you have Xingzhou and Venerable-level combat power behind you.”

“Xiaoyun, you will follow me first. After a while, I will take you back to Sect. There are 5 Great Masters in my Sect light mixer.”

“We, Sect, Elder, have the appearance of Grand Great Master. I can let him accept you as a registered disciple, and the rest is up to you.”

“There are the remaining brothers. From now on you will be the backbone of my Hidden Spirit Chamber of Commerce, and each will be responsible for at least a fairy city or a human channel Star.” Pang Fu said passionately.

“Boss, don’t we revenge our grudges?” said a middle-aged man who knew he was an honest man at first glance.

“Vengeance, of course, must be reported, but now they are not important compared to the road we will take in the future.” Pang Fu smiled.

After he got the star boat, the railgun, and the combined puppet, those who previously suppressed the Own Chamber of Commerce, all became the scum level, and Pang Fu no longer bothered to avenge himself.

“Brother Huang, how about you keep the Water Cloud Immortal City? I will make you the head of the Chamber of Commerce here.” Pang Fu said with confidence, whoever can control the transportation channels these days is the king.

“Pang Dage, can I?” said the man surnamed Huang.

Hearing the words of the man surnamed Huang, he seemed to smile slightly, and a small light curtain hit directly in front of the man surnamed Huang.

“You bring these things to talk to Xiaoyunzong, the condition is to suppress the three major chambers of commerce in Shuiyunxian City.”

“At the same time, I will give you a batch of Magic Treasures, spirit mines, puppets, and form the Water Cloud Fairy City Hidden Spirit Chamber of Commerce, and you will specifically block the three major chambers of commerce.”

An aura of strategizing radiated from Pang Fu.

“Boss, leave it to me!” The man surnamed Huang said excitedly.

With these things in the light curtain, let alone suppress the three major chambers of commerce, let them kill them secretly without their conscience.

“Brothers are all unrequited talents and sincere to Shang Dao. In the past, they just didn’t want to bow their heads and violated own Shang Dao.”

“From today onwards, I want my brothers to stand and straighten up to implement Own Business Tao.”

Pang Fu said passionately, and everyone below was as if blood was beaten, their complexion was red, and the light named Hope was shining in their eyes.

According to Pang Fu’s plan, after the man surnamed Huang had talked with Xiaoyunzong, he left with a large force and began to lay out the entire central continent.

Huang Shan took a team of combined puppets and the Magic Treasures given to him by Pang Fu to Xiaoyunzong.

When Huangshan revealed the batch of Magic Treasures, he was immediately greeted warmly, and even Xiaoyun Venerable came out to entertain Huangshan himself.

The transaction went smoothly. As an additional condition to suppress the three major chambers of commerce, Xiaoyunzong immediately implemented it with all his strength.

As the strongest Sect in Shuiyunxiancheng, he spoke directly and cut off full contact with the three major chambers of commerce.

On the way Huangshan returned to Shuiyunxian City, an accident happened.

The presidents of the three major chambers of commerce and a idle Venerable stopped Huangshan’s returning team.

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