Chapter 571

Xu Fan looked at the wreckage in the light curtain, and countless streams of light flashed in his eyes.

There is also a strange seal on both hands.

A cloud of mist appeared in Xu Fan’s eyes, and various Karma lines were implicated in that cloud of mist.

Seeing this, Xu Fan knew that this event was not foreseeable anymore, because if he wanted to clear the mist, he had to pay for his life.

And the limitation of the system lies in this. If he dares to break this mist, the system dares to kill him.

“Grape, call me Zhang Xueling.” Xu Fan said.

After a while, Zhang Xueling, who had just left the dojo, slowly returned to Xu Fan.

“I’m going out for a trip, and you will preside over the puzzle-solving session.”

“Don’t refuse, I know you have this strength.”

After Xu Fan finished speaking, he quickly left the main peak dojo and flew towards the place where the wreckage landed with a team of puppets.

Fortunately, the place where the wreck landed was not far from the Yinling Island.

It didn’t take long for Xu Fan to find the wreckage.

“This was caught by the extremely empty behemoth, and it is still the extremely empty behemoth that will block space.” Xu Fan said, feeling the aura of the remains of the wreckage.

“I don’t know if there is anything wrong with Elder Zhan Ling?” Xu Fan said solemnly.

He knew that Spirit Slayer should have encountered an extremely empty behemoth controlled by the monster clan.

“There is Qianling Venerable, there should be no problem with life preservation.” Xu Fan knew that Qianling Venerable must have something similar to the jade talisman clone.

When Xu Fan was worried about the safety of these people, Grape found the main remains of Yinling 2 that was landing.

“There is a Spirit Power reaction in the main body, and it is inferred that it should be Elder.” Grape’s voice sounded.

Xu Fan took the puppet again and flew towards the place where the main body wreckage of Putao Calculation Yinling 2 landed.

“Grape, send a local hidden puppet to lower the speed of Yinling 2 for me.” Xu Fan ordered that the main body of Yinling 2 was too large, and he was afraid that it would hurt Zhanling if the speed was too fast.


Hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from Linsen Fairy City, a huge warehouse rose up, from which tens of thousands of Nascent Soul puppets flew towards the sky.

“Master, the puppet warehouse No. 1030 is nearby, and it has already begun to implement the blocking plan.” Grape said.

“Okay, prepare the railgun to prevent the monster warship of the monster race from landing.”


At this time, Xu Fan had replaced the Queen Dao Item spirit boat and flew towards the landing point at a very fast speed.

After half an hour, Xu Fan saw the remains of the main body smoking thickly in the distance.

Some puppets have placed the unconscious Spirit Slayer to a safe place.

A green aura emerged from Xu Fan’s hand, and then another healing sacred product penetrated into Spirit Slasher’s body along with the aura in Xu Fan’s hand.

“The soul is shaking, but fortunately, Elder’s soul is strong enough, otherwise it will become a plant Venerable.” Xu Fan said with a sigh of relief.

In his eyes, the Xingzhou was destroyed when it was destroyed, as long as the people on it were okay.

Afterwards, Xu Fan injected several soul-raising spirit pills into Soul Slasher.

After a long time, Zhan Ling woke up leisurely and saw Xu Fan’s first sentence.

“Big Elder, disciple on the Xingzhou, I brought you back one by one.”

After Zhan Ling finished speaking, he fainted again with a relieved expression.

Xu Fan heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the sentence he most wanted to hear.

“If you don’t have your heart, it’s gone, and everyone is alive.” Xu Fan’s heart that mentioned to his chest fell.

After three days, Zhan Ling woke up again leisurely, and then explained the cause and effect.

“Qianling fellow daoist and I encountered the monster fleet and the behemoth of the sky in the depths of the sky.” Zhan Ling said slowly.

“Is it still the old tortoise?”

“No, it’s an extremely empty behemoth like a dragon, and it can also block space.”

“First of all, I was attacked. At that time, the tail of the star boat was directly torn apart by the extremely empty beast.”

“Fortunately, I brought my disciples and crew members into my treasure house earlier.”

“After that, the fellow daoist Qianling was very decisive, and directly released the avatar of the great Elder of the Qianlingzong hiding beside him.”

“Although the Great Thousand Spirit Sect Elder clone is evenly matched with the extremely empty behemoth, the Yinling II still got a few claws.”

“Finally, I was dispersed by the dragon-like extremely empty behemoth with a roar.” Ling Ling said a little unwillingly.

“It’s okay, just come back alive.” Xu Fan said comfortingly.

“It’s a pity that the Yinling 2 was not brought back completely” Zhan Ling said with a sigh.

At this moment, the sound of the grape alarm sounded.

“Vigilance, there are three monster warships invading!”

“The three monster warships of the monster race are all moon class”

Grape’s voice became harsh.

“All the railguns are ready, now that they are here, stay and be a guest!”

Xu Fan said that a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

at this time. The Demon Venerable in the Demon Race Behemoth Battleship headed by him was looking red at the ground below.

“It’s a fairy city of human race, this time we have a good fortune.” Said a demon with a single horn hehe.

“Don’t slaughter the city this time, I want to keep those human races for fun.”

The main control room of the monster warship headed by the monster clan sounded the voice of another demon master operating the monster warship, extremely bloodthirsty and cruel.

“At that time, use the Burning Spirit Blood Array to deprive the minds of all races in this fairy city, and let them survive with the most humble flesh races.”

“You have a good idea, I like it very much.” The headed Yao Zun said with a smile.

“Remember this position, go back in a while, and a warship will report to the lord.”


At this moment, six straight silver lights shot through the sky instantly, directly penetrating two of the monster battleships of the monster race.

Then the last one was set on fire and directly penetrated the behemoth warship through the protective shield.

Between the lightning and the fire, the three moon-level monster monster battleships were destroyed.

“I really don’t know what to say, do you think you can do whatever you want with a thick shield?” Xu Fan said disdainfully when he looked at the light curtain.

“Unfortunately, I directly met the extremely empty behemoth at first, and I have never had the opportunity to fight with this legendary moon-level behemoth battleship.” Zhan Ling said.

“Actually, it is no different from a normal behemoth warship. It’s just that where you need one shot before, you can hit three shots accurately.” Xu Fan said.

“Grape, go and retrieve the three monster monster battleships, there should be good things on them.” Xu Fan said.

“Yes, when I saw the appearance of the extremely empty behemoth, I wanted to leave the inner zone.”

“If there is no accident, these giant beast battleships should be fully loaded, hoping to make up for the loss of the hidden spirit 2.”

Speaking of Yinling 2, Zhanling’s expression dimmed again.

He knew how much resources and energy Sect spent on this starship?

It has not been used for many years and has been destroyed by the extremely empty behemoth.

“Yinling No. 2 is gone, there will be No. 3, No. 4 and No. 5, which will take its place. Then Elder can drive it with ease and continue mining.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

In his eyes, this Yinling 2 is no different from the previous car.

As the hidden spirit door becomes stronger and stronger, this car will definitely get better and better.

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