My Master is a Bug

Chapter 257: Another collapsed fairy mountain

Just when the undercurrents of these thirty-six realms were surging, in a wider world outside this realm, it was also boiling because of Shi Tiancheng's death.

In an immortal mountain that was originally peaceful, a cracking of jade suddenly sounded.

This voice is not very loud, but it makes all the servants in the fairy mountain change color.

Because this is the sound of the broken soul jade.

In this immortal mountain, only Shi Tiancheng is equipped with Soul Jade.

"How come, how can the soul jade of the immortal master be broken..."

"This, this must be an accident!"

"Hey, the soul jade is broken, what else is there, he should have died long ago!"

"He deserves to die, but once he dies, we won't end well."

"Be quiet, the Immortal Lord will be fine!"


Just as these immortal servants were whispering, a terrifying crack ran through the entire immortal mountain.

The turbulent flow of the void poured in almost at the same time, and the immortal aura escaping from the immortal mountain was drawn into the void.

Those immortal servants looked at the gradually collapsing immortal mountain, and they all shivered into a ball. Even the man who had just scolded Shi Tiancheng, also stood in place.

The collapse of the Immortal Mountain means that Shi Tiancheng has already lost his soul, and there is no possibility of resurrection!

But none of the immortal servants in the mountain dared to be presumptuous, and no one even dared to escape.

The reason for this is because not far from this fairy mountain, there is another even taller fairy mountain!

An old man whose whole body exudes the meaning of dust is sitting cross-legged on the taller immortal mountain.

However, the old man's eyes that stared at the boss because of his astonishment somewhat damaged his mood.

At this moment, he was looking straight at the collapsed fairy mountain, and muttered in his mouth: "How could Tiancheng fall..."

Ji Boundless is known to be the best in the world, and before Shi Tiancheng entered the Huntian Formation, he naturally calculated fortunes for him.

Although the results at the time were rather vague, they were generally in favor of auspicious signs.

The most important thing is that Ji Wubian has already calculated that the suppression of the Immortal Cultivation Lineage by the formation of the sky has been quite weak.

As long as it is not a character marked by the broken world, there is no danger in entering.

But now, Shi Tiancheng has fallen!

This was completely beyond Ji Wubian's expectations.

Just when he looked puzzled, a relatively young immortal came across the void and landed on this immortal mountain.

As soon as the young man fell, he hurriedly said: "Master, Master, he..."

Before he could finish his words, Ji Wubian sighed and said, "Tiancheng has fallen!"

The young man's expression suddenly froze on his face.

He murmured, "How is this possible.

Master is already the pinnacle of human immortals, and he is only one step away from earth immortals.

In a broken spiritual world, how could anyone kill the master.

Is it..."

When the young man said this, a fierce light suddenly flashed in his eyes: "Could it be that Li Hongyi betrayed?"

This guess made Ji Wubian's snow-white beard tremble slightly.

For those spiritual practices, he does not actually trust them.

However, he always felt that this matter should not be so simple.

Ji Wubian pondered for a while, and then took out a top-level tortoise shell that was completely jadeized.

This piece of tortoise shell was collected by him before the destruction of the world, and it was the top treasure used for divination.

Now this kind of treasure has almost disappeared, and it can be said that one piece is less than one piece.

Because of this, when Shi Tiancheng went to the Hundred Heaven Formation, he was not willing to use it.

But now is clearly not the time to be stingy.

Ji Boundless sighed lightly, and then sketched it on the tortoise shell.

As his brush strokes fell, obscure patterns emerged from the tortoise shell.

When the last pattern appeared, the immortal energy in the tortoise shell completely dissipated and weathered into ordinary powder.

And Ji Wubian finally got the answer he wanted.

He carefully put away the powder of the tortoise shell again, then turned his head and said to the young man, "Your master's fall has nothing to do with Li Hongyi."

The young man's chest heaved a few times, and he asked, "Who killed my master?"

Ji Boundless sighed softly and said, "The secrets in the formation of the sky are obscure.

I can't figure out the exact result either.

I can only figure out that the fall of your master is related to a devil. "

The young man was slightly stunned and said, "How can there be a devil in the formation of the sky?

Could it be that the demons of the last era have recovered? "

Ji Wubian shook his head and said, "No.

If my divination is correct, this devil should have been born in the formation of the sky. "

An incredible look appeared on the young man's face.

He knew very well that the formation of the sky was arranged by his uncle himself.

This immortal formation is based on the broken spiritual world, and uses countless precious materials, interspersed with the immortal energy of hundreds of immortals.

With such a large formation, there is no soil to breed a demon, unless Ji Wubian did it on purpose!

Ji Boundless seemed to see the young man's mind and sighed softly:

"Although the formation of the sky was arranged by me, it has already been eroded by the shattered world.

It is not impossible that there is a change there now.

It's only because I was too confident that I didn't calculate that the Heavenly Demons had already been bred in the formation. "

Ji Wubian's tone was flat, but the young man's complexion suddenly changed.

The young man suddenly realized that he had just been doubting himself, the all-seeing uncle.

What made him tremble was that his suspicions could be seen so easily.

'Will my uncle alienate me because of this...'

Thinking of this, the young man involuntarily formed a layer of fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

Being alienated by an existence that can count the world, the consequences are quite serious.

They don't even have to do it yourself, they can make you die silently, just like his master Shi Tiancheng.

The main thing is that there is no trace of humanity in this existence at all.

They are as indifferent as cold stars in the depths of the void. Although they are quite dazzling from a distance, once they land on that kind of star, you can feel the inhuman coldness.

When the young man thought of this, a layer of fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

But he didn't bother to touch the beads of sweat on his directly bowed and said:

"When the world was shattered, Shi Bo was able to lead us to find a way to survive.

Now the backlash of heaven and earth is the fate of my lineage.

I want to come to my master, even if Izumi knows it, he will not blame the master. "


Ji Boundless seemed to be a little emotional, he said in a complicated tone:

"Now the opportunity is coming, and those old guys who escaped from the past have not much lifespan.

After a while, those old guys will probably be desperate to fight for the few remaining opportunities.

But Tiancheng fell at this time... Hey, fate! "

PS: The last chapter was wrong, I should have set the timing wrong.

This chapter is the real chapter 257, and tomorrow will be chapter 258.

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