Chapter 565

The grapes marked the possible location of Master Wang Linger on the map. The farthest place is millions of miles away from Xiancheng, where is the world of Demonic Beasts.

In addition, the grape clone requires huge data analysis and Spiritual Qi fluctuations to determine where there is a secret realm.

Therefore, Wang Yulun simply took out all the puppets and spirit boats to prevent accidents halfway through.

A huge fleet of spirit boats is advancing in a certain direction at a very fast speed.

From time to time on the road, there were Demonic Beasts who were about to attack the Lingzhou fleet, all of which were easily killed by the puppets.

The entire Lingzhou fleet brought by these three people spent half a year looking for it.

“I feel that Master is right in front, why can’t I find it?” Wang Linger said bitterly.

“Don’t worry, look for it slowly, I believe Master must be alive.” Wang Yulun walked to his daughter and said comfortingly.

“Fengfeng Wang, the Spiritual Qi is detected in front of me, and there is a suspected secret realm hidden here.”

“I hope it is true this time.” Wang Yulun said expectantly.

“I feel that Master must be inside this time.” Wang Linger said firmly.

“That’s OK, let’s go and see.” Wang Yulun said.

In the past six months, they have detected four ruins, large and small.

Every relic has a lot of gains, but there is no teacher of Wang Linger.

A hundred puppets of the Void Refining Period specialized in detecting the relics flew down from the spirit boat and flee in the direction of the relics.

At this time, Wang Ling’er’s master was being chased and killed by a Mahayana-level Demonic Beasts in the ruins.

“I can’t die, Ling’er is still outside, what should I do if she was bullied in the middle door when I died?” Wang Ling’er’s master said firmly.

“Fortunately, this Demonic Beasts did not give birth to a spiritual intelligence, and I still have a chance to get rid of it.”

As Wang Ling’er’s master said, her figure disappeared into the air.


The Mahayana Demonic Beasts, seeing its prey disappear, suddenly roared to the sky.

The sound that spread out instantly knocked out Wang Ling’er’s master’s figure.

At this moment, another Mahayana Demonic Beasts appeared in front of Master Wang Linger.

Master Wang Linger’s beautiful eyes looked forward in despair.

“There is even a Mahayana level Demonic Beasts!”

When the two Mahayana Demonic Beasts pounced on Master Wang Linger, the entire secret realm suddenly shook.

A giant gate unfolds in the secret realm sky.

Master Wang Linger, taking advantage of the two Mahayana Demonic Beasts looking at the sky in a daze, they quickly fled into the distance.

A huge fleet of spirit boats passed through the giant gate.

Then there were two bizarre giant cannons emitting two silver lights, which instantly penetrated the two Mahayana Demonic Beasts.


The aftermath of the railgun shot into the ground instantly caused the terrain to collapse on a large scale.

Standing on the spirit boat, Wang Yulun saw the ground covered in smoke below.

“Grape clone, clear the smoke.” Wang Yulun said calmly.

Killing two Mahayana Demonic Beasts was just a small scene in his eyes.

Several puppets in the Void Refining Period combined to perform the technique of torrential rain.

In a short while, the smog pervading the earth was washed away by the rainstorm.

“Ling’er, I seem to have seen your master.” Wang Yulun looked into the distance, as if she had been stunned Qianying said.

At the same time, Wang Ling’er’s master looked towards the sky after knowing that he was saved, just to see Wang Yulun on the deck of the spirit boat.

At this time, Wang Yulun wore a white robe, standing on the spirit boat like a divine.

Standing proudly, with sword eyebrows and stars, his eyes are as deep as the Galaxy Cluster in the night sky.

At this time, Wang Yulun’s eyes coincided with Master Wang Ling’er.

At that moment, she seemed to see a ray of light, illuminating her from the depths of despair.

Just when Master Wang Linger wanted to step forward and thank you.

A ray of light rushed down from the spirit boat and plunged into her arms.

“Master, I finally found you!”

Wang Linger hugged her master tightly and buried her head deeply in the softness.

“Master, the disciple finally found you. During this period of time, the disciple wants to kill you.” Wang Linger said with a hint of weeping.

“Who is the man standing on the spirit boat? Is he my benefactor to save me?” Master Wang Linger asked first.

“That’s my father, don’t you know Master, do you?” Wang Ling’er said suspiciously.

“That’s your father! I’ve had a relationship before, why don’t you look like it?” Master Wang Linger said in shock.

“Oh, my dad has a magical power called combat special effect. After my dad changes back, Master should have known each other.” Wang Linger said with a smile.

“Master, the disciple has worked so hard to find you after all kinds of wrongs.”

“Should you not comfort the disciple first?” Wang Linger said coquettishly.

At this time, the huge Lingzhou fleet slowly fell.

“Embroidery senior, are you okay?”

Wang Yulun and his wife got off the spirit boat.

“Thank you Wang fellow daoist, Murong fellow daoist for helping.” Xiuxin said gratefully, with a slight disappointment in her eyes.

“Xiuxin fellow daoist is polite, you are Ling’er’s master, so you should be so.” Wang Yulun said politely.

After a few people recounted the past, Wang Yulun raised doubts.

“Why is the senior trapped here for so long?” Wang Yulun said.

At this time, the puppets on the spirit boat began to be on guard, distributed within a radius of hundreds of miles, eliminating everything that could threaten Wang Yulun’s existence.

Although Xiuxin was a little shocked by the strength of these puppets, she didn’t have too many questions.

“This secret realm has no export. I have searched for this secret realm for several years, but I haven’t found a way to go out.”

“And now you are also involved.” Xiuxin said with some shame.

“Grape clone, did you detect the exit of this secret realm?” Wang Yulun asked.

“A strange magic circle has been detected and its purpose is being analyzed. It is suspected to be related to the export.” The voice of the grape clone sounded.

At the beginning, Xu Fan thought of everything he could think of for the safety of his good brother, and even gave the grape clone all the permissions.

“It is estimated that it will take three days, please be patient.”

Wang Yulun heard the words of the Grape Clone and said: “Let’s wait for a while, there must be a way to get out in the end.”

“Then go back to my Immortal Cave first, it’s safer there.” Xiuxin nodded.


A valley surrounded by hurricanes on all sides.

Several people gathered on the spot and made a splendid dinner.

“I don’t know where the senior plans to go after the secret realm is released?” Wang Yulun asked.

“After I go out, I want to take Ling’er to live in seclusion and cultivate well, so that when the two worlds merge here in the future, there will be a foundation for life.” Xiuxin thought for a while and said.

“If this is the case, how about senior taking Ling’er back to Yin Lingmen with me?”

“Now my Sect has cleared all the surrounding monster races, there is no evil of the monster race, it is very suitable for seclusion cultivation.” Wang Yulun invited.

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