Chapter 573

“Since Venerable is so open and bright, I can’t be stingy here. The extremely empty beasts can refine Magic Treasures. I will help Venerable refine them for free.” Xu Fan said with some surprises.

Really, it’s a blessing to be invincible.

Missed a Yinling-2, but took over a huge order and made up for the loss exponentially.

“The big Elder is big, and my Qianlingzong is willing to form an ally with the hidden spirit gate.” Qianling Venerable said.

There is a saying that Sect’s best ally.

That is, except for the disciple, the inheritance of Sect, the magical power of Cultivation Technique, and the treasure house, the rest are close to the family.

“My hidden spirit gate is willing to form a perfect ally with Qianlingzong.” Xu Fan responded with a smile.

At this time, Xu Fan felt a slight change in the luck of Sect loaded on the grape body.

At the same time, Elder, the Supreme Master guarding the Qianlingzong, also felt the change in his Sect luck.

“That’s fine too.” Qian Lingzong Taishang Elder nodded and said.

Xu Fan, who was chatting with Qianling Venerable, suddenly thought of the consumption of Mahayana puppets, so he spoke to the second clone in his heart.

“Go to the plain behind the main peak, take a little Blood Essence of the Extreme Sky Giant Beast, and see if it can replace the puppet consumption.”

She was holding the second avatar who was reading a novel, and closed the big thick book in her hand.

“Every day, I can’t get a better life.”

The second clone spoke and left her warm nest.

Qianling Venerable looked at the star stone Xu Fan handed over to the Guest Hall on the main peak of the Yinlingmen.

“You said that the secret realm guarded by the Yaozu has something to do with the Great Thousand World.”

Xu Fan nodded and waved his hand to project a part of the map of the inner area of ​​the Extreme Sky Territory, enclosing the area guarded by the monster race.

“It’s here, and I feel that the secret realm is destined to me, Venerable, do you want to go in and have a look?” Xu Fan said, he always had a familiar aura when he divination to this area.

“There are heavy monsters guarding there, can Elder get in there?” Qianling Venerable asked.

“It’s easy to say, let the Elder Club know the news first, and when they forcefully intervene in, we can fish in troubled waters.” Xu Fan said hehe.

Qianling Venerable pondered for a while, and then nodded and said, “Then I will go in with Big Elder to take a look. Then I will take the boss’s clone and escort Big Elder.”

“Then trouble Venerable.” Xu Fan said with some surprise.

He was a simple invitation, but he didn’t expect a surprise.

“What are we polite between the two schools~” Qianling Venerable waved and said with a smile.

In the following period of time, the Great Master, the monster refiner in Sect, quickly repaired the classical star boat.

On the plain behind the main peak, Xu Fan waved to the sky to bid farewell to Qianling Venerable.

“Master, are you really going to the secret realm in the Extreme Sky Territory?” Xu Gang asked.

“Go, I feel that the place is very familiar, there must be something I need.” Xu Fan said.

He didn’t know whether God gave him benefits or good brothers gave him benefits.

“I’ll go with the Master, so I can take care of it.” Xu Gang said worriedly.

“There is a Qianling Venerable company on the road, you don’t need to protect me.”

“Although you are a little better now.”

Xu Fan looked at Xu Gang up and down, and felt that this big apprentice had recently become acquainted, and his progress was so fast that even he was a little surprised.

“Then Venerable is an outsider after all, how can I be protected?” Xu Gang said concerned.

Xu Fan patted Xu Gang’s shoulder with a hand, and a Restrictions penetrated into Xu Gang’s body.

“If you can get rid of these Restrictions within three years, I will take you with you.” Xu Fan said.

As soon as Xu Fan said this, Xu Yuexian wanted to follow along.

“Master, I…”

Before she finished speaking, Xu Fan infiltrated her with Restrictions.

“You are the same as your brother.” Xu Fan said that he went back to the small courtyard leisurely.

Sect is no big deal. In Xu Fan’s salted fish, three years have passed.

Above the huge lake of 100,000 miles, Xu Fan is holding the green-skin dragon egg for egg teaching.

After several years of Xu Fan’s vomiting blood teaching, the green dragon eggs have become obedient babies.

“Okay, let’s go play.” Xu Fan said, in Tianjigui’s white eyes, he threw 6 dragon eggs into the huge lake of 100,000 miles in turn.

“Big Elder, the agreed time with Qianling fellow daoist is up, do you want me to go with you?” Zhanling said next to him.

“No, Elder can stay and sit in Sect. There is Qianling Venerable over there, nothing can happen.” Xu Fan said while looking at the green-skinned dragon egg playing in the distance.

“That’s good, pay attention to safety on the road.” Zhan Ling nodded and said.

Although sometimes he can play a role in Sect is not as good as a railgun, but there is a difference between the two after all.

Xu Fan nodded, and finally took out a ring and handed it to Ling Ling.

“Elder Slasher, you have the authority to mobilize half of Sect’s Five Elements origin Spiritual Qi with this ring, as well as my invincible Venerable clone jade talisman in the treasury.”

“During my absence, I encountered an unsolvable problem, so I kept my hole cards for use.” Xu Fan said.

As a result, Ling Zhan looked at the ring, and then carried it in his hand.

“Then what if you can’t resist with the clone jade talisman?” Ling Ling asked and asked.

“Then Sect emergency plan will be activated,” Xu Fan said.

The Sect emergency plan is used by Xu Fan to respond to a sudden attack by the Invincible Demon Venerable, or when an irresistible enemy appears.

At that time, the entire hidden island will be teleported to a pre-prepared location.

“What is the Sect emergency plan?” Zhan Ling asked curiously. It was the first time he heard this word.

“You’ll know then.” Xu Fan said with a smile, his expression very mysterious.

Three days later, in the underground space of Yinling Island, Xu Fan looked at this simple Mahayana puppet that had been driven out by working overtime.

“Ontology, this simple version of the puppet can maintain the strength for up to 100 years, plus the Blood Essence of the extremely empty behemoth, it is enough to exert Venerable-level combat power.”

“With your fine control, you are an invincible Venerable after rounding.” Clone No. 2 said, with a look of fatigue.

In order to refine this puppet, he and No.1 directly turned on the overclocking state, which shortened the construction period by more than half.

“Thanks for your hard work, hurry up and rest. I will invite Jade Rabbit demon lord to come to your home for physical therapy.” Xu Fan said quickly, looking at the exhausted expressions of the two avatars.

It’s his own person, once something happens, it’s really lifeless.

Hearing Xu Fan’s words, the avatars No.1 and No.2 looked at each other and smiled and each returned to Immortal Cave.

After the two clones left, Xu Fan couldn’t help but sigh.

“Some things only have 0 times and countless times. Sure enough, no matter which world a man goes to, he is good at it.”

After Xu Fan sighed, he turned to look at the Mahayana puppet.

A dark painting, like an assassin hidden in the dark.

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