My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1072: The most unreliable sect

Lu Chen suddenly raised his head and looked at the speaker.

The speaker was the bald young man, the other party had clean brows, bright eyes, and a confident look inside.

Lu Chen realized that this guy was only in the Supreme Realm. Where did he come from such arrogant words as overthrowing the rule of the sky demon, so he clasped his fists and asked: "Dare to ask this brother his name."

The bald young man also clasped his fists in return, and quickly said, "Be polite, little monk Huiming, just call my name."

"Ahem... benefactor ignore him, he is a lunatic" Beside, Ji Yue coughed dryly, with a trace of embarrassment on his face.

"Yes, if it weren't for you idiot, Huiming, we could be caught." In the crowd, a young girl also glared at Huiming, spitting fire in her eyes, listening to her, as if they were caught by Minggu, all because Huiming's reason.

"Ji Yue, you are a lunatic, don't slander me in front of your benefactor." Huiming glared at Ji Yue displeasedly, then looked at Lu Chen and explained: "Benefactor, don't listen to the slander of the two of them. My Tantric Sect is a human race. Savior, one day, I will ban the demon god."

Huiming said this, with a confident and high-spirited expression on his face.

Then, Huiming proudly narrated the history of Tantric Buddhism, saying loudly: "My first generation of Tantric Buddhism, the Dharma is boundless, almost sealed the demon god, the second generation Buddha almost sealed a heavenly demon in the emperor realm, and the third generation Buddha sealed it. ..... And I, Huiming, as the 999th generation of Tantric Buddhism with a single transmission, is destined to succeed in sealing the demon god, which will be recorded in the annals of history."

When Huiming talked about this history, his eyes were full of pride.

When Lu Chen heard Huiming's words, he immediately showed a surprised expression. This guy's origin is so great, the ancestors are too terrifying, even the demon **** was almost sealed.

Xu Qingyao's beautiful eyes also showed a different color, and the Heavenly Demon Realm still has such a powerful Buddha cultivation, but why is the human race being so miserably oppressed now.

"Huiming, you started talking nonsense again"

"You don't know anything about Tantric Buddhism, just like bragging"

"Who doesn't know that your Tantric Buddhism is the most unreliable sect, there is no one, we are all killed by you."

One of the six people strongly condemned Huiming, and then eagerly said to Lu Chen: "Benefactor, you must not believe in the nonsense of this guy Huiming. Tantric disciples brag about second, no one dares to recognize first. ."

Lu Chen's excitement cooled down when he heard the words of several people. The feelings are bragging, he thought it was true.

In fact, it’s right to think about it carefully. If the first generation of Tantric Buddhism almost sealed the demon **** as the other party said, then at least it would be a great Buddha with a perfect creation realm, and the same realm as the demon god. It is not easy to kill the strong in the realm.

If the human race of the Sky Demon Realm had such a big cow, how could it be reduced to its current position.

"You nonsense, why did I brag?" Huiming retorted with an unhappy face, "Am I wrong? Did the first generation of Tantric Buddhism go to the Demon Mountain and fight the Demon God for three days and three nights."

"Ha ha..."

A group of people didn't bother to pay attention to Huiming, and laughed, full of irony in their eyes.

I've seen someone bragging, I've never seen such a braggart.

"Benefactor, I Huiming decided to go with you and fight the sky demon together. In addition, I have a foreboding that the Fengshen of cultivation will reach perfection immediately, and the demon **** will be able to seal by raising his hand." Huiming watched Lu Chen spit out and said, "Feng Divine Art is the most powerful technique in our world, once it is cultivated, it will be the nightmare of the sky demon.

Originally, Lu Chen was still dubious about this guy, and looked honest, not like a nonsense.

But when the other party said that, Lu Chen immediately understood that this guy was bragging.

Only now in the supreme realm, he said without embarrassment that he would seal the demon god, this is not bragging.

"Well, for Huiming's words, you can ignore the benefactor," Ji Yue and others said embarrassingly. The main reason for the embarrassment is that Huiming's words are too shameful in front of people in other worlds.

Just bragging in front of them, anyway, the first generation of Tantric Buddhism started bragging. By the time Huiming, the 999 generation heirs were still bragging, everyone was used to it.

But to brag in front of other people in the world, isn't that embarrassing.

"Different ways are not conspiring. You can't understand the greatness of Fengshen Jue. If you don't talk about it, I'm going to practice." Huiming finished speaking, and left in a big way.

Everyone looked at Huiming's leaving back, and after the other side's figure disappeared, they came back to their senses.

"Ahem, this guy's ancestor" Lu Chen gave a dry cough, and wanted to ask Huiming's ancestor.

Lin Shan looked weird and said, "Brother Lu Chen, Tantra is the most weird and least reliable Buddhist school in my world. It has a single biography and likes to find death. But what Huiming said just now is not all nonsense."

"What do you mean?"

Lin Shan explained: "The first generation of Tantric Buddhism is indeed powerful. He is a great Buddha in the Holy Emperor Realm. His cultivation is considered to be the top of the human race. This Buddha claimed to have created a powerful technique called Fengshen. Jue, he also claims to be the world's first enveloping magic, and he took this name specifically to target the demon god, and vowed to seal the demon god."

"This Buddha is not talking about it, but he really did it. He went to the Demon God Mountain to challenge the Demon God. Unfortunately, the Saint Emperor Realm and the Heaven Emperor Realm are too far apart. The Buddha's body suddenly burst before he set foot on the Demon God Mountain. Exploded and died."

When Lu Chen heard Lin Shan's explanation, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Lin Shan's explanation was too different from what Huiming said. Huiming said that the first generation of Buddha fought with the demon **** for three days and three nights, and said that he almost sealed the demon god, but the result was that the demon **** mountain did not even set foot on it, and it exploded.

"What about the second one" Lu Chen asked in a cold sweat.

Lin Shan said: "I thought that the first generation of Tantric Buddha died and there would be no descendants, but decades later, a Buddha who claimed to be a descendant of Tantrics walked the world and said to the world that he was also the master of the deity and went to seal it on the same day. The ancestor of the Dark Phoenix Race."

"This time, there was still a lot of noise and attention from all quarters. In many eyes, this Buddha who claimed to be a descendant of Tantric Buddhism stepped into the territory of the dark Phoenix tribe. People discovered that this guy was only in the realm of the Great Emperor, and they suddenly realized that they had been cheated. This Buddha Xiugang was shot to death before he walked a few steps in the dark Phoenix clan."

Lu Chen: "..."

Xu Qingyao: "..."

"Anyway, every descendant of Tantric Buddhism died. After decades or hundreds of years, another Buddha who claimed to be descendant of Tantric Buddhism came forward to seal the sky demon in front of the world. Their realm was either the Celestial Lord or the new emperor, but I had to challenge the Heavenly Emperor Realm, but I died miserably."

"Therefore, Tantra is the least reliable sect in our world. Everyone thinks that they practiced the Conferred God Art passed down by the first generation of Buddha and made their brains stupid. That's why they did such a stupid thing."

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