Chapter 560

“One and two, you two will work together to refine the Dao Item I need.”

“I started to concentrate on deducing the magical powers that condense the spirit body.” Xu Fan said sternly.

Two eyes suddenly stared at Xu Fan fiercely.

“Ontology, deducing gods can’t use too many minds, I know, you can do two things with one mind.”

“So, don’t be lazy at this time.” Clone No.1 looked at Xu Fan and said, with alertness in his eyes.

“This time No.1 is right. For such an important Dao Item, there is a slight mistake. What if your soul becomes faulty in the body?” No.2 clone said next to it.

The first and second clones reached an alliance in an instant, controlling Xu Fan not to let him salted.

“Exercising supernatural powers is also very exhausting. Will you please be considerate of me?”

“It is necessary to refine Dao Item, but also to deduce supernatural powers. You are bullying me.” Xu Fan countered.

“Don’t talk nonsense, I am your clone, I don’t know your situation yet~”

“Refining this kind of Dao Item is very exhausting. If you don’t participate in the refining, in case the refining fails, you don’t know when you can collect the second set of Dao Item fairy-level spirit mines.” Seeing Xu Fan threateningly said.

Xu Fan sketched the refining process of this Dao Item in his mind, and suddenly realized that this should be the Dao Item that they had the most difficult refining so far.

“When it’s big, I will refining this Dao Item with you.” Xu Fan thought for a while and said.

Xu Fan carefully estimated the success rate of this Dao Item refining, and found that if No. 1 and No. 2 dominate, there is a real possibility that the refining will fail, although the probability is very small.

Clone No. 1 and No. 2 laughed.

“Ontology, that’s right!”

“Everything we do is to make you Wu You in this world.”

“What’s the extra effort in the early stage? Late stage is the key.” The second clone said with a smile.

“Think about it, in the future, there will be ten puppets next to you, letting you walk sideways in this realm. There is no problem, right?”

“Who would dare to disturb you salted fish then?” Clone No.1 gave Xu Fan a squinted smile.

Xu Fannao made up this picture.

“Then what are you waiting for? Come back to the underground space with me, and let’s do it.”

Xu Fan is full of energy once again for a better life of salted fish in the future.

Three months later, the Serpent Spirit descended on the Yinlingmen.

“From far away, what is Elder doing recently?” Pang Fu asked suspiciously.

In the past, after he returned to Sect, Xu Fan would usually see him the first time after making an appointment with Pupe.

“And the grapes are gone.” Pang Fu said again.

“Big Elder has been refining equipment recently, and even Grape seems to have used all his computing power to assist this refining.”

“So this time, I will receive Minister Pang.” Qiu Ziyuan said respectfully.

Now the management power of the entire Sect has been indirectly transferred to Qiu Ziyuan, and Grape is only for guidance.

“Since the big Elder clone can’t be extracted, I must be refining fairy tools, right?” Pang Fu said expectantly.

“I don’t know, but it can make Elder take it so seriously. It is not a fairy, but it is also a very important Dao Item.” Qiu Ziyuan said with some pride.

“In the future, the strength of our Sect will rise to another level. I don’t know if we can refine the legendary Yuzhou in the future.” Pang Fu muttered while looking at the sky.

“I believe there will be that day.” Qiu Ziyuan looked in the direction of the underground space.

He came to Yinlingmen since he was 6 years old, a place where he can eat and drink, and he can also learn to cultivate immortals.

From then on, he vowed to protect this Sect with his life.

But as time went on, he began to discover how powerful the Baiyin Lingmen really was.

Even after the crisis of the passage between the two realms broke out, with other Sect comparisons, he was even more proud of being a disciple of the Hidden Spirit Gate.

After the two talked, they began to officially hand over the spirit mine and temporary supplies.

A spherical stone shining with starlight appeared in Pang Fu’s hand.

“After you can communicate with Grape, you ask him to give this to Elder. It is said that this star stone can be connected to a secret realm somewhere in the upper realm.”

“I don’t know if it is true or not, so I ask Elder to control it.” Pang Fu said, handing the star stone to Qiu Ziyuan’s hands.

“Understand, I must convey it truthfully.” Qiu Ziyuan finally handed the star stone in Pang Fu’s hand to a puppet next to him.

After the materials were handed over, Pang Fu didn’t stay too much, and set off again, flying towards the extreme sky.

At this time, in the underground space, Sand Sculpture was watching Xu Fan and the two clones refining Dao Item intently.

“Big Elder and No.1 and No.2 have worked together to refine a Dao Item. This situation is really rare.” Sha Sculpture said with a smile.

“If I read it right, you guys want to refine a formation-type Dao Item, I don’t know if I am right.”

Sha Sculpture looked at the refining techniques of Xu Fan and No.1 and No.2 in a little fascinated.

Actually it is not the three of them, the refining methods are extremely superb, but because they are too ordinary, they have no subtlety at all.

Even if a junior crafting master comes to watch it, he can analyze one, two, three.

But it was this unremarkable refining technique that made the sand sculpture feel the origin of refining.

“Senior Brother Sha, you are right, this is a Dao Item for formation.” Xu Fan said with one heart and three uses.

While refining the tools, he deduced supernatural powers in his mind, and finally had time to chat with Sha Sculpture.

“Is this Dao Item difficult to refine? Even the big Elder is out.” Sand Sculpture asked curiously.

“It’s not too difficult, it’s just that the spirit mines you need are very precious, plus some places are really hard to control.”

“So for the sake of our hidden spirits door, I can only go out in person.”

Xu Fan reaped two small eyes.

The clones No.1 and No.2 are all in the celestial mines in the refining hands, and they don’t have the time to take care of Xu Fan.

“Senior Brother Sha, why are you free to come here today?” Xu Fan asked.

“I saw the grapes suddenly failed, so I came over to ask about the situation.”

“Is the grape doing something important? Recovered all the computing power?” Sand Sculpture asked curiously.

Some of his experimental data need to be tuned out by grapes.

“Oh, Grape is now fully deducing a magical power, and the result is out of control, and now he has put all his computing power into it.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

At first, Xu Fan tried to ask Grape to help him perform this magical power, but then suddenly discovered that Grape’s logical ability could independently perform this magical power.

But because of the first deduction of Grape and the infinite extension of this magical power, it accidentally poured all the non-essential computing power into it.

“Grape can already deduce magical powers, amazing.”

“Then I can combine the refining tools together, can grapes help me deduct it? Get the best alloy formula.” Sha Diao said excitedly.

“It’s better not to do this, it’s a bit of a waste of grapes.”

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