My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1070: Abolish

Lu Chen manipulated Jian Yin to chop off Chu Tao's body. The latter's face was bloodless, his body exploded, and he shouted, "Stop, stop him."

There was boundless fear in Chu Tao's heart, and even the imperial law was broken. What he did to resist, and after the imperial law was used, there was a period of weakness in his body, and he retreated while taking out the pill to take it.

It only takes a minute or two to recover.

When several people heard what Chu Tao said, despair appeared on their faces. Prince Chu Tao obviously wanted them to die. They had to die because they could have trouble, but Prince Chu Tao could not.

Several people bite the bullet and did not dare to have any reservations. They gathered rules and shields. One of them looked at Lu Chen's stern threats: "Take a shot at the royal family members. You are bringing a terrible disaster to the human race. Too late."

They wanted the threat to be useful so that they wouldn't have to die, but a sneer at the corner of someone's mouth didn't take it seriously.

The sword print passed through the group of people, and the sword light shone on their bodies. Their faces were twisted and screamed. Their bodies were like weathered jade, disappearing in ashes.

The sword light contains rich killing rules and desert rules. The former rule decomposes everything, and the latter rule erodes everything, so there will be a scene where a few people are illuminated by the sword light and directly annihilate nothingness.

The sword seal didn't stop, and he killed Chu Tao.

Chu Tao saw that several people were evaporated to death, and he was shocked and angry. What was shocked was that the humans in front of him were too strong, too strong, and he didn't know where Mingju's dog got his followers, and his strength was exploding.

The anger was that the young man didn't care about his identity. The royal family Tianzun killed him when he said that he would kill him.

Chu Tao bit the tip of his tongue, burned his essence and blood, and burst out a divine light from the center of his eyebrows. The **** figure spun out, releasing a brilliant light. Inside the pattern, the Dao pattern lit up, emitting a silver pattern, and a strong atmosphere of the road followed. Spread out.

This is an emperor-level defense magic weapon. Chu Tao's hole card was originally waiting for Upper Realm City to use it in the future, but he didn't expect to use it in advance.

Chu Tao felt that if he didn't sacrifice the magic weapon, he might die here.


The sword seal collided with the **** map, and there was a dull loud noise, and the **** map was bounced off by the powerful impact. However, the power of the sword seal was all consumed.

Lu Chen burst out, like a flash of light and shadow, and instantly appeared in front of Chu Tao, kicking his chest.

Terrible power erupted from his feet, Chu Tao heard the sound of broken bones in his chest, and his whole body flew out in screams.

With Lu Chen's kick, the latter can't take care of himself.

Lu Chen appeared next to Chu Tao, picked up the dying latter, and walked back towards the city.

After that, Lu Chen threw Chu Tao to the ground like a dead dog. Bian Yong and the others were shocked when they saw Chu Tao being captured by Lu Chen. Chu Tao, the king, had nothing in the hands of the followers of Prince Mingju. Without the power to resist, I don't know where Prince Mingju came from to subdue such a powerful human being.

Although Chu Tao was not taken prisoner, he did not beg for mercy. He still had an incomparable expression on his face, threatening: "You wantonly slaughtered the heavenly figures of our clan, even if you are Mingju's subordinates, this matter is not over."

Chu Tao's face flushed. This is an abnormally injured red color. Of course, he is more ashamed. He is the most dazzling prince of the Kang clan, breaking the record of the fastest promotion to the heavenly sovereign, and even the members of the royal clan can’t match. He is now captured by a human.

This made Chu Tao feel very embarrassed.

After Chu Tao threatened Lu Chen, he looked at Bian Yong and the others sternly: "You let him let me go, is it true that the Dark Blood Python clan really wants to have a super emperor war with my clan."

When Bian Yong and others heard Chu Tao's words, their faces immediately showed embarrassment. Just like Chu Tao's words, although his strength is still very weak, he has not even stepped into the Emperor Realm, but his talent has attracted enough attention, standing behind him. Some old monsters in the Saint Emperor realm, Chu Tao had an accident, those old monsters would definitely jump out.

So, Bian Yong looked at Lu Chen and said, "Or... let him go."

The rest of the people wanted to speak too, but Lu Chen blocked them with a word, saying: "Prince Mingju asked me to capture him personally. Everything is decided when Prince Mingju comes to the ancient city of Mingju. During this time, he will be imprisoned in the City Lord's Mansion. ."

Hearing Lu Chen's words, Bian Yong was a little suspicious. Prince Mingju was already in the emperor realm, and Chu Tao did not offend him. Why did he order Chu Tao to be arrested.

Several people always feel weird, but they can't tell where they are.

"Why did Mingju catch me?" Chu Tao stared at Lu Chen angrily.

Lu Chen didn't answer, he grabbed Chu Tao, a few ups and downs, and disappeared into the sight of Bian Yong and headed towards the city lord's mansion.

"Strange, how did the prince have such a strong follower, never heard of it"

"Yes, this follower is too strong, I guess it is the emperor, such an excellent human, the prince is not afraid of raising tigers."

"Haha, I think too much, the prince is already in the emperor realm, no matter how good the emperor is, he is not the prince's opponent."

Seeing Lu Chen's disappearing back, several commanders talked casually, and then went to clean the battlefield.


Lu Chen carried Chu Tao all the way back to the City Lord’s Mansion. The latter was still yelling: "Humble humanity, you better let me go, otherwise you will die if the strong from my clan come forward, you will let me go now. It’s too late, I won’t bother you."

Chu Tao's eyes flickered because he didn't want to wait for the tribe to save him. He was taken away by a human being suppressed, and his reputation would be affected if he spread it out. Now if he is released, he can explain it back. Once the time is delayed for a few days, it will cause a lot of trouble. After that, the storm could not be suppressed.

Lu Chen kicked Chu Tao's dantian with a click, and the dantian was broken.

Chu Tao immediately showed an expression of great pain, his eyes were bloodshot, and then he let out a stern and miserable howl.

" actually abolished me"

With an incredible expression on Chu Tao's face, he was completely stunned.

In fact, even if he was suppressed by the opponent, he never thought that his life would be in danger. After all, his identity was there. Forgive this human being not dare to act on him.

Unexpectedly, just bringing him to the City Lord's Mansion, directly abolished his cultivation.

Chu Tao stared at the opponent with a look of resentment, but the opponent's face was calm, with deep sarcasm and contempt.

Seeing the other party's expression, Chu Tao was suddenly startled, and remembered something terrifyingly thoughtful, that is, the other party killed their royal heavenly sovereign before, without the slightest hesitation and mercy, which is different from other human followers.

" are not a follower of Mingju" Chu Tao asked in a hoarse tone, staring at Lu Chen closely.

"Not so stupid as hopeless" Lu Chen laughed, and after speaking, he took off his Najie, and then locked in Najie to be Mingju's company.

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