Chapter 585

The classical star boat descended on the Yinling Island smoothly.

After that, Qianling Venerable drove the classical star boat again and hurriedly flew towards Qianlingzong.

Qianling Venerable wants to go back and gather together his two celestial artifacts, and by the way bring all the treasures containing the immortal texts Xu Fan wants.

“Finally back.” Wang Yulun said with emotion looking at the familiar Sect.

“Remember, this will always be your home.” Xu Fan patted Wang Yulun on the shoulder and said with a smile.

I thought that someone would finally be able to fish with me in the future.

“Xiuxin fellow daoist, are you joining my hidden spirit gate or what?” Xu Fan asked.

“You are Ling’er’s master, even if you are your own person, how about staying in my hidden spirit gate and being an Elder?” Xu Fan asked, inviting.

“It’s an honor for me to join the Yinlingmen.” Xiuxin said with a smile.

From Wang Yulun’s mouth, she has already learned about you seven and eight.

She came to Yinlingmen to become Elder, which was considered a high climb.

“Well, Xiuxin Elder arrives in Sect for the first time, and I will let people take Xiuxin Elder around for a while.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

Not long after, Qiu Ziyuan was notified by Grape and came to Xu Fan.

“This is Elder, the new Xiuxin from Yinlingmen. Take her to Sect for a stroll and introduce me by the way.” Xu Fan ordered.

“Yes, Elder,” Qiu said with a salute.

Then she took Xiuxin and Wang Linger to stroll around in Sect.

“Yulen, I’ll talk later, I’ll go back and stabilize the Cultivation Base Realm.” Xu Fan said as he flew towards the small courtyard on the top of the own mountain.

Seeing Xu Fan’s back, Wang Yulun smiled and said to Murong Qian’er, “I have been away from Sect for so long, and everything is still the same.”

“It feels like your tone is like leaving Sect for thousands of years, but it didn’t take long.” Murong Qian’er said with a smile.

“Let’s go, let’s go and see our son first. I don’t know if Cultivation Base has improved for so many years?” Wang Yulun looked old-fashioned.

Murong Qian’er couldn’t help but give Wang Yulun a blank look. She knew why her husband was able to suppress his son suddenly.

“If you have the ability, don’t use the Dao Item suit Xu Dage has refined for you.” Murong Qian’er said with a white look at Wang Yulun.

“What do you know, Magic Treasures is also part of the strength!” Wang Yulun said complacently.


When Xu Fan returned to his courtyard, he saw No. 1 and No. 2 waiting there.

“The body quickly tell me, what adventure have you experienced? It can make you advance to the Void Refining Period!” Clone No. 1 said curiously.

“Yeah, after promotion, I feel that we should share our refining experience together.” Clone No. 2 said.

Xu Fan didn’t have time to chat with them, and directly waved a temporary clone, let the clone speak, and returned to the stable Cultivation Base in the house.

Xu Fan’s temporary avatar looked at No.1 and No.2, and said slowly: “By the way, Xu Fan and his party are sitting on the classical star boat, and they are about to sail there…”

“Can you change it to another version? I’m not used to the version of Teacher Shan~” Clone Tucao said.

“Then what version do you want to listen to?” Xu Fan’s temporary avatar asked with a smile.

“Ms. Guo’s version is okay~” A pack of melon seeds appeared in the hands of Clone No. 1.

“It can be.”

Xu Fan’s temporary avatar nodded, and then began to talk.


Nine Phoenix Dynasty, near the endless sea, the largest port.

A fleet of sea boats is quickly handing over the spirit mines and treasures collected in the depths of the endless sea.

The captain of the Sea Boat Fleet, a combined puppet, is reporting the resources collected by the Sea Boat Fleet to the division exhibition.

“This time, in the depths of the endless sea, a small Dao Item level spirit ore vein was discovered, and it took half a year to collect it.”

“So the return time has been postponed for two months,” explained the puppet during the fit period.

“Dao Item level spirit mine~” The teacher exhibition nodded looking at the list in his hand.

“You have worked hard this time, and the commission for going to sea this time will give you a little bit of float.” Shi Zhan said with a smile.

“Really! The Minister really thank you so much!” said the fit period excitedly, you know, their commission for mining at sea is only 5 points in total.

“This is what you deserve. In the endless sea, the more high-level spirit mines there are, the more Demonic Beasts will be available.”

“You did a good job this time, I will ask your Majesty the Empress for you.” Shi Zhan said with a smile.

“Thank you, Minister.”

Then the captain of the sea boat fleet during the fit period hopped and ran to the distance.

The members of the fleet waiting for him in the distance announced the good news, which drew cheers.

The teacher exhibition laughed at this scene.

Since the young national teacher appeared, he has been refrigerated for a while.

At that time, he was frustrated and wanted to leave Feng Changning and return to Yinling Island to continue to guard his hometown Minor World.

This time, it didn’t matter who was in Minor World, he just wanted to find a familiar place to spend the second half of his boring life.

And swear, from now on improperly licking the dog~

Just when he was about to leave, Feng Changning found him.

“Master, wait and help me, okay?”

“I want you to witness the rise of our dynasty again.”

“When our Nine Phoenix Dynasty becomes the strongest in this realm, you will be the most noble being in this world besides me.”

Originally, after hearing Feng Changning’s words, Shi Zhan had a soft heart, but he had decided to go.

Until Feng Changning shared half of his dynasty merits and luck with the teacher exhibition, his heart was shaken.

“My Cultivation Base and talents are just like that. Why do you entrust such an important thing to me.” Shi Zhan asked.

“You are the only person I can trust wholeheartedly in this world of cultivating immortals.”

“It used to be so, and it will be the same in the future.”

Feng Changning looked at Shi Zhan’s eyes, as if the little girl looked at Dage, who he respected most and was the only one he could rely on.

The teacher exhibition standing on the shore of the endless sea remembered this scene again for some reason, and cursed himself with a smile.

“What a cheap bone.”

The division exhibition looked into the distance, waiting for the return of the next sea boat fleet.

He is now the minister in charge of resource collection for the entire Jiufeng Dynasty and controls more than 80% of the resources of the entire Jiufeng Dynasty.

It can be said to be below one person and above hundreds of millions of people.

“Minister, news from the Nine Phoenixs in the Territory of Extreme Sky.”

A Gold Core juvenile took a Jade Slip, quickly came behind the teacher exhibition, and said in a very respectful tone.

“Don’t let me read it, just make a long story short, and omit those meaningless data.” Shi Zhan said.

The captain driving the Nine Phoenix Starship is a very rigorous puppet during the fit period. Every time he reports, one or two sentences can solve the problem, but he needs to talk about the process before and after in detail.

“Nine Phoenix discovered a large Dao Item level spirit mine Star in the sky, but its storage is full. May I abandon the collected spirit mine to make room for this.”

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