My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1056: Enter the celestial world

Inside the sky mark, the two figures looked extremely gloomy, and the tyrannical aura spread from them. The two men rushed over after hearing the report from the scout.

The death of Ran Xi filled their hearts with anger.

"I didn't find it, I should go back to Jiecheng."

"Why is Ran Xi so careless? Damn, Xu Qingyao must be killed."

The two great emperors clenched their fists tightly, and their eyes were full of monstrous anger. In a while, Ran Xi was actually killed, leaving their royal family with a small number of strong emperors missing one more.

Lu Chen and Xu Qingyao are not extraordinary Tianzun, it is impossible for the emperor to find them.

After avoiding the Great Emperor's Spiritual Mind, Lu Chen walked directly in the direction of Tianhen and swallowed his mouth inexplicably as he watched the twisted and intertwined Jie Li.

Because the intertwined boundary force is very terrifying, he might be twisted into a twist when he stepped in.

Lu Chen searched against the edge, and finally found a safer entrance.

"You're going to the Celestial Demon Realm" Xu Qingyao wears a cloak, and a black veil covers her face, giving it a taste of chivalry.

Lu Chen replied, "Why can the sky demon come to our world? We can't go to their world."

Hearing Lu Chen's words, Xu Qingyao was speechless, although he knew that this guy was a very courageous person, it can be seen from the fact that he was only a small King Realm and provoke a group of Holy Realms.

But Xu Qingyao never expected that Lu Chen was so courageous, that he actually wanted to go to the sky demon world.

"I want to go too" Xu Qingyao said.

Lu Chen turned his head and glanced at Ni Xu Qingyao diagonally, and said, "What are you going to do? If I get caught, I don't want to risk my life to save you."

The reason why Lu Chen dared to go to the Sky Demon Realm naturally had his confidence. For example, he had four magic weapons in the creation realm, two magic weapons close to the creation realm, and an imperial scepter, plus he could compete with the emperor.

The Six Realm Orbs are the top defensive magic weapon, which can resist the attacks of the perfect creation realm.

According to the master and servant of the Time Realm, the Six Realm Beads can resist the attack of the perfect creation realm, and the Sky Demon Realm is a demon **** who has a perfect creation realm and is not afraid at all.

Moreover, the last time the Purgatory Emperor and the Longlai Emperor took action against him. Although the cross-border attack power has been weakened a lot, it is still the power of the emperor, but there is a blue body guard light around him, which is easy It blocked the attack of the two.

And Xu Qingyao only had a void cloak that she gave her. If the Emperor was drawn out, even the void cloak would not work.

Xu Qingyao curled her lips and said, "Why can you go? I can't go. I want to go."

After Xu Qingyao finished speaking, she entered the sky demon world first.

Lu Chen: "..."

Lu Chen couldn't control the other party, so he didn't persuade him. Then he went inside as well. He stretched out his spirit and flew inside along the sky mark. The monster here was so powerful that he found two imperial people. Breath, not far from them.

In the end, the two Heavenly Demon Great Emperors were only less than ten meters away from them, but they didn't feel their breath at all.

"Did Xu Qingyao enter the realm of the Great Emperor? Even Ran Xi was killed."

"Ran Xi's strength is not weak, Xu Qingyao is not an opponent, because of his death, he must have been promoted to the Great Emperor."

"After being promoted to the Great Emperor Realm, she became the Invincible Great Emperor. Even the Saint Emperor Realm is hard to kill, so I can only watch her getting stronger and stronger."

"No, you have to let the Prophet take action, you must destroy Xu Qingyao across the realm, and Ruan Chenshuang must also be destroyed. Then let the Prophet come over and destroy them all."

The two golden bat clan emperors said as they walked.

The world of void particles.

Lu Chen and Xu Qingyao glanced at each other, both with a puzzled look. Who was the prophet in the mouth of the two golden bat clan emperors? Why did they think they could kill her and Ruan Chenshuang through the sky scar.

"Have you heard of the prophet" Lu Chen asked.

Xu Qingyao shook her head and said, "I haven't heard of it, but..."

"but what..."

Xu Qingyao's clear eyes showed the color of memory, and said: "I thought of a few extremely terrible things."

"whats the matter."

Xu Qingyao said: "There were several great emperors who were invincible in the same realm. They were all invincible great emperors promoted by the emperor. They had killed at least the number of hands at the same level in their lives, and they were hailed as the most likely seeds to become the emperor of heaven. , But in the end they all died strangely."

"There was a woman who married a beauty who was unparalleled in the country and came to congratulate him from all directions, but when toasting to friends and relatives from all parties, he suddenly fell to the ground unconscious. There were no signs of poisoning or internal injuries on his body, but he died suddenly. The cause of death is still a mystery"

"Another one was in retreat, and there was no movement for tens of thousands of years. When the people in the clan opened it, he had become bones. I don't know how many years he has died."

"There are also a few examples. They are all extremely extraordinary invincible emperors. They died in abrupt circumstances without any wounds on their bodies, which is very strange."

"Until now, we have not figured out how those who died strangely died violently."

Lu Chen couldn't help being silent after hearing Xu Qingyao's words. Could it be that the Heavenly Demon Realm really has a super power that can kill the Great Emperor Realm powerhouse across the mountain and sea realms?

However, why did the emperor in Xu Qingyao's mouth died for no reason? Lu Chen always felt that their death was related to the Heavenly Demon Realm.

Regardless, anyway, this time in the Sky Demon Realm, he should be able to figure it out.

The two of them walked inside in front of the two great emperors. It didn’t take long for a bright light to appear, and then a huge city appeared in their sight. There were countless auras in the city, and several of them were unprecedentedly powerful. , Gave them an extremely depressed feeling.

Only the Saint Emperor Realm powerhouse can do what can cause a terrible depressive aura to the two of them.

This city was also built in the void, and was a stronghold of the Golden Bat tribe and the Shenggui tribe. The two passed through the boundary city and headed towards the distant mainland.


Inside the city, a blond old man suddenly opened his eyes, and a pair of golden pupils had a suspicious look.

The old man’s hair is shining, the whole body is full of Taoism, and there is a faint boundary force spreading out, indicating that the old man has touched the threshold of the emperor. It is estimated that it will not be long before he can truly open up the world. The origin, master a strand of power.

"Strange, how do I feel that someone sneaked past" the old man said to himself.

Just now he seemed to sense that someone was passing by hidden behind the city. The aura of the two was strange, similar to that of a human being in the mountains and seas?

As soon as this thought came up in his mind, the old man smiled dumbly, thinking that he had been thinking too much about how the warriors of the mountain and sea world dared to enter the sky demon world, without the guts.

Afterwards, the old man closed his eyes and continued to practice.

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