My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1094: Killing under the eyes of the emperor


What a surprise!

Of course, this was not the inner thoughts of the two holy emperors Min Cheng and Liao Ding, but Yang Xingwen next to him.

Yang Xingwen had heard Liao Ding say that Lu Chen had died before, and chose to believe in his heart, regretting the death of an excellent Tianzun. Now seeing Lu Chen appearing well, he shot Xu Yuan with one arrow, his excitement cannot be described in words, and his face is full of ecstasy. .

On the contrary, Min Cheng and Liao Ding's faces were as dark as the bottom of a pot, their cheeks were hot, and their pupils were full of anger.

Previously, they had personally said that the other party had been beheaded, but now that they appeared, it was equivalent to hitting them in the face.

The two of them are full of incomprehensibility and doubts, why the other's self-healing power is so fast, doesn't it break the avenue and make the other party hurt?

Facing strange gazes around them, the two of them just wanted to find a crack to get in.

"I'm going to kill him," the third stranger who besieged Yang Xingwen said, speeding like a light and shadow, coming straight toward Lu Chen, and at the same time, a powerful mind firmly locked Lu Chen.

Qingque wanted to see what Min Cheng and Liao Ding could not kill with their joint efforts.

As Qingque's body disappeared from the field, the wonderful feeling of being locked in by a beast rose from Lu Chen's heart. With a movement of his mind, he directly entered the world of void particles and immediately activated the Lingyin robe to cover all his aura.

While Lu Chen disappeared, Qingque stood where Lu Chen was just now. Seeing Lu Chen disappearing, his spiritual thoughts radiated out, and at the same time, the avenue lines under his feet spread, and the scope of the domain expanded crazily, and then closed to form a single domain.


However, as the domain had just closed, Qingque's expression changed, because he noticed a crack in the domain.

This means that the opponent broke through his field and ran outside.

A trace of irritation flashed across Qingque’s face, and he felt very shameless. One Tianzun actually tore his domain, but after another thought, he was relieved immediately. Although the other party’s cultivation is low, there are too many good things on him. On the surface, it is suspected to have two Celestial Instruments.

And secretly, I don't know if there are other powerful magic weapons.

Estimated to be.

Thinking of their kind of saint emperor, they didn't even have a magic weapon to match the realm, and the other side had two heavenly artifacts in a small area, really envy and hatred.

At this moment, Lu Chen appeared thousands of miles away, and did not choose to head to head with that Saint Emperor.

When it comes to fighting alone, even if he holds the bow of the years, he is not the opponent of the Saint Emperor.

Why, because the years bow needs to be charged, even a second of charging is enough for the Holy Emperor to kill him.

He also doesn't have the power to urge two Celestial Artifacts at the same time. After he is promoted to the Emperor Realm, he may try it.

Lu Chen appeared in an uninhabited airspace, with stretches of buildings, gorgeous palaces, etc. below. At the first thought, a storm was gestated on the sky, turning into a sword and falling down.

Boom boom boom!

Under the powerful attack released by Lu Chen, buildings were shattered, palaces turned into ruins, and the sky was covered with smoke and dust.

At this stage, Lu Chen could only use circuitous tactics to attract the Holy Emperor to find himself and help Yang Xingwen relieve the pressure.

In the distance, Qingque stood in the field, his spiritual mind enveloped the boundless space, observing every move around him, he stood here to prevent the noble boy from interfering with the battlefield, but at this moment, a violent roar came from a distance. Attract his attention.

He raised his head and looked into the distance, his pupils contracted slightly.

Qingque saw the figure of the young man, and the sky was covered with sword-like physical attacks, falling continuously, bombarding the buildings on the ground.

Qingque's face was immediately hard to look at, this cunning kid actually chose to destroy the buildings in Ningfu.

"Look at what you see, I can't stop it yet" Qingque snarled at hundreds of people around him with a black face.

Among this group of people, the Tianzun realm and the Great Emperor are the majority, and the Tianzun realm occupies the vast majority. There are only a few dozen Great Emperors. These are basically Ning Tianjun's last subordinates.

Because that tens of thousands of Yuan Yue army was killed by Lu Chen with one arrow.

Hundreds of people hesitated when he heard Saint Emperor Qingque's instructions, because the young man was too abnormal and couldn't even help the Saint Emperor rank. They went up, only adding a corpse.

"What are you afraid of, what he relies on is only the Emperor's artifact" Qingque was a little annoyed seeing everyone standing still, and then said in an indifferent tone: "I will be next to you, he has no chance to urge the Emperor's artifact, rest assured and bold To go."

After hearing the words of Emperor Qingque, everyone felt very reasonable. Before they stood still, mainly because the opponent shot the tens of thousands of regret Yue army with an arrow, and they just successfully shot Xu Yuan Shengdi, which caused a violent shock in their hearts. , Very fearful.

Now I came back to my senses, pondered the words of the Emperor Qingque, and suddenly realized that, if the other party does not have the Emperor's artifact, it is nothing.

Now Qingque Shengdi packs the ticket, he will look at the other party to prevent the other party from urging the Emperor's weapon.

So, what else are they afraid of.

Huh huh!

Hundreds of people flickered and swarmed towards Lu Chen, including Qingque, but when they reached Lu Chen's location, Lu Chen had already disappeared.

Qingque looked at hundreds of people around him, and immediately ordered: "Spread it apart to prevent the opponent from destroying it."

When everyone heard Qingque's instructions, they immediately dispersed around, flew towards some important buildings, and then guarded the sky to prevent the other party from coming to surprise.

Lu Chen burst into laughter when he saw this scene. When these people were together, there were several great emperors who had a deep aura. They belonged to the invincible emperor. They were not easy to get started. Now they are scattered, and everyone gathers together. Ten, hundreds of miles, more suitable for him to break one by one.

Lu Chen looked at the opportunity and appeared in front of several Tianzun.

There are six gods in total.

The six people saw Lu Chen appear without using a black longbow, and all sneers appeared on their faces. However, when a vast rule covered it, filling a space of 100 meters in radius, like a small domain. . ,

The faces of the six heavenly veterans all changed drastically, and there was fear in their eyes, because the power in their bodies could not be used, and they were completely suppressed by the strong rules.

Lu Chen looked at the six face-changing Tianzun, with a wicked smile on his face. With a light wave of the Slaughter God Sword, the tip of the sword pulled a thin line across their necks.

Then, six heads flew high, and blood was pouring.

As soon as Lu Chen stepped on his feet, a faint ripple of spiritual power spread, spreading to six heads.

Puff puff!

The six heads exploded, and the primordial spirit inside was completely wiped out.

After killing a few people, Lu Chen suddenly felt cold behind him. There was a big horror, and he disappeared again without thinking.

As Lu Chen disappeared, a horrible palm that bloomed with brilliance swept across, his five fingers suddenly clenched together, and the space suddenly made a dull loud noise, like thunder.

Qingque appeared in Lu Chen's position, staring at a few headless corpses, the deep coldness of his eyes was full of coldness.

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