Chapter 562 Heavenly Soul Jade Spirit Plate

Xu Fan and the two avatars are concentrating on refining Dao Item.

A stone shining with starlight appeared in front of Xu Fan.

“Who sent this here?” Xu Fan asked suspiciously.

“Minister Pangfu left it to his master when he left.” Grape asked.

When Xu Fan heard this, the mixer switched to one-handed mode again.

One hand picked up the shining golden stone and examined it carefully.

“Vice Minister Pang said that this stone has something to do with a secret realm in the upper realm.” said Grape.

At this time, Xu Fan just wanted to investigate further, but was stopped by the clone No.1 and No.2.

“Ontology, this Dao Item will be refined in three years, can you be more serious?”

“When you look at this thing, you know that it is the key to the secret realm, and there is starlight condensed on it. It hasn’t reached the critical point yet. It’s useless to see through your eyeballs.”

Hearing the words of the two avatars, Xu Fan slowly put down the stone shining with stars.

“You underestimated me, am I the kind of person who takes the opportunity to be lazy?”

Xu Fan said that he began to concentrate on refining the Dao Item in front of him.

“Actually, you two can refine it~” Xu Fan muttered softly.

The result provokes two more blank eyes.

Finally, in order not to be bored, Xu Fan put himself into a state of selflessness and began to concentrate on refining Dao Item.

The refining device has no years, three years have passed.

On an originally peaceful day, the entire hidden spirit gate was suddenly swept by a strange wave.

The first and second avatars are accepting Dao Item’s feedback comfortably, and Xu Fan looks enviously from the side.

He has already cultivated to the peak of the God Transformation Stage, and if he continues to give feedback, it is estimated that he will have to be stiffened once.

As the Dao Item feedback ended, a piece of jade Feng Shui compass appeared in front of the three.

“The Heavenly Soul Jade Spirit Plate, this is the most complicated Dao Item I have refined so far.” Xu Fan said with emotion while looking at the Heavenly Soul Jade Spirit Plate.

“Ontology, this is just your beginning. If you want to be stable in the future, you need to work harder for a while.” Clone No.1 said with a smile. He can already think of the scene where Xu Fan personally refines Dao Item in the future.

“No. One, what thought makes people think that I want to make an immortal weapon.” Xu Fan said with a smile while looking at the No.1 clone.

“I can’t take over the spirit body either!”

Clone One has an ominous premonition.

“It’s okay, I can solve all these things. I refining tools for three years, half of the time is deducing how to perfectly control the spirit body to refine the fairy tools.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Ontology, you are a bit too much~” Clone No.1 quit.

“For the sake of our Yinlingmen’s great cause, why don’t we make a little sacrifice?”

“Furthermore, if I devote myself to making immortal artifacts, what should I do if Sect is in crisis?”

Xu Fan gently beckoned as he spoke, let the Heavenly Soul Jade Spirit Plate float in front of him, and turned on the master recognition mode.

Finally, the Heavenly Soul Jade Spirit Plate unfolded instantly, and a cyan aura covered the entire underground space Refining Hall.

“Grape, mobilize half of the Five Elements Origin Spiritual Qi in the Source World.” Xu Fan ordered.

“Yes, master.”

Finally, the entire refining hall was filled with the Five Elements origin Spiritual Qi.

“Keep your eyes open and witness the moment of miracle.”

A virtual image of a thousand hands appeared behind Xu Fan.

The Thousand-Hand Virtual Image slowly put his palms together, and then held hands to seal together.

In an instant, all the Spiritual Qi from the origin of Five Elements were mobilized by Xu Fan.

First, a spiritual heart appears, then the bones and meridians of the human body begin to form slowly, and finally flesh and blood fill.

An ordinary-looking spirit body appeared in the refining hall, waiting to be connected and summoned like a robot.

“Ontology, your supernatural powers are amazing!” Clone No.1 and No.2 said in surprise.

“Grape’s general computing power in the past few years has all been included, and it has also cleverly avoided system restrictions.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“I have my soul now, plus the increase in Dao Item, I can reach the level of early stage fit.”

As Xu Fan said, his soul came out of his body and attached to the spirit body.

The spirit body Xu Fan slowly opened his eyes, and the last aura exploded from him.

“It’s not the same, it’s completely different from manipulating a puppet.” Xu Fan said excitedly.

After Xu Fan’s experience was average, his soul returned to the noumenon.

He smiled and looked at clone number one.

“Come on, I will help you transfer your consciousness to the spirit body. From now on you will be the highest Cultivation Base among the three of us.”

The Thousand-Hands phantom behind Xu Fan again sealed the spell.

Two pairs of soft aura hands, gently squeezed the first clone, and placed it next to the spiritual body.

The last magic circle merged No. 1 and No. 2.

“Am I going to appear as a spirit body in the future?” Clone No. 1 asked.

“No, when you step out of the range covered by the Heavenly Soul Jade Spirit Plate, you will be separated from the spirit body.”

“Come in again, the spiritual body will instantly merge with you.”

“No. 2, don’t laugh. No. 1 is responsible for the early stage of refining the immortal artifacts. You will go to the late stage when you need to portray the immortal grammar formation.” Xu Fan said with a smile, and none of them could escape.

“It’s still the ontology that has been thoughtful enough, and the control of Xianwen is of course the strongest number two.” The number one clone. I suddenly felt that the depression in my heart had dropped a lot.

“That’s it, I can take on the late stage part of refining the immortal implement.” Knowing that he could not escape, the second clone simply accepted Xu Fan’s arrangement.

“There is still plenty of time. We have worked hard for the past three years, so we will give you a one-year holiday, and then we will start refining our first Mahayana puppet at the Yinlingmen.” Xu Fan said.

“Okay.” The two avatars nodded.

Above the huge lake of 100,000 miles, Xu Fan sitting on the spirit boat said with emotion: “It’s not easy. After all the hard work, it is finally liberated.”

In fact, after Dao Item refining was completed, Xu Fan spoke.

In fact, it is grapes that have been deducing supernatural powers. Xu Fan has always been deducing how to make the No.1 and No.2 clone perfectly blend with the spiritual body?

The first and second clones originally wanted to see Xu Fan’s jokes. After Dao Item was refined, they thought that it had nothing to do with them.

Xu Fan held a fishing rod and looked at the surface of the huge lake in a leisurely manner.

A treasure-level spirit boat slowly flew towards Xu Fan.

Pang Fu came to Xu Fan’s spirit boat.

“Congratulations to Elder for successfully refining Dao Item.” Pang Fu said with a smile.

“Tongxi, Tongxi, I heard that you have gained a lot in the Territory of the Sky recently, and you can even get the seventh-level spiritual mine that Sect needs.”

Xu Fan said with a smile, and couldn’t help sighing, leaving professional things to professional people can really inspire unexpected surprises.

At this time, Xu Fan looked at Pang Fu’s treasure ship.

“I didn’t let those monster refining tools Great Master change your car, why are you still driving the old antique?” Xu Fan asked with a smile.

“Get used to it, besides, this treasure vessel is very commemorative.”

“It was the first spirit boat produced by the grape control production line, so I have been using it until now.”

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