Chapter 568 Surrender and Cooperation

“The leader of the Lingjia clan is quite tough.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

The mortal kingdom at this time has been surrounded by millions of puppets sent by Xu Fan.

A fly in the sky and the ground can’t fly out.

In the sky above the mortal kingdom, there are space-based satellites that are part of the hunger strike gathering spirit array.

“There is a saying in the cultivating world, called toasting and not eating fine wine. It seems that you haven’t understood the meaning of this sentence.” The leading puppet said coldly.

“You have the ability to turn us into demon slaves, but before we become demon slaves, I will be drawn to the entire mortal kingdom as a companion.” A fierce color flashed across the face of the silver armored man.

At this moment, countless auras shot into the sky from the border of the mortal kingdom, and finally formed a space that blocked the entry and exit of Spiritual Qi.

“You have no chance.”

As soon as the headed puppet finished speaking, the hunger strike in the sky started.

Suddenly, the Spiritual Qi of the mortal country where the Lingjia clan was located was sucked away in large numbers.

At the same time, a wonderful voice resounded in the sky, like the singing of Fairy and the sound of heaven.

As soon as the trapped spirit armor family wanted to resist, they were confused by the sound and turned into an armored state, extremely tough and indestructible.

“If you don’t find a thigh to hold this Lingjia clan’s characteristics, you are just looking for death.” Xu Fan said with a smile while looking at the light curtain.

He knew all the advantages and disadvantages of the slime-like spirit armor clan after he saw it.

The advantage is the super defensive power of the Lingjia family, whether it is a spell attack or a physical attack, it has excellent defensive power.

And the magical powers that give you Clan A are all related to defense.

The disadvantage is that it has weak resistance to spells such as Ecstasy. Once unconscious, it will turn into a hard armor.

“Unconscious, I will take away Spiritual Qi for you, so you can melt the jelly one by one.” Xu Fan said while looking at the light curtain.

“Hidden Spirit Gate, you look down on my Lingjia clan too much, now my clan already has a way to guard against ecstasy.”

“That shortcoming of my clan has happened hundreds of years ago.”

Just when the silver armor was proud, he suddenly felt something wrong. He found that his body was slowly softening, and the Spirit Power in his body was consumed at an extremely fast speed.

Before they finished speaking, it turned into a pool of viscous liquid and rolled down from the middle-aged man.

For a time, the entire mortal kingdom hundreds of thousands of Lingjia clan all turned into jelly.

“Let’s raise it first, you can only do brainwashing if you don’t surrender.” Xu Fan said.

He has some good feelings for all the behaviors of this clan coming to The Mortal Realm.

Even if it is attached to a mortal with Spiritual Roots, it does not control his mind and live in peace with him.

“Yes.” Grape responded.

Three days later, Xu Fan had a silvery frozen substance in front of his eyes.

“Did you think about it? The benefits of surrendering to my hidden spirit gate are great.” Xu Fan said as he looked at the silver jelly on the ground that didn’t want to move.

“I said that we are separated from the Lingjia clan, and it is impossible for us to surrender to other races or strong people in this life.”

“Even if we control all of us, the spirit of our race will always pass on.”

A human face appeared on the silver jelly, and said excitedly.

“Spiritual things can only be circulated when someone sings praises, and I have caught your line in one pot.”

“Even if I kill you, who else knows besides me?” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Anyway, our line cannot be surrendered to the human race.” Silver Jelly said stubbornly.

“I’ve seen the magical powers of your clan once.”

“To be honest, your clan’s talent is very strong, but this life Cultivation Technique supernatural power really drags your Lingjia clan back.”

Xu Fan sits leisurely on the recliner, admiring the Xiong Eryun in the sky, and there are various snacks on hand. This is his most comfortable state.

“I admire your clan very much. Give your clan a chance. How about cooperating with my hidden spirit gate?”

When Silver Jelly heard this, he was interrupted by Xu Fan as soon as he wanted to speak.

“As a sincere cooperation, I will help your family optimize Cultivation Technique and supernatural powers, and provide basic benefits.”

A light curtain appeared in front of the silver jelly.

“Large-scale gathering of spirits, foundation attached to puppets, Magic Treasures trading privileges, and top-level special offerings from Five Elements…”

Looking at the various benefits and responsibilities in the light curtain, Silver Jelly gradually became a little excited.

But in the end he reacted, isn’t this tmd’s condition of surrender when he came back?

“What’s the difference between this and the surrender conditions you gave back then? And the conditions are worse than last time!” Silver Jelly felt that he had been deceived.

“The difference is big, the conditions of surrender have become the conditions of cooperation, and our relationship is now equal.”

Xu Fan pointed his finger at the silver jelly and pointed at himself, and then drew a sign of equality in the air.

“In my opinion, it makes no difference.” Silver Jelly said.

“At least it sounds better, just like the two big clans who surrendered to our clan, the Yuguangtu clan and the Fenglanyuyan clan, they are all dependent clan.”

“And you are the monster race that cooperates with my hidden spirit gate, except that you can’t run too far, the rest are free.” Xu Fan said.

He had seen too many stubborn people before. If he could persuade him, he would persuade him.

“The word cooperation represents freedom, and it also means that the spirit of your line can still be passed on.”

Xu Fan’s words hit the silver jelly’s heart.

“You have to think about it, I have no patience for a small force like you that doesn’t even have a demon.”

“If you miss this opportunity, you can only turn your line into demon slaves.”

Xu Fan, lying on the recliner, turned his head and glanced at the silver jelly.

Today he is in a good mood, so he will take the initiative to persuade him.

The silver jelly did not speak, but only shrank the body into a standard ball.

After a long time, a sound came from the standard silver sphere.

“As for the conditions, I ask you to take the Heavenly Dao Oath, so that our family can cooperate with you.”

The silver ball turned into a pool of silver jelly.

“Yes, the cooperation is mutual, Heavenly Dao vowed that you will also send it.” Xu Fan said with a smile. He picked up the grape-like spirit fruit from his hand and stuffed it into his mouth.

“Okay, our family will cooperate with you.” Silver Jelly said.

When they knew about the existence of the Hidden Spirit Gate, they were thinking about the whole family migration, but they were reluctant to cultivate the companion human race for such a long time.

Just when they were hesitating, Xu Yuexian found them, and there was a scene in front of him.

“That’s right, not all monster races can cooperate with my hidden spirit gate.” Xu Fan said as he took out a puppet in the integrated stage.

“This is a gift I gave you personally. I modified it a little according to the characteristics of your family.”

“This puppet should suit your family well.”

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