Chapter 583

“Don’t panic, there is more fun behind.” Xu Fan just finished.

That Moyun opened his mouth and bit the spirit of Wanjing Tiangong, tore off a large piece of spirit origin, and ate it with relish.

The entire Wanjing Tiangong shivered again, as if a piece of flesh and blood had been cut off by life.

“I forgot to introduce it to you. This is the spirit of my destiny Dao Item. In addition to pleasing my master, my biggest hobby is to eat all spiritual things.” Xu Fan said slowly.

“Human cultivator, aren’t you afraid of my master coming here?” Wan Jing Tiangong Qi Ling roared.

“Your master has appeared long ago, so why wait till now.” Xu Fan said.

The Wanjing Tiangong artifact spirit that had been torn off a piece of origin was so scared that he wanted to immediately retract into his natal space, but he was already controlled by the grape, and his whole body could not move.

“Do you think you can control Wanjing Tiangong if your spirit swallows me?” Wanjing Tiangong’s spirit said loudly.

“No, I’ve never thought about it this way. My spirit devours you, it’s just to strengthen itself. I’m not very interested in your body.” Xu Fan Youyou said.

At this time, the time of the mirror Minor World where Xu Fan is located has accelerated for thousands of years.

“My master is the Golden Immortal Power of the Great Thousand World. If you let the Qi Ling swallow me, the master will definitely notice that you are not afraid of getting on the Big Karma?” Wan Jing Tiangong Qi Ling said sharply.

“Of course I am afraid of getting a big Karma, so after you are swallowed by grapes, your master will feel that a demon race devours you.”

“What does this have to do with my human race?”

As soon as Xu Fan finished speaking, Grape tore a large piece of origin from the Wanjin Heavenly Palace Spirit.

The painful Wanjing Tiangong tool Lingao wailed.

Wan Jing Tiangong has been shaking as if it had suffered a magnitude 9 earthquake.

Xu Fan was not idle either, a huge circle was raised by him.

A series of avenues of scriptures floated beside Xu Fan.

“Grapes, don’t patronize and eat, get the spirit of Wanjing Tiangong, before you swallow it, I have to carve something into his origin.” Xu Fan said.

“Yes, master.”

Mo Yun dragged its prey like a tiger, biting Wan Jing Tiangong Qi Ling with his teeth and came to Xu Fan’s side.

Following Xu Fan’s knot, the huge circle slowly shrank, and finally condensed into the size of a glass ball.

“Unexpectedly, I had just been promoted to Grand Great Master, the first thing I did was the work of the liar spirit.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

At this time, the mirrored Minor World where Xu Fan was located, time has accelerated to 1,400 years.

“Human cultivator, let me go, this matter can be forgotten.”

Wanjing Tiangong felt that he had become the meat on the chopping board and was at the mercy of others.

Xu Fan held the condensed glass ball with two fingers and looked at the spirit like a mirror stone.

“I let the grape swallow you, and your body that is far away in the world will not know anything. You will only feel that your own clone has been swallowed by the demon clan spiritual cultivation.”

“No, my master has the golden immortal power to control space and time.”

“He will definitely look back in time to investigate this matter, and then you will die in an unforgettable place.” Wan Jing Tiangong Qi Ling spoke very fast, and he felt his own consciousness begin to loosen.

“Then I’ll take a gamble, I guess your Golden Immortal master won’t look back in time.” Xu Fan said, letting Grape tear off another piece of the Ten Thousand Realm Heavenly Palace Origin and swallow it.

The consciousness of Wanjing Tiangong Qi Ling began to renew, leaving only a small piece of body, barely keeping Wanjing Tiangong running.

“Grape, your mouth is a little bit limited, if you eat more, we will all be discharged from Wanjing Tiangong.” Xu Fan said with a frown.

“Master, as long as the main body is integrated with the relevant spirit mine, then my main body can be directly promoted to the fairy weapon.” Grape said hurriedly.

“It turns out that it’s like this. Isn’t it okay to swallow less?”

“Not at all.” Grape said sincerely.

“Then I forgive you.”

As Xu Fan said, he put the glass ball containing the formation in his hand on the Wanjing Tiangong Qi Ling.

As soon as the glass ball meets the Wanjing Tiangong Qi Ling, it merges into the Qi Ling body.

“Grape, do you think it’s okay to modify the device spirit’s data like this?” Xu Fan laughed and played. This was a method he only had after he became the Grand Great Master of the refiner.

“100% no, the master’s technique is impeccable when placed on any fairy spirit.” Grape promised.

“I like to hear this.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“Then, the follow-up plan is left to you.” Xu Fan said.

“Obviously, Master, make sure it’s done properly,” said Grape.

Then he picked up the Wan Jing Tiangong Qi Ling and disappeared in the mirror Minor World.

At this time, the acceleration of time has come to 1900, and finally came to an abrupt end.

“It’s so cool, leaving a solid Cultivation Base for 100 years, and then casually cultivating to the peak of the refining period, and then we will also be a master of the fit period.” Xu Fan said happily.

“After being promoted to the fit period, I will be a decent refining tool Grand Great Master. As long as I refining a few immortal tools, I will be invincible in this world from now on. Who dares to disturb me salted fish when that time comes.” Xu Fan imagined.

At this moment, in another part of Wanjing Tiangong, a demon venerable had just stepped on the next mirrored Minor World, and his eyes were dazzled by the aura of that mirrored Minor World.

A mirror-like object appeared on the platform.

Seeing the mirror stone, the demon venerable even started to breathe nervously.

“Is this the core of Wanjing Tiangong!!” Yao Zun was a little excited.

Then the demon lun picked up the spar, and Divine Sense began to enter it.

After that, the face of the fairy became more and more ugly, and finally put away the mirror stone, and began to curse loudly: “After a long time, the body of the Ten Thousand Mirror Heavenly Palace is outside the two realms.”

“If you want to go out, you have to borrow the four-phase giant city!”

“Isn’t my life span of more than 2,000 years lost in vain, and I only got one coordinate in the end.” Yao Zun said with an ugly face.

At this moment, Wanjing Tiangong began to tremble, and then it shattered directly from the outside to the inside like broken glass.

Xu Fan had already prepared the Dao Item spirit boat and turned on his invisibility.

On the four-phase giant city, the two Venerables of the Qianling Venerable and the Elder Society were exposed on the four-phase giant city at the same time.

At this time, there are five demonic Venerables around them.

“Get in the car quickly, or it’s too late!” Xu Fan quickly manipulated the Dao Item spirit boat and stopped by the three of them.

“Human Race, Venerable, you are so bold that you have bullied me into the giant city of four elephants.”

Several monster Venerables around Qianling Venerable were furious and attacked the three of them.

Thousands of people Venerable and Elder will go to Xu Fan’s spirit boat and board quickly.

“Let’s go~” Xu Fan controlled the spirit boat to directly transmit it three times in a row. This is not the time to distress Spirit Stones.

Xu Fan’s three teleportation came directly to the original Longxian Palace location.

“The Wanjing Temple was taken away by the Yaozu.” Elder Hui Venerable said in frustration.

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