My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1097: Ning Tianjun's anger

Seeing Yang Xingwen's words, Lu Chen nodded slightly and said, "In this case, let's leave."

After finishing talking, he stopped taking care of Xiang Jibei, and the two quickly left the city one after another.

Just after the two left a stick of incense, accompanied by a terrifying and depressing coercion swept across the vast space, a figure in a gray robe appeared, and the body of this gray robe figure was filled with a cold and cold aura.

Seeing that the battle was still not far away, the gray-robed man couldn't help but snorted coldly.

When the killing force fell on Xiang Jibei, the latter was hit hard, his body shook violently, and a mouthful of scarlet blood spurted from his mouth.

Xiang Jibei also transformed from a monster state into a human form.

"I have seen Lord Killer"

The three people who participated in the siege of Xiang Jibei saw that Xiang Jibei was hit hard, they saw the gray robe man, and quickly flew over to salute the gray robe man respectfully.

This gray-robed man is exactly the Emperor Killing.

An invincible existence under the emperor, and has walked a long way on the road to the emperor, although he is still in the realm of the emperor, but the general power of the emperor is not his opponent at all.

For example, even if it is overpowering like Xiang Jibei, even if there is a reason for excessive consumption, but Emperor Killing waved Xiang Jibei, which shows that Emperor Killing has entered another level.

Emperor Killing was relatively short in stature, a head shorter than the three holy emperors next to him, but the aura he exudes was like a mountain, bringing endless terrifying pressure to the people around him.

Emperor Killing has a fierce and rough face, his eyes are cold, and the strong evil aura is released from his body, making the three strong men feel cold, and their tongues are trembling.

" have reached that realm." Xiang Jibei's mouth was full of blood, looking at Emperor Killing with a look of shock in his eyes.

The strength of Emperor Killing in the past was not much different from him, but now that we met, Xiang Jibei knew that Emperor Killing had entered another level, and even in his peak period, he could not be the opponent of Emperor Killing.

Facing each other in the peak state, it is estimated that at most a few breaths will be suppressed.

"What about people"

Emperor Slaughter spit out a cold word, ignoring Xiang Jibei at all.


At this moment, another monstrous and terrifying coercion shocked the audience. This coercion was extremely vast and terrifying, not knowing how much stronger than Killing the Emperor, as if it was above the sky and the earth, and the mighty power was overwhelming.

Under this breath, the bodies of the three holy emperors trembled uncontrollably, and their faces were full of tension, because they knew who was back.

I saw a stalwart figure descending, and the body bloomed with divine light, and the whole body was radiant, like a **** descending from the earth, and the mighty emperor's might that it revealed, and there was a faint feeling of worship.

"I have seen Emperor Ning Tian"

"I have seen Emperor Ning Tian"

The sage emperors who had been scared away by Lu Chen also came back, seeing the majestic figure all over their bodies, the dazzling brilliance made them afraid to look directly, and their eyes were filled with awe.

The person who arrived later was naturally the unparalleled Ning Tianjun.

Ning Tianjun spent most of his time cultivating in the Demon God Mountain, exploring the supreme path with the Demon God. However, he received a hundred thousand urgent distress signals earlier. According to the transmission, his lair was destroyed.

If you don't rush back, I'm afraid it will be reduced to rubble.

When Ning Tianjun received the news, his heart was full of anger. Whoever dared to come to his place to stray wildly, until now, he did not know who came to make trouble.

Ning Tianjun's pair of deep and majestic eyes saw the traces of the ruined Ning Mansion, and his eyes were full of barbarians, and the aura from his body became increasingly cold.

Although Ning Tianjun didn't speak, the eight holy emperors and the killing emperor could feel the coldness on Ning Tianjun's body, and the world seemed to freeze.

"What about Xu Yuan, what about Yuejun, what about the others?" Ning Tianjun asked calmly after a while, but the calm tone was mixed with a deliberately suppressed anger, as if it were a precursor to a volcanic eruption.

"Thank you, tell the emperor, this is what happened..." The emperor Qingque was under great pressure at the moment, with cold sweat on his face, biting his head, and briefly said what had happened before.


When Qingque talked about the whole incident, an extremely icy angry word came out from Ning Tianjun's mouth, and his sharp eyes glared at several people.

Boom boom boom!

A breath of anger burst out from Ning Tianjun. This wave seemed to have the energy to destroy all things. The eight saint emperors next to him were attacked by the terrible aftermath, and their faces turned white and their expressions were distorted.

With a wow, he vomited blood, and in an instant, his complexion became wilted. However, several Saint Emperors did not dare to be angry, standing beside Ning Tianjun, shivering like a quail.

"This matter is useless for me to ask the Emperor to punish him" Min Cheng said with a fist to Ning Tianjun, wiped the corner of his mouth with blood.

"You few **** were teased by a Tianzun ant, and you lost tens of thousands of Yuejun, a holy emperor." In Ning Tianjun's majestic pupils, anger burned vigorously, and angry words almost roared out. , Violent mood swings.

As a heavenly emperor, Ning Tianjun would never lose his stance regardless of whether he encountered major or minor events.

This is the first time he has lost his attitude since he became the emperor of heaven.

He originally had nine saint emperors and more than 30 great emperors. As for the subordinates of the Tianzun realm who passed 10,000 people, now, all his subordinates died in battle, and even one saint emperor died, leaving the last eight saint emperors in front of him.

If the enemy is too strong, leading them in number, and dying so many people, he will admit it.

However, the reason why so many people fell this time was related to a Heavenly Sovereign Realm ant.

Qingque they saw Ning Tianjun furious, lowered his head, his face was ashamed, and his body trembled slightly.

Just as Ning Tiandi said, they were teased by a Tianzun and would laugh out loud when they said it.

Any explanation of the reason is so pale and feeble.

Emperor Slaughter stood with his hands behind him, standing beside him, his expression was silent, his face could not see happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy, because he was not under Ning Tianjun, and the dead person was not his.

Although Emperor Slaughter tried to pretend to be calm, his heart was full of shock, shaking like the turbulent sea.

He has lived for so many years, and he has never heard that Tianzun can shoot the Saint Emperor, although he is injured and the other party has a Heavenly Emperor artifact.

Even if the holy emperor suffers a serious internal injury, it is impossible for Tianzun to be injured, and there is another point, why the other party can urge the Tiandi weapon.

This level of ultimate weapon, Tianzun should not be able to move.

These years after leaving the world of mountains and seas, where did the big dream goddess find a freak training.

The name Lu Chen was not the first time it entered his ears.

The last time the elites of the two great royal families died, the name Lu Chen entered the field of vision of the high level of the Sky Demon Realm.

This time, he went straight to the Sky Demon Realm and destroyed Ning Tianjun's lair.

It can be said that the movement is bigger than every time.

Will we retaliate against them next time?

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