Chapter 557: 20% off the membership price

“The ultra-sky behemoths there recently should be more irritable, just be careful if there is a big deal.” Xu Fan reminded.

“Understood, I will pay attention.” Zhan Ling nodded and said, then got up and left.

“Yes, it has been really good recently. Not only has the Minister of Commerce returned, but the worrying Invincible Demon Venerable can’t stand up for a while.”

“Could it be that God has begun to care for my salted fish again?” Xu Fan said with a smile looking at the sky.

At this time, Xu Fan thought of Pang Fu again.

“Grape, all the sealed Nascent Soul and God-transforming puppet production lines have been opened to make them available for sale, and the previously stranded Magic Treasures production line has also been activated.”

“I hope Pang Fu can surprise me.” Xu Fan thought for a while and said.

“Yes, Master.” Grape’s voice sounded.

“Everything is on the right track again. As long as the puppet that refines the immortal artifact is researched out, then everything will be Wu You.” Xu Fan said, touching his chin.

“There are so many good things these days, then you should reward yourself appropriately.” Xu Fan said with narrowed eyes.

Not long after, a hidden light flew towards Linsen Xiancheng.

An ordinary-looking man looked up at the sign that said No. 83 branch of the Soul Sanatorium.

“Just this one.”

The man said that he stepped in.

“Welcome to the soul sanatorium, what do you need to do?”

“Relax the soul, or a full set of projects.” A sweet girl with a pair of rabbit ears in a white skirt said with a smile.

“How many Spirit Stones are in the full set?” the man asked.

He came this time, first to experience life, second to inspect people’s conditions, and third to attract investment.

“First-class Spirit Stones, if you have members here, you can still get a 20% discount.” said the sweet girl with rabbit ears.

“You need a hundred top-grade Spirit Stones for membership.” The rabbit girl added.

She looked at the ordinary-looking man, guessing his occupation in her heart.

Is it a sky puppet master or an ordinary cultivator?

Some time ago, a cultivator who wanted to break through the bottleneck had a whim and made a full set of them before breakthrough. As a result, the bottleneck that had troubled him for a long time was a silky breakthrough.

Let the soul sanatorium become popular again.

“Then come first with a full set.” The man said, just like the first brother who came for the first time.

At this moment, two sturdy men, Zhan Ling and the middle-aged butcher, walked into the soul sanatorium with their shoulders on their shoulders.

“No. 8 and No. 9, full set.” Zhan Ling shouted as he entered the door.

“Relax one by one, one soul,” the middle-aged butcher corrected.

“You do yours, I do mine, and the whole set is impure.” The middle-aged butcher said solemnly.

“You’re not pure, didn’t you see that I was just injured?”

“I’m driving a puppet, but I cut two Void Refining Phase Monster Races. I was injured so badly, is it too much to get a full set?” Ling Zhan said frontally.

Although he and Ling Ling are good buddies, he has not revealed that he is the identity of the hidden spirit gate Elder.

“Then I will also be a full set to accompany you. This time I will entertain you to celebrate your final breakthrough of Tier 6 Heavenly Puppet Master.” The middle-aged butcher changed his words.

The two just walked past the man side by side.

The man watched the two rabbit-eared girls greet them in, and finally paid the money and walked into the small single room.

An hour later, the man looked relaxed, and walked out of the soul sanatorium with incomparably high transparency.

“Things that can get hot really make sense to him.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

It was not that the Jade Light Demon Lord had not done soul indulgence for him before, but his technique was definitely not as professional here.

Xu Fan came out of the soul sanatorium and walked towards the Xiancheng Elder Club.

“Welcome to visit Elder.” Ningdao warmly welcomed him.

“Come here and take a look, Ning Dage has had a pretty good life these days~” Xu Fan asked with a smile.

“It’s okay, after a while, my dao companion will wake up, all thanks to the big Elder for subduing the Jade Rabbit clan.”

Ning Dao was very grateful. After the opening of the soul sanatorium, he had a whim and took the dao companion in a coma to relax the soul. He did not expect that the weird curse would slowly weaken, which made him happy. Crazy.

“This is good, Ning Dage and sister-in-law are finally able to get together.” Xu Fan smiled and congratulated.

“Thanks to Big Elder.”

“Ning Dage, since Genyan Venerable has left, can you contact the headquarters here?” Xu Fan asked curiously.

In recent years, star boats have come down outside Linsenxian City from time to time.

“Big Elder said yes, there are some things I can’t say.”

Ning Dao scratched his head in embarrassment. It was not that he didn’t want to say, but he couldn’t say that he signed the Heavenly Dao contract when he joined the Elder meeting.

“Ning Dage doesn’t need to explain, I understand.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“I just came here to ask, can some spirit mines be bought from inside the Elder Club?”

“This won’t work either. Now only the quota is sent over there, and there is no right to choose.”

Ning Dao was a little embarrassed, feeling that he couldn’t help with anything.

“okay then.”

Xu Fan finally chatted with Ning Dao for a while before returning to the Yinlingmen.

Three months later, the Serpent Spirit returned, loaded with the much-needed spirit mine of the hidden spirit gate.

“Big Elder, this is Sect’s desperate spirit mine, and the Spirit Stones sold by Magic Treasures to Sect.” Pang Fu said with a smile.

This time he ran very smoothly on the trade route, feeling that now there is gold everywhere in the extremely empty realm. As long as there is a star boat, a fool can make a lot of money.

Xu Fan looked at the list of spirit mines brought back by Pang Fu, and said in shock: “You are filling up the Snake Spirit space warehouse, right?”

“Yes, I hope Elder can expand a few more warehouses from the Snake Spirit.”

“Sometimes you can fill up the warehouse in one trip to those Xiancheng cities that haven’t landed on Xingzhou, and you can buy them at the disposal price,” Pang Fu said.

“Yes, I’ll let No. 1 and No. 2 refine a few portable space warehouses in a while.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

Pang Fu’s visit instantly solved the problem of the shortage of basic spirit mines in the hidden spirit gate.

“Big Elder, I will leave after unloading the spirit mine. The gap in Sect’s spirit mine is still a lot worse. I have to run a few more times in a hurry.”

“The next time I come back, it will be three months later,” Pang Fu said.

“No rest for a few days.” Xu Fan said that three Dao Items appeared in his hand.

“This is a customized Dao Item refined for you. There are five pieces in total, and the other two are still being refined. You should take these three items first.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

The minister of commerce, himself, didn’t even discuss the salary, so he got on the job as quickly as possible, and he couldn’t treat him badly.

“Big Elder, how can I be? You are really kind to me.” Pang Fu looked at the three Dao Items in Xu Fan’s hands with some emotion.

“You deserve it. As the Minister of the Yinlingmen Department of Commerce, you still have to have this sort of side.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

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