My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1040: Two emperors

People in both the mountain and sea realm and the sky demon realm are all dumbfounded. Lu Chen has brought back so many powerful people when he entered the time realm. There are eleven great emperors from three different worlds, all of which are the best in the world. Tianzun's promotion to the Great Emperor can be seen from the fact that they can resist the weakened power of the Emperor.

I don't know what Lu Chen did inside, bringing the evildoers of other worlds.

Lu Chen looked at Pan Yue and said, "Brother Pan Yue, you have also seen that my world is being invaded..."

Before Lu Chen had finished speaking, Pan Yue waved his hand and said, "Brother Lu Chen, if you don't tell me, I have to **** them. One word is to do."

Pan Yue also had anger in his heart. After all, as soon as he entered, he was sneak attacked by a strong man equivalent to the ancestral witch. Whoever could stand it would be extremely angry.

Xiu Luoyan and his men didn't need Lu Chen's instructions at all, they shot directly, and entered the battlefield. The aura of the Sky Demon Race was easy to recognize and was not afraid of killing the wrong person.

"Let's do it too." Wu Ming said, then looked at Lu Chen, and said, "Brother Lu Chen, we will help you today. In the future, when my God Realm encounters difficulties, I hope you will help."

"This is natural" Lu Chen said with a fist to Wu Ming.

After speaking, several people stepped into the battlefield of the Emperor Realm.

The fighting between the two sides continued to erupt, shouting and killing, and the battle group covered a radius of 100,000 miles.

Although the Panyue trio easily killed the emperor and stunned a group of people, there were many powerful emperors in the sky demon world, and only ordinary emperors were killed. They did not encounter the emperors of the same level. Now after joining the battle group, they naturally have the same level. The emperor, or the emperor holding a magic weapon against them.

A corpse fell or exploded, and blood stained the void.

Lu Chen didn't fight for the first time. Instead, he stared at the two heavenly emperors in Tianhen, waved his hand to the Purgatory Emperor, and said with a smile: "I said before I went in that I would kill your heirs. Now I have done it."


The Purgatory Emperor curled up with boundless killing intent and wanted to kill Lu Chen, but the opponent hid behind Su Yingxia.

"And your son's meat, it's very fragrant" Lu Chen grinned at Long Lai and said with a smile.

Although Lu Chen had not seen the imperial clan of the Abyssal Demon Dragon clan, but seeing Long Lai standing beside the Purgatory Emperor, his body exuded a worldly aura, he did not need to think about it, he must be the imperial clan of the Abyssal Demon Dragon clan.


Long Lai's aura was surging, cracks appeared in the boundary, and the void was even more distorted.

"Don't hate me, Pan Yue eats the most, you should hate him" Lu Chen pointed to Pan Yue who was fighting in the distance.

Pan Yue was holding a big stick and was facing the fierce siege of the three Heavenly Demon Emperors. Hearing Lu Chen's words, he quickly corrected him: "Brother Lu Chen, you misunderstood me. Last time I ate the most. Jiang ate the most."

Panjiang: "..."

Everyone: "......"

Lu Chen spoke to Master and asked: "Master, can't the Emperor of Heaven cross over?"

Su Yingxia didn't know why Lu Chen asked, but he still replied: "You can force crossovers, but then their cultivation base will be weakened, and they won't cross over easily."

"Master, leave this to you" Lu Chen threw out the forbidden sky map.

The forbidden sky was the size of a palm, and the light of the seal was flowing. Su Yingxia grabbed it and suddenly showed a different color, because she felt that this magic weapon was made for her personally, and there was a trace of excitement in her beautiful eyes.

This magic weapon is very strong, at least it is the magic weapon of the peak of the Heavenly Emperor Realm. With this magic weapon, the Emperor can be confined, and it is also a magic weapon that combines both offense and defense.

Su Yingxia was very curious about Lu Chen's fortunes in the world of time, this magic weapon could not be refined even by the fifth junior sister.

"Master, you will get familiar with it first, and you will prepare for a wave of Yin these two people" Lu Chen continued to transmit.

"Okay" Su Yingxia nodded slightly and began to refine the Forbidden Sky Map.

A quarter of an hour later, Su Yingxia replied to Lu Chen: "I have initially mastered the Forbidden Sky Map, how do you want to shade them."

Lu Chen said, "I decided to use my body as a bait."

Dai Su Yingxia frowned. Lu Chen wanted to use her body as a bait. This was undoubtedly a very dangerous thing. Even she could not guarantee Lu Chen's safety 100%, but she immediately realized that Lu Chen might get more than one. A magic weapon.

Since he said so, he must have his own confidence.

"Go to the front of Tianhen first," Lu Chen said through transmission.

As a result, Lu Chen followed Su Yingxia, approaching a distance of one hundred feet from Tianhen, and the Purgatory Emperor saw Su Yingxia approaching, with indifferent expressions on their faces, and released a monstrous killing intent to Lu Chen behind them.

At this moment, Lu Chen walked out from behind Su Yingxia, stood a step forward, looked at the two and said, "I'm out, do you want to kill me."

"I'm going back again, I'm out of breath." When the two were dumbfounded, Lu Chen returned to Su Yingxia's back.

Purgatory Emperor: "..."

Long Lai: "..."

After a second, the two people reacted. The ant came to provoke them, with extremely sharp eyes.

"Hey, I'm out again, come and hit me"

"I'm going back again."

In this way, Lu Chen stood out from behind Su Yingxia from time to time, returned to his back, and kept jumping, repeatedly stimulating the two heavenly emperors.

After four or five rounds, the blood pressure of the two emperors soared.

"court death"

When Lu Chen jumped in front of Su Yingxia to die again, a sharp expression flashed in their eyes, stretched out a big hand, and fettered Lu Chen from the air.

At such a close distance, it is completely possible to hold the opponent tightly in the sky mark, even Su Yingxia can't rescue it.

They saw that Lu Chen gave Su Yingxia a magic weapon. The reason why the other party is so provocative must be emboldened, but they don’t care. Even if the other party has the confidence and conspiracy, it is useless in the face of absolute strength. Su Yingxia did not say anything. The strength of the second enemy.

As the two big hands grabbed it, Lu Chen suddenly felt that the space around him was confined, and could only watch the big hand fall in front of him.


However, just when the two big hands were about to touch Lu Chen, six fist-sized beads flew out of Lu Chen's body, forming a cyan body guard light.


The palms of the two of them were printed on the body guard divine light, and there was a dull sound, but it was not broken at all.

There was a sense of horror in the two of them. What kind of magic weapon was this that could withstand the attack of the two of them.

At the same time, Su Yingxia presented a palm-sized pattern, which was rapidly enlarged, and the patterns on the pattern were lit up, emitting a gorgeous sealing light curtain, confining the world.

The two of them were shocked and felt something was wrong, and wanted to withdraw their arms, but at this time they fell into the mud and couldn't move at all.

The two were shocked. What kind of magic weapon is this Su Yingxia? There was no one before. Was it the one Lu Chen gave her just now.


A cold light flashed in Su Yingxia's eyes, and a golden light shattered from the Forbidden Sky, like light, reaching the extreme, cutting off two arms.

Blood was sprayed on both arms, and it fell on the territory of the mountain and sea boundary.

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