My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1079: dead!

The year bow is guided by the bow of life, draws the energy of all things in the world, and the arrows condensed.

The dark arrow, only three feet long, is covered by black light, exuding immeasurable divine power, and its unpredictability.

And Lu Chen also felt that the constant flow of heaven and earth energy was attracted and blessed on the arrow, making the arrow more powerful.

Lu Chen tried his best to pull to the full moon state, so that he could use the full power of the Years Bow, but his firepower was fully fired, and the power in his body was urged to the limit, but it was only maintained to one-third of the full moon state.

Another kind of explanation, with Lu Chen's current realm, he could only exert one third of the power of this age bow.

Moreover, it is difficult to say whether it can exert one-third of the bow's strength. It is still accumulating, and every second is difficult for Lu Chen. He clenched his teeth and tightened his body, trying to maintain this movement.

Inside the cage of swords.

The old man was pointed at by the black arrow and his scalp was numb, giving him the feeling that he was firmly locked in by the quasi-peerless power of a holy emperor, and he didn't dare to move.

The old man's body trembled, his soul throbbed, a breath of death enveloped his whole body, and a fine and dense cold sweat appeared behind him.

"Using the Heavenly Sovereign Realm to urge the magic weapon to burst out the power of the Saint Emperor's pinnacle, which can't be achieved by ordinary Heavenly Emperor weapons. What is the origin of the bow in his hand?" The old man stared at the bow in Lu Chen's hand and swallowed. .

The emperor weapon is the highest-level magic weapon known, because in most people’s perception, the emperor realm is already the end of the realm of cultivation. Stepping into this realm represents eternal existence, invincible in the world, and it is difficult to eradicate the years, just like The supreme demon god.

Since the Heavenly Emperor Realm is the end of cultivation, the highest level of treasure is also the Heavenly Emperor Artifact.

Weapons of this level are very rare and difficult to refine. They need the ultimate materials left behind when the world is opened up. Such materials cannot be born.

This also limited the birth of Celestial Artifacts. There can only be four or five pieces in a world.

In the Celestial Demon Realm, only the top royal families have Celestial Instruments.

A good emperor weapon falls into the hands of the emperor, allowing the emperor to use one enemy two, three enemies, and four enemies.

The old man swears that the big bow in Lu Chen's hand is definitely an emperor weapon, and it is not an ordinary emperor weapon. The opponent can use the Tianzun cultivation base to draw the bow, and the power of the peak of the holy emperor can burst out. If he comes to draw the bow, wouldn't it be right? Can threaten the existence of the emperor.

Thinking of this, the old man trembled fiercely in his heart.

The black arrow accumulates energy, and it is almost enough. Lu Chen released his hand, and the black arrow shot out like a light of destruction.

Wherever he went, the space was annihilated, accompanied by countless terrifying cracks, wind and thunder bursts, as if the world was about to be destroyed.


The black arrow is so powerful that the old man's body exploded, bursting into a cloud of blood, and together with the original spirit, the shape of the **** was destroyed, and it disappeared completely.

At the place where the old man burst, a huge black hole vortex appeared, with strong suction force, drawing all the surrounding matter into the vortex and annihilating.

The black hole vortex lasted for more than a minute before slowly dissipating.


Lu Chen relaxed, but with dizziness, he almost fell from the air.

Lu Chen wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, his face was exhausted, and he thought to himself that he could not easily use this bow in the future.

This bow is too powerful, and it is extremely terrifying to be overdrawn. A carelessness will make you weak. If the enemy is not killed, then you will fall into a very passive and dangerous state. Lu Chen glanced at the surrounding ruins. Turned and left the city.

Leaving the ruined ancient city of Ming, Lu Chen meets Xu Qingyao and Huiming on a mountain top.

"Benefactor, great, even the Invincible Emperor was killed by you" Huiming praised with a thumbs up. Although they did not see the fight between the two, the energy fluctuations swept over and they got together for 100,000 miles and felt a threat. breath.

Wiping it off, Huiming sighed regretfully, and said, "Unfortunately, I didn't fight alongside my benefactor just now."

The corner of Lu Chen's mouth twitched.

Could this guy stop being like this and fight side by side? Does this guy really live long enough by himself?

Lu Chen felt that if this guy stayed, there would only be one end, and that would be to make another corpse in Minggucheng.

"There will be a chance in the future" Lu Chen replied perfunctorily, then took out the transmission crystal and contacted Ji Yue.

Killing the old man in advance, although he did not expose himself, but when the Kang clan should have aroused vigilance, he could only contact Ji Yue to make plans.

Subsequently, a group of three people left.


Not long after the three left, a few more figures suddenly appeared over the ancient city of Ming. These people were dressed in black suits. When they saw the ancient city of Ming that had no signs of life and turned into a ruin, the whole body showed a wave. The icy coldness, as if the space is about to be frozen.

"When the Kang Clan deceived too much" Then, one person let out a stern scream, and his eyes became blood red.

These people are from the Dark Blood Python clan, coming from a city a million miles away from the ancient city of Ming.

Before they felt the horrible fluctuations from the ancient city of Ming, even the heavens and the earth flickered a few times. They didn't know when the ancient city of Ming had happened, and they had doubts, so they rushed to investigate, but the ancient city of Ming had become a ruin.

Hundreds of thousands of people died in Minggucheng.

They won't care about the death of the human race, but their people have died one or two hundred thousand.

If they die on the battlefield, they will not be so angry, but according to the demon aura remaining on the ruins on the ground, this aura is already close to the Holy Emperor, which means that when a strong man from the Kang clan descends here and destroys Ming Ancient city and countless people.

"Go back to the Shangzi clan, when the Kang clan deceived people too much" after a few moments, a person's eyes showed evil spirits and said with a cold voice.

After speaking, several people flashed and left directly.

When the Kang Clan deceived people too much, the Invincible Emperor shamelessly massacred hundreds of thousands of people from the Clan, and such actions made them angry.


When the main city of the Kang clan, the soul card hall!

There are more than one hundred soul cards in the soul card hall, and each soul card represents the lowest emperor strong, because only after entering the emperor realm can they be eligible to be placed here.

At the entrance of the Soul Pai Hall, two Tianzun guards were sitting, and they were the warriors guarding the Soul Pai Hall.

Once a certain soul card is found to be abnormal, it will immediately report it. If the soul card is broken, it means that the strong in the clan is in danger.

Because the guards are relatively boring, they spend their time practicing.


Suddenly, a clicking sound came out, which immediately awakened the two of them.

Basically no one came here, the quiet needle falling could be heard, and a small sound would attract their attention.

The two opened their eyes and swept across many soul cards. Fortunately, every soul card was intact, but when they swept to the highest point, one soul card was full of cracks.

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