My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1021: Comprehend the breath of famine

After a pause, Lu Chen continued to ask: "When the old people let young people from all walks of life enter the time world to experience, why is this? Is it training us, and why there is no creature in the time world? To cultivate is to cultivate the creatures born in this world. Ah, why train us."

They also felt puzzled about Lu Chen's question.

Ximen Yu spread his hands and said, "Who knows."

Not to mention them, even their elders don't know what the intentions of the time world masters are. After all, the **** emperor level and the world master level are not in the same circle, and their fathers cannot touch the existence of the supreme world master.

As everyone walked, Ximen Yu talked about the legend of the world gods, making the warriors of the mountain and sea world show envy. If they had a world **** in the mountain and sea world, then the sky demon world would not dare to invade.

Unfortunately, the world of mountains and seas is too weak, and the emperor of heaven is just four or five.

After everyone walked for a while, they suddenly felt an aura of famine rushing toward their faces. After this aura blended into the body, it carried terrible corrosive power.

Lu Chen's face changed slightly, running his sword intent to resist and moving on.

The rest of the people also began to resist the aura of desolation. This power can corrode the body, spiritual power, all objects, and even years can corrode them, turning them into desolation. Unless they understand this power, otherwise, no one can be in the desolation. Persevere under the breath.

This tortoise-like desolate beast is very huge, and it is still far away from the place close to Nilin.

Soon, Tan Jing, who was a little weaker in the team, Qin Li couldn't stand it anymore. His face was as gray as a dead person. They were invaded by a large amount of famine and their bodies suffered tremendous pain. If this continues, they may be The power of desolation eroded into barrenness.

"You two, go out and wait at the door" Peng Tianyi glanced at the two of them and said.

The two also understood that their strength was the weakest, so they nodded and left.

And Lu Chen followed them and marched toward the depths. With the power of his sword intent, he was able to resist the aura of desolation, but soon Lu Chen noticed that the aura of desolation could corrode even the intent of sword, causing him The strength of the sword intent is rapidly weakening.

Not long after leaving, Lu Chen said: "You go first, I will follow up later."

Lu Chen thought, why bother to persevere? It's better to understand the power of famine. The elders also said before that only by understanding the power of famine can you get to the position of Nilin.

Peng Tianyi, Wu Ming and the others didn't say anything. Lu Chen was just a supreme, and he was too far away from their emperor. It was pretty good to be able to walk thousands of miles away.

Lu Chen sat down after speaking, and the group of them moved on.

After Lu Chen sat down, he dispersed his sword intent and allowed the breath of waste to enter his body. In an instant, Lu Chen felt a powerful force invading his body. This force crazily eroded everything in his body, and a layer of grayish white appeared on the surface of his skin. , Like the skin of a dead person.

"The aura of waste is so terrible" Lu Chen's expression changed slightly, and he dared not to be careless, driving his spiritual resistance madly, and at the same time, he ran the technique to swallow the breath of waste.

Lu Chen discovered that the aura of waste was different from other rules. When swallowed, even his dantian could be eroded, and his spiritual power became grayish white, as if it had been contaminated, and his whole body was like a sickness, and his complexion was very serious. weak.

Lu Chen felt that he couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately took out some pills and swallowed it.

"This kind of corrosive force is too terrible, right" Lu Chen was very surprised.

This kind of power is like corrupting the avenue, the power of cursing and other strange powers, which can corrode the body, spiritual power, etc., but the power of desert is far better than these regular avenues, and the corrosiveness is more than a hundred times a thousand times.

Because the aura of desolation is unique to the desolate beast world, this power is similar to the power of the world, and this power can only be mastered by the world god, as if it dilutes countless times the power of the world, because the aura of desolation is diffused from the body of the dead beast. It is different from the desolate breath of the wilderness.

The aura of desolation in the desolate world, even if the emperor of the sky enters, he dare not wait too much, and cannot bear it.

The reason why this desolate beast was beheaded was because the Lord of Time had surpassed the Heavenly Emperor Realm.

Under the erosion of the aura of desolation, Lu Chen's whole body was almost turned into a desolate. Fortunately, the Nine Devouring Heavenly Skill is very against the sky, and even the aura of desolation can be swallowed. This makes Lu Chen almost down, otherwise, he has already begun to retreat. .

The aura of desolation comes from the desolate beast realm. It is the power of other realms. Even if the Nine Devouring Heavenly Skill has a certain swallowing ability, the speed of this advancement is very slow. Lu Chen feels that in less than ten years, I am afraid that it will not succeed at all. There is no limit to the time that the old elders let them enter it.

Lu Chen shook his head and didn't think about it anymore. If there is a time limit, he can't do anything about it. The aura of desolation is too hard to swallow and can't be done overnight.

In addition to Lu Chen, the top emperors from all walks of life also stopped. They had no way to prevent the intrusion of the aura of desolation. Many people, like Lu Chen, had a grayish-white complexion, floating on the edge of life and death.

A space of the desolate beast, the surrounding desolate aura whistling, even if the Holy Emperor comes here, I am afraid I can’t wait for a long time, Shi Lao sits quietly on a suspended stone bench, and there is still A cup of steaming tea.

Shi is always the incarnation of the will of the world of time, but like a human, he has independent thought and consciousness. He is watching the progress of dozens of warriors. While watching everyone feel the aura of despair, he nods and mumbles: "Well, look for this time All the seedlings are good, I don’t know if the legendary person will appear."

"Master, master, I will definitely help you find a helper" Shi Lao muttered to himself.

Shilao knew very well how defying his master was, the Supreme Realm that was easily accessible to others, and his master gave up without even thinking about it. If it weren't for the cause and effect of a certain source in the first place, his master would not have a catastrophe at all.

Although there is a realm master at the source, his own master is also a realm master, and he is not afraid of the other party at all. The main reason is that after the master gave up the time realm, the realm fell down and encountered a life and death crisis.

"Huh..." Suddenly, Shi Lao narrowed his eyes slightly, because he found that a little guy's body was the first to incorporate the breath of desolation.

According to the message left by the master, let him find people from the Supreme Realm and the Celestial Realm, but in Shi Lao’s view, the person the master wants to find should be of the emperor’s level. The reason why he put some supreme in is mainly the command of the master .

"Well, it's worth noting to be the first to integrate the rules of famine." Shi Lao took a sip of tea slowly, and then closed his eyes.

At the same time, Lu Chen had been practicing quietly for ten years in the direction where Lu Chen was.

After fusing a wisp of wildness, Lu Chen is no longer afraid of the storm that the surrounding wildness is turning into. Not only is he not afraid, but he can also absorb the wildness and form a unique wildness power after refining.

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