My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1099: Sky Demon Action

The various races of the sky demon were extremely surprised. Did Lu Chen eat the courage of the bear heart and leopard? Not only did he sneak into the sky demon realm, he slapped Ning Tianjun's face severely, and announced his arrival in a high profile.

In addition, there is another interesting thing. Ning Hong was beheaded by Lu Chen in public because he participated in the time competition. Now the other two children of Ning Tianjun, Ning Lin and Ning Wei, are also suspected of being taken away by Lu Chen.

The sky monsters who got the news laughed blankly. Is Lu Chen the nemesis of Ning Tianjun? The heirs were almost killed.

Or maybe this is the causal effect of the mysterious, the cause of the year, the effect of the present.

Because Ning Tianjun betrayed and killed countless people in the mountain and sea world, now the people from the mountain and sea world have personally come to the sky demon world to retaliate against Ning Tianjun.

Although the demons wanted to laugh very much, when the detailed information was delivered to them, the senior leaders of the various races couldn't laugh immediately, and their faces became very serious, as if a big stone was blocking their chests, panicking.

The detailed information is like this. Lu Chen sneaked into Ning Mansion alone and released hundreds of his detained enemies in Ning Mansion. Among them were two holy emperors, one named Xiang Jibei, who was both the arrogant and poor man of the Qilin tribe. Regardless of love, Jun Hengdao was imprisoned for countless years.

The other is Yang Xingwen, who is one of the founders of the Anti-Demon Alliance and one of the leaders of the Dragon Blood Warrior.

Whoever hates Yang Xingwen the most is naturally a variety of monsters with dragon bloodlines, because the birth of each dragon blood warrior means that they will have one less member.

Ning Tianjun secretly detained Yang Xingwen, which was not well known to the public, but it was not a secret in the upper circles of the Yaozu.

The Devil Dragon imperial family has many branches, and there is more than one emperor, but they are afraid of Ning Tianjun, so they open one eye and close another, pretending that they don't know that Ning Tianjun has detained Yang Xingwen.

Of course, this was not what surprised all the races. They wanted to break their heads and couldn't figure it out. Even if Lu Chen released the two saint emperors, why could he make trouble together in Ning Mansion and leave without any effort.

Ning Tianjun, as the heavenly emperor who rebelled over the mountains and seas, brought a number of subordinates to him. Until now, he has eight saint emperors, plus Ning Tianjun married Ling Huairou of the Qilin tribe, and married a saint emperor, totaling nine. Under the Saint Emperor.

Only two holy emperors came out from the prison. Even if Xiang Jibei and Yang Xingwen were not ordinary holy emperors, it was impossible to cause such serious losses.

Two dozen nine? Why didn't he suppress it with absolute force in the first place? The reason was actually related to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen understood the void talent and could sneak in the void at will. In fact, this is not the most critical factor. Although the void talent can be hidden, Lu Chen's realm is too low after all, but only Tianzun. It is too far away from the holy emperor. Said it is the gap between heaven and earth.

Even the enchanting evildoer of the emperor's level, the strong saint emperor can easily shake to death with his breath.

But Lu Chen is an exception. It is said that the Saint Emperor Realm can't shut him down, so he can easily tear the domain apart. With the addition of holding a Heaven Emperor artifact, he can hide in the dark at any time and launch a fatal sneak attack. This also caused the Saint Emperor Xu Yuan. The key reason for the fall.

Holding the information in his hand, the senior demons of the major monster races felt extremely heavy.

They couldn't imagine that a mere Tianzun could threaten the life of the Holy Emperor.

Moreover, even the Saint Emperor Realm can't be trapped, this is too abnormal, doesn't it require the existence of the Heavenly Emperor to come out in person to suppress it?

"This person must be removed as soon as possible" the high-level demon clan thought solemnly.

Lu Chen must be eliminated, otherwise he will grow up in the future and be more difficult to kill. I am afraid that he will surpass his masters and become the most threatening to the Sky Demon Realm.

After all, the Sealed Empress, Divine Phoenix Empress, Da Meng Tian Nu and others have never done such a shocking deed.

Soon, the big monster races began to take action. A powerful presence came forward and ordered to continue. If Lu Chen is found, report it immediately. At the same time, a group of elites are drawn out, all composed of the elite of the emperor, composed of the second strongest in Ningzhou. The leader of Killing Emperor, used to chase Lu Chen.

Second, the two heavenly emperors, Purgatory Emperor and Long Lai, heard that Lu Chen came to the Heavenly Demon Realm, retreats from the ancestral land, traveled across the states, and scanned with powerful spiritual thoughts from time to time, and was bound to find Lu Chen's determination.

Every tribe of the sky demon knew why the two great heavenly emperors were so industrious, because their two tribes had suffered heavy losses because of Lu Chen, and they didn't know how long it would take to recover their vitality.

It can be said that the three emperors, Purgatory Emperor, Long Lai, and Ning Tianjun, have the deepest hatred for Lu Chen.

At the same time, this news also spread to the various races guarding the border city, the powerful existence ears sitting in the town, such as Banbu Tiandi, Tiandi level.

They left the customs one after another, and from time to time they covered the Tianhen with their spiritual thoughts, fearing that Lu Chen would sneak back to the mountains and seas.

And they had a foreboding that this was the best chance to get rid of Lu Chen, because the opponent was in the Sky Demon Realm, their base camp.

If the opponent can't get rid of them in their base camp, waiting for the opponent to escape back to the mountain and sea boundary, there really won't be any chance.

In fact, the reason why the various tribes of the Sky Demon were so united this time was because they had a premonition that if Lu Chen gained strength, it would pose a huge threat to them, there were also important profit factors.

That is Lu Chen is a fat sheep.

The first point is that the Purgatory Emperor and Long Lai had attacked Lu Chen, but they were not successful. According to the information received, the six beads rotating around Lu Chen formed a body-protecting light curtain, which even the Emperor of Heaven could hardly break. .

Although it was a weakened force, it was also much stronger than ordinary Saint Emperor.

It is conservatively estimated that it is a defensive emperor weapon.

Moreover, Lu Chen used this defensive magic weapon in Ningfu.

In addition to the defensive magic weapon, Lu Chen also has a Celestial Emperor's Great Bow, and only when Tianzun urges him, he can explode a powerful attacking magic weapon that threatens the life of the Saint Emperor.

Lu Chen owns two Celestial Artifacts by himself.

And the sword of the sword emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty was also in Lu Chen's hands.

Although this piece is not an emperor weapon, if they get it, there will be a group of monsters who cultivate sword intent long ago, and its importance is not weaker than that of an emperor weapon.

Apart from these three, God knows if there are any other good things in Lu Chen.

Lu Chen, but a sweet pastry, made the sky demon salivate, and wanted to hold it in his hands.

However, when all the demon races worked together to find out Lu Chen who was hiding the sky demon realm, there were two royal families who were not very concerned about this matter. Instead, because of the grievances between the two clans, several battles broke out. Things got worse and worse, and even the top leaders of both sides were alarmed.

These two tribes are the Dangkang tribe and the dark blood python tribe.

The reason is this. Recently, when the Kang clan died an invincible emperor, three missing emperors, and the genius Chu Tao within the clan also disappeared. The place of fall and disappearance was within the range of Mingzhou, so when the Kang clan thought it was The blood pythons started.

Died in the Underworld, naturally the Underworld Python clan is most suspected.

Because the ancient city of Mingblood was turned into ruins, dozens of people of the peaceful ethnic group died. They felt the strong atmosphere of the Dangkang family at the place of death. It was definitely because the emperor of the Kang family ignored the default rule of the emperor not to deal with civilians and was angry. .

As a result, the two clans have been fighting for a while because of their own insistence.

It is said that it has risen to the imperial battle, and the two sides have died in the imperial realm.

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