My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1087: Hatred of wives

"What is his origin?" Lu Chen asked curiously.

Yang Xingwen explained: "He has a relatively large background, comes from the blood unicorn royal family, and belongs to one of the core disciples."

"Huh, blood unicorn royal family" Lu Chen said lightly.

Lu Chen remembered that half of the blood unicorn bloodline in Ning Hong's body indicated that Ning Tianjun married a woman from the blood unicorn family and gave birth to Ning Hong. According to this relationship, the blood unicorn family and Ning Tianjun belong to a marriage relationship. Of the people are imprisoned here.

"Isn't Ning Tianjun the woman who married the blood unicorn" Lu Chen asked, puzzled.

Yang Xingwen suddenly laughed and said: "You also know this, but this is really not a secret, and it is not surprising that you know."

Lu Chen touched his nose, he really didn't know the twists and turns.

"Xiang Jibei and Ling Huairou are the golden boy and jade girl of the blood unicorn family, and they are also core disciples of the family. Ning Tianjun was a guest of the blood unicorn clan for a period of time. Somehow, the blood unicorn family decided to marry Ling Huairou. Ning Tianjun."

"Xiang Jibei admires Ling Huairou and decides to marry her when he becomes a saint emperor."

"However, when I came back from experience and learned that my beloved woman was married to Ning Tianjun, Xiang Jibei was stupid at the time. He thought that there was no need for the tribe to win over a foreign emperor and pay the girl from the tribe. Moreover, everyone in the tribe knew that Ling Huairou was him. The woman I like."

"However, at that time, Xiang Jibei was only in the realm of the great emperor. Where is the status of a heavenly emperor important? What's more, Ning Tianjun, the heavenly emperor, is not an ordinary emperor, so the senior officials rejected Xiang Jibei's request.

"At the engagement banquet between Ning Tianjun and Xiang Jibei, Xiang Jibei yelled at Ning Tianjun on the spot, causing high-level anger and detaining Xiang Jibei."

"Xiang Jibei then set out the Qilin clan and secretly found Ling Huairou, wanting to take him to the ends of the world, but Ling Huairou not only didn't follow Xiang Jibei to leave, but also informed him of his trail."

"The greatest tragedy in life is the hatred of taking his wife, and being betrayed by his beloved. Xiang Jibei's heart is ashamed, completely mad, reclusive, and practicing in seclusion. When he returns again, he is already in the holy emperor realm and happened to meet Ning Tian. On the day when Jun and Ling Huairou got married, there was a big fight, and the final outcome was immortal imprisonment."

Yang Xingwen sighed about this past.

Lu Chen squinted his eyes. It turned out that there was such a big grievance and hatred of taking his wife. This was not ordinary hatred, it was about the dignity of a man.

Lu Chen did not hesitate to destroy Xiang Jibei's imprisonment.

Xiang Jibei raised his head, his **** eyes stared at Lu Chen, expressionless, but Lu Chen felt a little chill.

The man named Xiang Jibei in front of him was by no means as simple as an ordinary Saint Emperor.

Yang Xingwen stepped forward and looked at Xiang Jibei and said faintly: "Xiang Jibei, this little friend saved you. You don't need to thank you. I just hope you kill a few more people from Ning Tianjun, how about."

Lu Chen also took a step forward and said with a smile: "Ning Tianjun is also my enemy, dare you to kill his men together?"

"Ning Tianjun"

Xiang Jibei whispered the name softly, and then a pair of **** eyes bloomed with overwhelming hatred. The majestic and surging demonic spirit was mighty, shaking the surrounding ground and shaking the mountains, as if to break, the people around were under the overwhelming pressure, and their hearts As if suffocated.

Fortunately, Yang Xingwen shot and waved his hand, offsetting Yang Xingwen's breath.

"Okay, I'm willing to take action," Xiang Jibei said with a complicated tone, withdrawing his horror.

The two have been'neighbors' for so many years. The other party is a member of the anti-demon alliance and belongs to his enemy. They have not been opposed since ancient times. However, he and Yang Xingwen have in common, that is, being suppressed by Ning Tianjun here, endless years, the same Belongs to the miserable.

Ning Tianjun took away his beloved woman, even though he didn't know how many years had passed, it still stuck in his throat like a thorn.

"The enemy of the enemy is a friend" Yang Xingwen smiled.

Lu Chen asked: "There are so many saint emperors in this city. It seems that there is not enough manpower depending on you two."

Yang Xingwen said: "Although I haven't recovered to the peak, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with the two."

Xiang Jibei hummed coldly, "I want to hit ten."

Lu Chen: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Why does Lu Chen feel that this guy is a bit unreliable, and he swears ten.

With contempt in Xiang Jibei's eyes, he said faintly: "As for the mob that Ning Tianjun brought, how about the promotion, the only holy place I can see is the Killing of the Emperor."

Lu Chen suddenly realized that this guy looked down on the men brought by Ning Tianjun, but it was reasonable.

Because this guy is the core disciple of the royal family, with outstanding talent and super strength, it may not be ranting to deal with ten ordinary holy emperors.

However, you have to see the opponent in person before you know it.

"Let's go, let's go out" Lu Chen said. When passing by the old man, Lu Chen's powerful rules surged out and was crushed into a pool of flesh in the old man's horrified expression.

Yang Xingwen followed Lu Chen, and said in surprise: "Little friendliness, even the guards have been suppressed by you."

Yang Xingwen knew that the guardian here was a great emperor. If he were only Tianzun, he would have been rescued long ago.

Lu Chen said modestly: "It's just luck, the other party is careless."

Seeing that Lu Chen didn't say much, Yang Xingwen didn't ask much.

A group of hundreds of people stepped out of the prison and came under the sun. Hundreds of people cheered, closed their eyes and felt the warmth of the sun on their faces. For many of them, it has been hundreds of thousands of years. I haven't seen the sun anymore.

"Hahaha, after being detained for tens of thousands of years, I sighed in my heart a long time ago, and I want to kill it today"

"Even if I die in battle, I am willing to do so"

A group of people said one after another, eyes full of aggrieved expressions.

Of course, some people's eyes flickered. Although they were rescued by Lu Chen, they were not grateful, and even wanted to escape immediately. They didn't have the guts to make trouble in the Emperor's Mansion. No matter what, it was also the Mansion of the Emperor.

"I would advise you all, don't keep your hands today, you will be the one who will be unlucky then" Lu Chen said coldly. He naturally knew that most of the people in this group were not grateful, and maybe they wanted to run away now.

When the group heard Lu Chen's words, their eyes flickered. Could it be that this person still couldn't do anything to them, but what Lu Chen said next changed their expressions and started thinking seriously.

I only heard Lu Chen say in a slightly malicious tone: "Even if you can escape today, Ning Tianjun will send someone to arrest you. Sooner or later, you will be caught, but if you try your best today, you can change the situation. After all, Ning Tianjun is Outsiders, there are so many people."

"As long as he kills his subordinates, and the emperor dies above the emperor, Tianzun will not be able to catch you, and Ning Tianjun, as the emperor, will not let you go to catch you. If I am, you should consider it carefully."

Everyone pondered slightly, as if it was the reason.

Lu Chen's words also made many people give up the heart of running away immediately.

After all, this time, with two Saint Emperors leading the team, the probability of surviving after the war is still quite high.

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