My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1083: Ningzhou

But soon, they showed a sad look again.

Chief Yang Xingwen was imprisoned in the Emperor's Mansion, and it was as difficult as climbing to heaven to rescue him.

"Yang Xingwen" Lu Chen touched his chin and asked, "Is it strong, what realm?"

There was a touch of awe in Wu Luo's eyes, and he said solemnly: "Holy Emperor Realm."

Lu Chen's eyes lit up and he shook his head and said with emotion: "I finally heard a strong man who can be on the stage. I thought that there really is no strong man above the Saint Emperor in the Heavenly Demon Realm."

When I first entered the Sky Demon Realm, people from Lin Shan, Ji Yue and others learned that there was not even a Great Emperor in the Sky Demon Realm’s human race. Lu Chen wanted to do something vigorous. He was obviously not enough alone, so he could only sneak in secret. 'fishing'.

Hearing that the Dragon Blood Warrior and the Saint Emperor are alive now, it is the best news he has heard when he enters the Heavenly Demon Realm.

After returning to his senses, Lu Chen asked again: "So how many Dragon Blood Warriors are there."

"I don't know" Wu Luo shook his head, and said, "The companions in Ningzhou are basically all killed by the Ning clan. They are dead and imprisoned. There should be lurking outside of Ningzhou, but only the leader can Companions everywhere are summoned to gather."

Wu Luo suddenly thumped and knelt on the ground, banged his head at Lu Chen three times, and said, "Since your Excellency can sneak into the Celestial Demon Realm in secret, you should be able to rescue the leader. I have a merciless request. I hope you will come forward and rescue the leader. From now on, my Wuluo’s life belongs to your Excellency, so you can leave it to you."

"And my bangs"

The bangs beside him also puffed and knelt on the ground.

The leader of Yang Xingwen was imprisoned in the Ning clan. The Dragon Blood Legion organized several attacks, but could not produce a decent strong man to frighten them. Not only did they fail to rescue the leader, but instead drove in many people, now Lu Chen’s appearance made them Seeing the hope of saving the leader.

Lu Chen glanced at them, and said flatly, "Your lives are not worth anything to me."

Lu Chen's words are not joking. With his current cultivation base, he can fight the Invincible Emperor. He is already tyrannical to this point. What is the use of Wang Zun's subordinates, and his goal is not to create a power in the mountains and seas. It is traveling the world.

For example, God Realm, Pan Realm, Shura Realm, etc., are all places he wants to go to.

Two desperate kings, he really didn't take it seriously.

When the two heard Lu Chen's words, their faces suddenly became pale, and they also thought of this. What an enchanting youth in front of them, from the mountain and sea world, there is definitely no lack of kings behind them, and they can even send the great emperor, the powerhouse of the holy emperor. The two of them are a joke.

"However, I am willing to rescue your leader." Lu Chen suddenly said this when the two felt a little desperate.

The reason why Lu Chen agreed to save people was because the Holy Emperor Realm could do a lot of effort. Secondly, he wanted to go to Ning Tianjun’s place to see if there were any good things worth searching, and he was catching a few by the way. Heir of the wild gentleman Ning Tian.

Saving people is only incidental.

If discovered by Ning Tianjun, he would be at a disadvantage. He will stay early.

The two suddenly became excited, and kowtow to Lu Chen again and again, and said with gratitude: "Thank you for your willingness to make the move."

"You are crazy"

There was a cold voice nearby, and the person who spoke was Xu Qingyao.

Xu Qingyao looked at Lu Chen with a look of a madman. It was obvious that Lu Chen's boldness was beyond her expectations.

They sneaked into the Heavenly Demon Realm and attacked the royal family. It was not a big deal, because most of the royal families sent the most powerful people to the city, and even the ancestor-level existence was guarded there, and Ning Tianjun But the Emperor of Heaven did not guard the border city, which shows that it is in Ningzhou.

Lu Chen wandered under the nose of a heavenly emperor. If Ning Tianjun found out, it would really make Tiantian not respond and the earth would not work.

"It's not the first time you and I have met, so why bother to say this" Lu Chen said with a smile, paused, and added: "You wait here, I should be back soon."

After speaking, he looked at Wu Luo and the other two again: "Lead the way."


The two Wu Luo rose up from the ground and disappeared into the distance.

Lu Chen followed in their footsteps.


Ning Tianjun, an enchanting figure born in the world of mountains and seas, is second only to the Goddess of Dreams in talent. Although this person is now criticized by thousands of people and rejected by thousands of people, he has once been extremely brilliant.

The demon **** didn't know what he had said to Ning Tianjun, making him willing to choose to betray the mountain and sea world.

After Ning Tianjun came to the Heavenly Demon Realm, the Demon God divided a stateless land for him to rule.

Back then, not only Ning Tianjun betrayed by himself, but also betrayed by Emperor Killing and many followers. These people were members of Ning Tianjun's team.

When he first came to the Heavenly Demon Realm, Ning Tianjun was actually not welcomed by all the Sky Demon races. After all, he was not from the Sky Demon clan, but also a member of the Mountain and Sea Realm. However, the Demon God tried to protect Ning Tianjun. After years of development, Ning Tianjun seemed to have a firm foothold in the sky demon world.

Even in the many heavenly emperor levels, Ning Tianjun is also among the best.

Ningzhou, a fertile and vast area.

This is also the land of one hundred states in the Sky Demon Realm, the land with the most human races, why, because the owner here is the human heaven emperor.

Although the ruler is the Ning clan, the humans living here have not received much protection. Except for the people of Ning Tianjun's line, their status is still quite low.

Of course, living in Ningzhou is much better than the human races living in other states.

After several months of rushing, Lu Chen set foot on the land of Ningzhou. As soon as he arrived on this land, Lu Chen felt that there were less demon auras in the air, and there were more auras suitable for the human race, and he might have been transformed by Ning Tianjun.

Lu Chen stared at a magnificent city in the distance, exuding an extremely powerful sense of oppression, and asked: "Ning Tianjun can be in the city."

Lu Chen was a little solemn in his heart. He really took a big risk this time. He was also not sure whether the rules of the void could perfectly isolate him from being discovered by the Emperor of Heaven, but the probability was too small.

Once discovered by Ning Tianjun, the chances of getting caught and running away are 50-50.

"Did you say that the emperor should not be there?" Wu Luo shook his head and said, "We know more about this city. If things happen, they are usually managed by the powerful human race known as Emperor Killing. As for the emperor Ning Tianjun , We haven't really seen it either."

Kill the emperor!

Lu Chen's heart moved slightly. As early as in the Lower Realm, Lu Chen had heard the legend of Emperor Killing. At that time, Ning Hong had two Emperor Killing Spears inscribed in his body, exploding the power of the Holy Emperor Realm.

That time, it was also the first time he felt the waves of destruction in the power of the Saint Emperor.

Lu Chen came back to his senses and asked, "Why are you sure that Ning Tianjun is not in this city."

Wu Luo said, "Although the emperor is not qualified to contact him, he accidentally learned that this person has been cultivating in the Demon God Mountain."

"It's fine if you're not here." Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

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