My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1019: Beast

Several people were immersed in the shock of the beast's corpse, unable to recover for a long time. Lu Chen observed that the beast's body was flat, with its back arched high, like a big turtle.

"Senior, what kind of monster is this? It's so big." After a little while, Lu Chen woke up from the shock and blurted out.

The old servant of the time world replied: "This is a desolate beast, from the desolate world, according to the cultivation base of your realm, it belongs to the emperor of heaven."

These words surprised a few people, the desolate beast of the Heavenly Emperor rank died in the time world, and what did the desolate beast eat and grow up, right?

The old servant of the Lord of Time brought eight people to a huge entrance, a cave with a width of hundreds of thousands of meters and a height of about ten thousand meters. This is the mouth of the wild beast. The surrounding mountain wall is actually the flesh and blood of the wild beast. Solidified and turned into hard rock, deep in the entrance of the cave, a turbulent storm was blowing, tearing out a series of spatial cracks.

The eight people looked at the old man, not knowing the purpose of the other party bringing them here.

The old servant of the Time Realm Master said: "Although this desolate beast is dead, there is a terrifying power of desolation in its body. Your task is to comprehend the power of desolation and take out a piece of desolate beast's inverse scales deep into your throat. Later I will reward you with a world origin."

Seeing everyone's expressions of incomprehension, the old servant of the Time Realm Master had no choice but to continue: "Nilin is the hardest scale of the barren beast. It can be used to create magic weapons. As for the role of the world's origin, a heavenly emperor can be born after refining. "

"Senior, what you said is true"

When the words of the old servant of the time master fell, the eyes of the eight people lit up, revealing extremely excited expressions.

The old servant of the Time Realm Master said proudly: "It's just the origin of a world, what's worth exciting."

At this time, no matter how stupid they were, they understood that the time world master must be a super strong existence beyond the heavenly emperor realm, otherwise, they would not come up with such a big hand.

Seeing everyone's excitement, the old servant of the Time Realm Master coldly snorted: "Don't be too happy. It's a hundred thousand miles away from the throat of the desolate beast. You want to resist the aura of desolation and get Nilin. A very difficult thing, the only way to succeed is to understand the power of famine."

As soon as I finished speaking, I saw another 20 or 30 people coming to this place.

When the eight people saw this scene, their faces were surprised. They were surprised not because of strangers. The main reason was that there were ten more old servants of the Time Realm Master around them, exactly the same as the people who led them.

Lu Chen and the others immediately understood that this old man might not be a real living person, but a clone, or some kind of external incarnation.

However, an incarnation has the Celestial Emperor level combat power, which is also powerful enough.

Lu Chen looked at the thirty people around him. The auras of these people were quite different. Lu Chen found that most of them were not much weaker than Huang Zun.

Peng Tianyi glanced at the people who came with his face as if he was facing an enemy. Among the thirty people, more than half of them had no weaker aura than him. Zhu Yi and Long Feixiang of the heavenly demon world were also vigilant. Whenever the emperor could succeed The group appeared.

But soon they suddenly realized that these people must come from other realms, and they are the most dazzling emperor in one realm, just like them.

Now being invited by the old servant of the time world master, the emperor has become less unusual.

"Hey, you kid is here too" a surprised voice came out.

Lu Chen felt that his voice was a bit familiar, so he looked at the crowd. Among them was a man with a beard looking at him. Lu Chen realized that he did not know him, but his face changed quickly, and a face that made Lu Chen very familiar with appeared. .

"Brother Ximen Qing, it turned out to be you" Lu Chen smiled and met Xi Men Yu in the Time Realm. This was something that Lu Chen didn't expect. This guy also came to the Time Realm.

Xi Men Yu's face was dark, and said angrily: "My name is Xi Men Yu, not Xi Men Qing."

"What are you doing here, kid?" Lu Chen asked casually.

Lu Chen’s casual attitude surprised everyone around him, because they perceived that Lu Chen was just a supreme, and Ximen Yu’s genuine Wang Zun was only a bit weaker than Huang Zun. The little supreme in front of him used this tone to talk to the king. Zun speaks, it's a bit arrogant.

Both the Shanhai Realm and the Sky Demon Realm were a little surprised, Lu Chen actually knew people from other realms.

There were three people beside Ximen Yu, and they looked at Ximen Yu until this guy ran a lot of circles, and it was expected to know other people.

"I'm here to pay tribute to the world that the master of the time world gave up," Ximen Yu said with a look of admiration. Lu Chen saw this guy's face, curled his lips, a flattery, but this guy seemed to be familiar with the time world master, let him Wei Wei was a little surprised.

"Since people are almost there, let's go, whoever can get the desolate beast Nilin will reward a world origin" At this time, eleven old men spoke in unison.

When everyone heard it, they moved forward. This passage was huge. The young talents from all walks of life separated and soon disappeared. The two people in the Celestial Demon Realm also disappeared. Only Ximen Yu and the three of them stayed.

"Come here, let me introduce you. This is Mingzi, the **** child of Mingdi Mountain." Ximen Yu beckoned to Lu Chen, pointing to a young man dressed in black and exuding cold air.

"This is the son of Cthulhu, Xie Wukong"

"This is the grandson of Valkyrie, Wu Ming"

The three people who followed Ximen Yu had monstrous backgrounds. Although Lu Chen and his group didn't know the level of their gods, they guessed that the background behind them must have the existence of the Emperor of Heaven.

Ximen Yu spoke to Lu Chen: "Among these three, Wu Ming is the fattest."

Because the **** of war occupies the top of the **** emperor list, I don't know how many epochs, and the background is unfathomable. As the grandson of the **** of war, Wu Ming is naturally rich.

"This is little brother Lu Chen," Xi Men Yu said to the three people beside him.

However, the three of them are in the realm of Emperor Venerable. They just glanced at Lu Chen lazily, not too enthusiastic, because in their eyes, Lu Chen was too weak and not worth mentioning.

Ximen Yu added: "Little Brother Lu Chen is from Shendi Xi."

After these words, the three of them were slightly surprised. Mingzi from Mingdi Mountain clasped his fists and said, "It turns out that it is little brother Lu Chen, disrespectful and disrespectful."

Xie Wukong and Wu Ming also showed a faint smile to Lu Chen. Since they belonged to the goddess of death, they naturally wanted to show some face. After all, the goddess of death is a woman recognized by the gods that it can’t be offended, even if it’s a god. The Valkyrie, ranked number one on the emperor list, also strictly ordered his subordinates to clash with those of the goddess of death.

Recently, the goddess of death who had fought with the alien master and disappeared for countless years came back. I don’t know why, after this goddess came back, her temper became particularly irritable. Apart from killing the abyss, she severely inflicted a master and killed those below the master. Abyss creatures don't know how many.

This scared the people in the gods, and I don't know who offended the goddess of death, making this goddess irritable.

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