Chapter 65

(Second more)

The moonlight is quiet.

Bai Family Mansion.

Li Wuxian had just arrived nearby and was about to make a big move to let the Bai family know that he was back.

After all, a master like him can’t touch in through the back door silently, what if he is beaten as a thief by the concierge of the Open Light Realm.

But he hadn’t had time to hold back an earth-shattering vision.

Inside the White Mansion, there was a sudden burst of radiance, with countless auspicious auspiciousness!

In an instant, the entire night sky was ignited!

A fragrant fragrance belonging to Medicine Pill, like a sea wave, spreads in all directions!

“Medicine Pill is done!!”

Someone is yelling.

Many people wanted to rush over to join in the fun for the first time to see what the so-called Rendan looked like.

The scene was a bit chaotic for a while.

Fortunately, Bai Jianxing also quickly came to the pill refining room and gave a soft slam to quiet the Bai family, and then he respectfully shouted at the outside of the mansion.

“Young Master Li is here.”

Zheng Chou couldn’t enter with a big fanfare, Li Wuxian immediately walked into the Bai family mansion.

With the venue in Li Wuxian Town, no one dared to come and join in the fun for a while.

No nonsense.

Kill the backyard directly.

After holding back the people who guarded the pill furnace.

Li Wuxian’s first thing, of course, was to satisfy his curiosity, go to the Laden stove to see what Medicine Pill inside looks like.

Opening the top of the furnace, a bloody spirit burst into the sky, and it was calm again!

Li Wuxian glanced at the pill furnace.

“Just one Medicine Pill?” 427

“Didn’t you refine so many masters?”

Although he was puzzled, Li Wuxian didn’t think much, and reached out to take out the Medicine Pill.

If there is a pill refining master, he will definitely think his actions are simple and rude. If there is still medicine inside Medicine Pill that is not calm, he stretches his hand in, maybe put his arms in.

But Li Wuxian has never practiced such an advanced Medicine Pill.

Treat it as a second-rank Medicine Pill.

After taking out the hot Medicine Pill, crimson’s Medicine Pill fell in sight, like a bloody longan.

To be honest, Li Wuxian really didn’t think this Medicine Pill had anything to do with it.

It was a few grades worse than the Rank 5 Xuanyuan Pill he had fished from the pill furnace before.

“Forget it, just save it up first.”

Without thinking about it, Li Wuxian took this human pill as an ordinary item and put it in the Sumeru ring.

Then his sight fell on the pill furnace.

This time I came here to get the pill furnace, Medicine Pill didn’t care about anything.

“How can I let the old Bai Jianxing give me the pill furnace willingly”

Li Wuxian thought.

First, I tried to communicate with the pill furnace using Shenmin.

Did not report much expectations.

As a result, as soon as his spiritual thought swept away, the pill furnace trembled and responded.

“Huh! This spirit grows a bit faster!”

Li Wuxian noticed something strange.

He found that the pill furnace was in an infancy, and he had a certain level of stability and intelligence.

But it is still a piece of white paper, and someone has to paint on it to instill its will.

“In that case”

Li Wuxian looked around and made sure there was no one.

Only then did his face delicately instill the will into the pill furnace with God’s Sense.

“I am your father”

“Your father is me”

“No, it feels strange to be called father by Dan Lu”

“I am your master”

“Your master is me”

Give Dan Lu a continuous time to brainwash the incense sticks.

Li Wuxian only received his magical powers and recovered his peace.

By coincidence, Bai Jianxing’s voice came from outside.

“Prince Li.”

“come in.”

With the approval of Li Wuxian, Bai Jianxing came in cautiously.

“Mr. Li, you did something about Girl Ning’er”

“It doesn’t get in the way, I know it in my heart.”

Li Wuxian stands with his hands behind him, like a banished immortal who has been left behind.

Bai Jianxing was staring at Li Wuxian almost with a look up.


Such a trivial matter is such a big thing like Li Gongzi.

However, he had heard other news in the past two days, and he was a little curious, so he took this opportunity to ask Li Wuxian.

“Young Master Li, I heard that the old man has recently gathered countless cultivators near the Lingyu Mountains in the Northern Territory. It seems that something big is going to happen, I don’t know what it is?”

Lingyu Mountains?

Something big happened?

Li Wuxian was at a loss. He had been there before, and there were many normal Sects, nothing special.

“Lao Bai thinks what is the big deal?”

Questions that are not clear can be answered in the opposite direction.

Sure enough, Bai Jianxing took this trick, and immediately began to frown, and began to analyze it honestly.

“I heard that not only the human cultivators are gathering towards the mountain range, but also many monster cultivators have also begun to sneak into the vicinity. Could there be any aged objects born?”

Is the monster cultivator also involved?

Li Wuxian took the opportunity to make an association. On the way he came, he used the twin Jade Slip to find out where Luo Ning’er was.

It seems to be exactly the direction of the Lingyu Mountain Range.

Could it be said that Su Niannian took Luo Ning’er to the Lingyu Mountain Range?


Isn’t this another problem for the teacher!

Don’t you know that the principle of working as a teacher is low-key!

If you follow that direction, you may be involved in some terrible storm again.

“Lao Bai, are you also moved to the Lingyu Mountain Range?” Li Wuxian asked again.

“That actually is not.” Bai Jianxing shook his head quickly, “Now the situation in the Northern Territory is like a mist, and the old man has to give priority to protecting the Bai family.”

In fact, it was a matter of refining pills. After being known by outsiders, Bai Jianxing did not dare to go out and swagger.

Li Wuxian didn’t know about this.

Without thinking about it, he said something along the way.

“Lao Bai, I have something to do. I have to go there alone. By the way, I have to take away this pill furnace, because”

Li Wuxian prepared a lot of rhetoric, and planned to let Dan Lu come to an on-site acknowledgment ceremony.

As a result, Bai Jianxing raised his eyebrows with joy.

“This pill furnace was repaired by Young Master Li, of course he should take it away”

It is this old thing that is thinking about destroying the evidence.

Li Wuxian took the pill furnace away, and someday the righteous sect would jump on his face and fuck him with the Bai family.

The pill furnace is gone, and you have no evidence.


Li Wuxian groaned.

Suddenly I wondered if I was saving the abdomen of a gentleman with a villain’s heart.

“That’s good.”

Talk about it.

Li Wuxian tried to communicate with the pill furnace with his spiritual thoughts.


Dan Lu immediately responded.

The voice is like a child, timid.

Li Wuxian secretly rejoiced in his heart.

As long as you take this pill furnace on the road, you don’t have to rely on your own two legs to drive on the road. When encountering the provocation of the cultivator in the fit state, you can also let the dog bite.

Simply refreshing.

at the same time.

Far near the Lingyu Mountain Range that the two had just talked about.

Under the moonlight.




A series of violent tremors, outbreaks without warning!

The entire Lingyu Mountain Range, within a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, has been affected by an inexplicable and horrific opportunity!

Countless powerful cultivators from Cultivation Base volleyed up at this moment!

Either use magical powers, or catch the magic circle to observe!

Everyone is exploring the impact of this violent tremor!

“Some ancient ruins have appeared! If the rumors are good, this is the former Tianyuan Sacred Land!”

“It hasn’t fully emerged yet, this is just the first wave of vibration! Wait a minute!”

“Not good! There is an extremely evil aura, and it has recovered as the ruins surfaced!”

“You must eliminate these evil things first, lest ordinary people suffer!”


The entire Lingyu mountain range is boisterous!

Those evil creatures that have revived from the remains of Tianyuan Sacred Land are like ghosts floating around, and they will rush to bite when they meet creatures!

Ever since.

Numerous cultivators stepped forward and began to carry out the task of removing evil things.

And in the midst of these noises.

Su Niannian and his group, who had already sneaked into the Lingyu Mountain Range, were attacked by evil objects for the first time.

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