My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1052: Ignore

Wu Tiehan opened an enchantment portal, Lu Chen's figure flashed, he rushed out, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Brother Lu Chen, come back early" Wu Tiehan shouted against Lu Chen's back. Unfortunately, now Lu Chen is far away, and he can't hear him.

Looking at Lu Chen's back, Xu Qingyao showed a thoughtful look in her beautiful eyes. She didn't know what she was thinking. Three seconds later, Xu Qingyao stepped suddenly and stepped out of the city.

Lu Chen didn't know that Xu Qingyao had also come out. He flew all the way against the sky mark. The sky mark was deep and dark, like a never-ending abyss. It made people feel straight in their hearts. After flying for about an hour, countless people appeared in front of Lu Chen. Continental debris.

These floating continent fragments are dotted with starlight, as if covered in a halo coat, full of mystery.

The surroundings are quiet, silent.

Lu Chen descended on a piece of continental debris. The continent was not big, only a million square kilometers in size. The soil was dark red, as if it were soaked in blood, and the air was filled with a **** smell.

When a boundary war occurs, fight on these continental fragments.

Lu Chen began to search for the medicinal materials he needed. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he found a medicinal plant with a twinkling figure. He came to the side of a luminous medicinal plant. He stretched out his hand to pick the medicinal material and put it in the ring. The action was done in one go.

"Why are you here?" Lu Chen just put the medicinal materials in place, and he suddenly stopped and said abruptly.

Lu Chen felt a familiar breath, and Xu Qingyao stood behind him.

Xu Qingyao said lightly: "You are a disciple of the Divine Phoenix Empress, and now it is arranged under my hands. If something goes wrong, I can't get rid of responsibility."

Before Lu Chen could speak, Xu Qingyao said again, "You have seen Tianhen now, should you go back?"

"Looking at Tianhen" Lu Chen had a strange look in his eyes. Did Xu Qingyao think that he was just curious about Tianhen.

Lu Chen waved his hand and said, "You go back first, I don't need your protection."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he jumped into the air and headed to other continent fragments. There are a lot of continent fragments here, and they need to be searched piece by piece. Not long after, Lu Chen picked a lot of elixir, but Xu Qingyao said nothing during the process of picking the elixir The hair is behind him.

The two of them shuttled on the mainland fragments, naturally attracting the attention of the sky demon in the sky mark.

The demon in Tianhen recognized Xu Qingyao, and his eyes showed unforgettable hatred, because Xu Qingyao killed many of his companions and was one of the people they most wanted to get rid of.

The sky demons were very puzzled, why did Xu Qingyao dare to come out alone.

As for Lu Chen next to him, he was directly ignored by them. He was just a middle-term Tianzun martial artist, so he didn't need to look at him.

Soon, a team of sky demons came in their direction through the sky mark.

When the sky demon entered the mountain and sea realm, Xu Qingyao felt the aura, raised her head to look at a distant place, her eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and said: "The sky demon is here, don't hurry up."

While picking the elixir, Lu Chen looked up into the distance, and said faintly: "Just a few little monsters, don't make a fuss."

The corners of Xu Qingyao's mouth twitched, how many little demons?

She felt a powerful pressure, which was unique to the emperor realm sky demon. Except for the emperor realm, there were dozens of celestial auras.

This lineup is extremely strong, even if she encounters it, she will leave early.

"Xu Qingyao"

A thunderous shout came from a distance. A man in golden clothes stepped forward and came to a place where they were less than a kilometer away. The man's demon spirit was mighty and mighty, blooming with golden emperor splendor, just like Like gods, it gives people a feeling of dignity.

Subsequently, twenty or thirty people appeared one after another behind this person, all in the realm of Tianzun.

"Xu Qingyao, how dare you step out of the city" The man in gold looked at Xu Qingyao and shouted, with unique fluctuations in his voice, like a sharp sword pierced into the soul, giving out a tingling sensation.

The man in gold is a great emperor of the Golden Bat clan. He has a profound knowledge of rhythm, and his words are mixed with waves of attacking the soul.

Xu Qingyao frowned slightly to counteract the sonic attack in the words of the man in gold.

The man in golden clothes accidentally glanced at the young man next to Xu Qingyao. The young man seemed to have not seen his arrival, and still picked the medicinal materials quietly.

The man in gold was not surprised that Xu Qingyao was able to resist his sonic attack, because she was an emperor who could tear through the domain of the avenue, and the rules of the domain were superimposed, and it was no longer weaker than her own.

But the young people around him actually ignored their own fluctuations, which made the man in gold very curious.

"Xu Qingyao, this emperor still has a concubine. How about you follow this emperor and spare your life" The man in gold looked at Xu Qingyao and laughed. After he took a step forward, there was a dense, sharp sound from heaven and earth, as if Countless bats screamed together.

A gorgeous golden light curtain extends indefinitely, shrouded towards Xu Qingyao, this is the avenue area of ​​the man in gold.

"You go and kill the ants," the man in golden clothes cast his eyes to Lu Chen and said lightly.

"Yes, my lord"

Behind him, dozens of Golden Bat Clan Celestial Masters took their orders and flew towards Lu Chen, but stopped two hundred meters away from Lu Chen.

They will not fight close combat with human warriors. The physical body is their weak point. They are not far away from two hundred meters, which can just affect the opponent. If the opponent kills them, there will be a way out, because they are flying sky monsters. .

Although not comparable to individual warriors with extreme speed, they can surpass most warriors. As long as they transform into the form of monsters and flutter their wings, humans can't catch up with them.

A total of thirty golden bat Tianzun stared at Lu Chen. Between them, golden ripples whizzed and swept towards Lu Chen, which contained a unique rhythmic fluctuation that could attack the soul.

Dozens of them shot together, even if it was an emperor's carelessness, it would be severely damaged, let alone a talented martial artist.

"Let's attack you together, even if death is worth showing off," the first day demon stared at Lu Chen and said quietly.

A group of sky monsters saw Lu Chen hiding and didn't hide, as if they didn't perceive the danger, they couldn't help being surprised. The young man who picked the medicine was a fool. Didn't notice that their attack was approaching, and his life was at stake, he was about to die?

It was the first time they saw such a careless human warrior.

However, he quickly realized that this human being should know that he was bound to die, so he chose a decent way of death that ignored the attack.

Because of doing this, others can't see that he is terrified.

Don't watch him turn a blind eye and concentrate on collecting medicine, he might be too scared.

When a layer of golden ripples covered Lu Chen, a group of sky monsters showed a cold expression. When the golden ripples spread, the other party would definitely die.

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