My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1007: Time world

After a while, Lu Chen returned to his inner calmness, his eyes full of curiosity, and said: "Master, what realm is above the Heavenly Emperor Realm."

The current secular warriors all think that the Heavenly Emperor Realm is the ultimate realm of cultivation. This is also the end of cultivation that the predecessors have explored, but the Tao is endless, and there must be a realm behind the Heavenly Emperor Realm.

It's just that they don't know.

Su Yingxia shook her head, and said, "I don't know, because the warriors in the mountain and sea world can only cultivate to the Heavenly Emperor realm at best. As for the realm behind, we don't know, we need to slowly explore."

Afterwards, Su Yingxia sighed quietly: "But we have been groping for many years, and we haven't figured out why."

Then, Su Yingxia looked down at the copper coin in her hand: "This destiny copper coin was passed down at the beginning of the birth of the mountain and sea world. The legend is about the realm after the Emperor of Heaven. It has gone through many masters. Almost every generation of the Emperor of Heaven has it. , Including me and your masters"

"Although everyone has owned Destiny Copper Coins, they can't understand it. Gradually, the legend about Destiny Copper Coins disappeared. Only a few of us know about it."

"Back then, a certain heavenly emperor discarded this destiny copper coin into the world of time. It took hundreds of thousands of years for your master to find it again."

"Although the legend does not know whether it is true or not, the copper coin of fate is very magical and cannot be destroyed."

Hearing this, Lu Chen was speechless, the original master from the family had also destroyed this copper coin.

Su Yingxia said quietly: "Not only in the mountains and seas, but in the hands of the demon gods in the sky demon world. The demon gods have discussed with us about the fate of copper coins, but no one has come to a conclusion."

The corner of Lu Chen's mouth twitched, and he felt an illusion in his ears. He heard it right. The battle between the mountain and sea world and the sky demon world has lasted for a long time. The two sides can be described as blood and blood. Can they sit together and discuss the problem?

Of course, Lu Chen obviously thinks too much. The demon **** has controlled many demon gods to invade the mountain and ocean world for thousands of years. Naturally, it is impossible for the two parties to sit down and discuss the problem calmly. It is just that the demon **** does not understand the use of fate's copper coins and comes to live Hen asked casually several times.

Lu Chen spared his head and looked puzzled: "Master, how can you judge that the fate copper coin is related to the realm above the Emperor of Heaven."

"I don't know." Su Yingxia shook her head, her beautiful eyes staring at Lu Chen: "You also know that there is more than our realm, such as the Sky Demon Realm, the God Realm where Void Walker is located, and the Time Realm next to us are similar. Similar to the super world, the time world is longer than the history of our mountain and sea world, and the time world master may be a legendary figure who has surpassed the emperor."

"Time Realm" Lu Chen was dumbfounded, looking confused, why did he jump out of another Time Realm? Also, is the Time Realm close to the Mountain Sea Realm and the Sky Demon Realm.

Lu Chen now had many doubts in his mind.

"Report to the City Lord"

At this moment, a cold voice came from outside the door.

"Come in"

Soon, an extremely beautiful woman walked in from the outside. She had a good figure and outstanding temperament. She was wearing a silver armor stomach, with bright silver light, and a heroic look. The silver armor stomach woman did not squint and looked at Su Yingxia. He clasped his fists and said: "Report to the city lord that the old servant of the time world has appeared and told us to issue eight tokens this time."

Su Yingxia asked: "What did the purgatory emperor say over there."

The purgatory emperor is an emperor-level sky demon from the purgatory clan of the sky demon world, and is of the same level as her.

The appearance of the old servant of the time world represents the arrival of opportunity.

"As usual, two supreme battles and two heavenly battles," said the silver armor woman: "Win a game to get two time orders."

"How long to start"

"Open in half a month"

After a conversation, Ke Yirou waved her hand and said, "Okay, I know, you can go down."

"Wait," Su Yingxia suddenly shouted, and the woman with silver armor turned her head: "Is there anything else the city lord has to do."

"I'm going out for a while. You will follow him during this time." Su Yingxia pointed to Lu Chen, and then said, "Also tell him all the news of the Time Realm, and remember not to let him sneak to the side of Tianhen."

Lu Chen: "..."

The silver armor stomach woman glanced at Lu Chen and found that she was pitiful at a low level, and her eyes flashed with surprise. At such a low level, the city lord solemnly instructed him to come and have an unusual relationship with the city lord.

After Su Yingxia finished speaking, she left directly.

"Hello, sister." Lu Chen looked at the woman with a silver armor stomach, and smiled shyly. Lu Chen saw that the woman's realm was ridiculously high, at least she was in the Saint Emperor realm.

After all, how can you follow the people around your master and have a high level of cultivation? Of course, he is an exception.

"What's your name" asked the woman with a silver stomach.

"Little brother Lu Chen, just here, please ask sister to cover it a little" Lu Chen said obediently.


Seeing Lu Chen's appearance, the woman smiled and said, "My sister is called Shuiwei. She has been with the lord for tens of thousands of years. What is the relationship between brother Lu Chen and the lord?"

"Master and apprentice" Lu Chen replied.

Sure enough, Shui Wei secretly said that she had this guess in her mind just now, and now Lu Chen said it, confirming his guess.

"Sister, what is the time world?" Lu Chen asked.

Shui Wei's pretty face showed a serious look, and said: "The Time Realm is another world, and the creator is called the Time Realm Master. This may be the same as the City Lord in the Heavenly Emperor Realm, or he may surpass the Heavenly Emperor Realm. There are different opinions, and the time realm is irregular. It will be opened, hosted by the old servant who claims to be the master of the time world, and will issue tokens. After getting the token, you can enter the time world to explore."

After a pause, Shui Wei continued: "However, because there are few tokens, we need to compete between the warriors of the mountain and sea world and the sky demon of the sky demon world. There are four games in total. For each victory, we can get two tokens."

"You have to compete, can't you divide it equally, four yuan per person, peace and prosperity" Lu Chen said.

Shui Wei shook her head and said: "No, a time token is equivalent to a chance, and it needs to be grabbed, and the old servant of the master of the time is also happy to compete with the heavenly arrogance of the two worlds, the latter needs the supreme and the enchanting in the heavenly realm. , Instead of mediocrity, ordinary people can't enter, even if they enter, they won't get the chance."

Lu Chen continued to ask, "What's in the world of time."

Shui Wei replied: "According to the old servant of the Time Realm Master, after a series of tests, the inheritance of the Time Realm Master can be obtained. Even if it fails the test, some treasures, such as martial arts, magic weapons, etc., will be awarded according to the progress of the test. Wait, anyway, according to people who have been in, there are a lot of treasures inside, including the Emperor's artifacts."

Lu Chen said, "Can my master go in? Why should I only send people below the realm of Tianzun?"

Shui Wei shook her head and said: "No, the old servant of the time world master has mastered the entrance to the barrier, and he is also very powerful, mastering incredible means. Back then, the demon gods wanted to mess around and occupy the time world, but they encountered it as soon as they entered. When it was in great danger, he retreated, and finally sternly warned the sky demon of the sky demon world not to be rude to the servants of the time world master."

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