My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1081: It's a pity to kill the monster

A strong murderous intent appeared in the eyes of the black dress woman, staring at Lu Chen and sternly said: "You are looking for death."

The woman in the black dress didn't have any extra nonsense. She slapped Lu Chen over with a slap, and even ignored the dragon blood warrior next to her, because the word traitor in Lu Chen's words deeply stimulated the woman in the black dress. Self-esteem.

"Haha, it seems that you are Ning Tianjun's wife" Lu Chen laughed.

Of course, he said this deliberately because the other party turned his face to face him and found that his appearance was seven-point like Ning Hong, indicating that the other party should be Ning Tianjun's heir.

Although Lu Chen deliberately angered the opponent, he didn't sit idle, sending out a slap in an understatement.


The two spiritual power palm prints collided in mid-air, and suddenly a terrible wave of air was blown to the surroundings. People around them turned around, and even some were blown away directly, hitting the courtyard wall, and vomiting blood.

Because the black dress woman is an emperor, the rules of integration are no weaker than the power of the emperor.

After the two touched each other, neither took a step back.

Seeing the slightest change on Lu Chen's face, the woman in the black dress blocked her own blow. A dignified expression appeared on her indifferent face. At the same time, she was quite surprised because Lu Chen was at least an emperor.

"who are you"

The black dress woman stood in the air, lowered her head, and asked indifferently.

In her tone, there was a hint of giving orders, because she was born noble, even if the other party is the emperor, the identity of the two is definitely the gap between heaven and earth.

"Generally speaking, when I meet ordinary emperors, I will make fun of them, but you are related to Ning Tianjun. In order to avoid any mistakes, you should kneel down and talk." Lu Chen finished speaking, stepping on his feet suddenly. Suddenly appeared beside the woman in the black dress, the mighty rules gushing out from the body, sealing the surrounding space.

The woman in the black dress felt a supreme regular power to block her surroundings. With the power of her emperor, she couldn't break free, and her pretty face immediately turned pale.

The cultivation base is controlled, which means that she has no resistance at all.

After Lu Chen suppressed the opponent, he kicked directly on the opponent's lower abdomen, and with a click, the dantian was broken, and the power contained in it suddenly dispersed.

"You, you actually abolished me." The woman in the black dress stared at Lu Chen, speaking with a trembling tone, her eyes showed a strong and extremely resentful look, as cold as a snake.

The woman in the black dress had never thought that the cultivation base of her emperor would be instantly suppressed and then abolished in an instant. How dare the other party destroy her.

"I want you not to die, your relatives, your friends, and all people related to you will die." The woman in the black dress issued a grieving curse. She is extremely noble and pampered. She has never suffered such treatment.

"Kneel down and speak first." Lu Chen exerted a slight force, a vast force pressing on the woman in the black dress.

Bang! Click!

The woman in the black dress suddenly fell from the air, the floor cracked and her legs broke.

The woman in the black dress snorted, and the intense pain made her tears soar.

Lu Chen took action and restrained the woman in the black dress. When the opponent was abolished, everything happened between the sparks and flints, making the group of people around him dumbfounded, especially the two dragon blood warriors, whose eyes were almost staring.

Originally, they heard Ji Yue say that Lu Chen came from other worlds. Although he was in the Celestial Realm, he could kill the emperor. Even the famous royal prince Mingju was abolished by him.

However, hearing is fictitious, seeing is believing.

Tianzun's leapfrog battle with the great emperor can still destroy the other party. Only by seeing these shocking things with your own eyes can you dispel the doubts in your heart.

Although they didn't see the opponent Zhan the Great, the opponent easily crushed an emperor who had reached the limit of the Heavenly Sovereign.

Lu Chen sat on a bench slowly, with Erlang's legs tilted, his eyes jokingly at the woman in the black dress, and said, "Now I can tell your origins."

"My father is Ning Tianjun" The woman in the black dress was arrogant and looked at Lu Chen stubbornly.


Lu Chen slapped the opponent's face with great force, causing a ray of blood to overflow from the corner of the black dress woman's mouth before Shi Shiran said, "As a prisoner, I don't like your gaze very much."

The black dress woman glared at Lu Chen, gritted her teeth, her face full of resentment.


Lu Chen was not polite again, rewarded the other party with a slap, and asked: "It is said that as a prisoner, you must have the consciousness of being a prisoner. If you change to a cruel person, you will be killed directly."

The woman in the black dress spit out blood and said viciously: "You dare not kill me."

After speaking, there was a look of contempt in his eyes.

From the beginning to the end, the woman in the black dress did not believe that the other party dared to kill her, because as long as he killed her, his father would know immediately, and would immediately track down the location based on where his soul dissipated, and then avenge her.

"I even killed Ning Hong, why didn't I dare to kill you?" Lu Chen looked at the black dress woman mockingly.

"What... You killed Ning Hong, you are Lu Chen." The black dress woman's face suddenly changed, losing her calm and calm, staring at Lu Chen in horror.

At this moment, the woman in the black dress was really shocked. Ning Hong died in a martial arts competition in the time world. The murderer was really Lu Chen. Originally, she wanted to go to Jiecheng to avenge her brother. But I heard that Lu Chenneng Fighting the great emperor, the small flame of revenge was immediately extinguished.

Even if you want revenge, you have to wait for promotion to the emperor realm.

The woman in the black dress heard that Lu Chen was very bold, and not to mention killing Ning Hong, even Zhu Yi and Long Feixiang died in his hands.

However, he never expected that he was so courageous, he actually ran to the Sky Demon Realm.

Lu Chen stretched his waist and said lazily, "Now I know if I dare to kill you."

The face of the woman in the black dress was uncertain, and there was a faint fear in her eyes. The other party really did not dare to kill her in the demon world. Once killed, her father would immediately perceive her, but the other party can be taken to the mountain and sea world to kill. , If he was killed in the mountain and sea world, even if his father had monstrous ability, he would not be able to avenge him.

Because from the moment his father betrayed the mountain and sea world, his will has resisted him, and he no longer recognized him as a person in the mountain and sea world.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you." Lu Chen stared at the beautiful face of the woman in the black dress, and said meaningfully: "You look pretty, it's a pity to kill the blame."

When the black dress woman heard Lu Chen's words, she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and a slight triumph appeared in her eyes.

After all, her appearance was at the top level in the Sky Demon Realm, and it was reasonable for the other party to be reluctant to kill her.

These words changed the complexion of the people around him slightly. Lu Chen shouldn't have liked the appearance of the woman in the black dress, he was reluctant to kill it.

Xu Qingyao embraced her hands and stared at Lu Chen fiercely, using her nostrils to make an unhappy voice: "Don't forget who her father is, the biggest traitor in the mountain and sea world, don't you still want to be Ning Tianjun's son-in-law?"

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