My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1102: Proud spirit

The Void Castle hovered over everyone's heads and kept growing, and finally became several times larger than the city under your feet. The giant city above it exuded a monstrous atmosphere of oppression.

Everyone present was shocked, looking at the huge black shadow above their heads, their hearts trembled violently, and the whole person was suffocating.

Yang Xingwen felt the fluctuations of the Void Castle, his eyes stunned. This was actually a magic weapon close to the Heavenly Emperor's artifact. The corner of his mouth twitched, and his heart was envious. How many treasures does this kid have.

Lu Chen looked around and said loudly: "Everyone, please go to the castle and go to the Dark Blood Python clan immediately. Only those who survive are eligible to go to the mountain and sea world."

When everyone heard Lu Chen's words, their hearts were stunned. It seemed that they wanted to go to a new home, and there was one final test. They clenched their fists and secretly warned themselves that they must perform well and not fall into the Netherblood Python clan.

Lu Chen's words fell, and a group of figures rose into the air, smoothly entering the void castle.

Soon, more than 200,000 people entered the Void Castle.

Although there are hundreds of thousands of people, the relatively large void castle still appears sparse.

"Boy, the breath here disgusts me, what's the place?" At this moment, the old man who glowed like a baby appeared next to Lu Chen and asked with confusion.

The spirit of the Void Castle was startled, and felt the strange aura around him. I don’t know why, an uncomfortable feeling surged in my heart, and nameless anger grew in my heart. I wanted to kill the Quartet and vent the pleasure in my heart.

"Sky Demon Realm" Lu Chen said lightly.

"What, Heavenly Demon Realm" Qi Ling was shocked, with a dazed expression on his face, the land under his feet was the Heavenly Demon Realm? This kid wasn't kidding, he slept for a while, and the waves hit the sky demon world?

How did this kid bring it to the Sky Demon Realm? Didn't it fall into the Demon Nest?

"Boy, why are you so careless and you were arrested into the Sky Demon Realm?" For a while, the tool spirit that hadn't recovered, began to talk nonsense, mistakenly thinking that Lu Chen was arrested.

Lu Chen said silently, "Who in the Sky Demon Realm can take me away."

"Then you..." Qi Ling finally came back to his senses, and found that Lu Chen was free and there was no sign of being imprisoned at all. Qi Ling was very puzzled and didn't understand why Lu Chen came to the Sky Demon Realm.

Lu Chen shrugged and said lazily: "Enough for the mountain and sea world, come to the sky demon world for a stroll."


Qi Ling coughed directly for Lu Chen's powerful reason.

"Counsel" at this moment, a contemptuous word rang from the side.

"Boy, you..."

Void Castle originally thought it was Lu Chen scolding him, but suddenly realized that there was a **** bow floating beside him, glowing with black light all over, and exuding a strong fluctuating aura. This aura was even greater than him. powerful.

Qi Ling immediately thought of a Heavenly Emperor weapon that was one level higher than it.

"you are..."

Void Castle Tool Spirit looked at the big bow next to him, with some doubts in his heart, it seemed that there was no bow-type Celestial Tool in the mountain and sea world.

Even Lu Chen looked at Dabow with surprise, Suiyue Gong unexpectedly ran out of Najie.

Suddenly, Lu Chen thought of something terrifying.

The imperial weapon is agile, and the weapon spirit is born, which can control the body to attack the enemy. In the past, the Void Castle did not need to be controlled by the Void City Lord to fight against the Saint Emperor.

When he used the Year Bow for the first time, he ignored the existence of Qi Ling while enjoying the powerful power of the Year Bow.

Just kidding, imperial artifacts can give birth to weapon spirits, how could the heavenly instruments not have weapon spirits.

But...why, the spirit of the Suiyue Bow never appeared, and the spirit of the Lingyin Robe, the spirit of the Years Tower, and the spirit of the Six World Orbs.

"Why did you show up?" Lu Chen looked at Sui Yue Gong and said in surprise.

"Why can't I show up?" a rhetorical tone sounded.

Lu Chen touched his nose, this tool was a bit twitchy.

"In that case, you can take the initiative to attack" Lu Chen didn't care about Qi Ling's tone, changed the subject and asked.

"of course"

"Then why don't you help me take the initiative to attack"

"Why should I help you"

After a conversation, Lu Chen was completely defeated, and at the same time he understood that the Celestial Equipment should be arrogant, and the main reason for arrogance is not a weapon native to the mountains and seas.

This kind of emperor weapon is generally surrendered to the emperor, and it is impossible to have a love for oneself.

Sure enough, the next moment, the spirit of the year bow said: "You can be regarded as a relatively good kid, and the courage is the biggest I have ever seen, so I let you pull it, and change to be an ordinary person. I am not too lazy to take him."

Lu Chen: "..."

Lu Chen asked curiously, "How powerful can you manipulate the body alone."

Qi Ling said, "Sloppy, you can shoot at the early stage of the creation realm. If the emperor urges and kills this demon god, it will only be done with one arrow. If you can't do it with one arrow, then two arrows will not exceed three arrows. ."


Lu Chen's breathing was short in his heart, and the Years Bow could exert its power in the early stage of creation without human manipulation. This...this is too abnormal.

And when used by a heavenly emperor, he actually asserted that the demon **** was shot within three arrows,

Lu Chen felt that Suiyue Bow was probably the pinnacle of the creation realm, or a magic weapon for consummation. Neither the mountain sea realm nor the sky demon realm had such magic weapons, nor did they know who they belonged to before.

If you can convince the Years Bow to control the attack by yourself, it would be so cool and crooked, even the Emperor of Heaven can be destroyed.

However, before Lu Chen was happy, Qi Ling's words came: "Boy, I won't help you. You are not qualified to let me recognize the Lord, unless you have cultivated to the top of the Holy Emperor."

These words, like a basin of cold water, directly extinguished the excitement that Lu Chen had just ignited.

Seeing Qi Ling said this, Lu Chen felt a little depressed, but he didn't care too much. After all, the Emperor Qi had its own compelling standards, and he wouldn't listen to a Tianzun for the time being.

Lu Chen took out a map in his hand and said, "Go to the blood python clan."

Boom boom boom!

The Void Castle glowed, and there were faint void regular fluctuations on the surface, which disappeared into the world at a speed visible to the naked eye. After the last ripples were collected, the world became calm again.


Netherblood Python family.

The base camp of the Underworld Python clan is built on a stretch of mountains. This is the best practice area in Underworld. The demon aura is abundant and the geographical environment is unique. There are countless buildings scattered on the mountains.

The Dark Blood Python clan has been fighting with the Dangkang clan recently, and most of the strong have been sent out.

However, in the base camp, there are still a lot of strong people.

Boom boom boom!

Suddenly, the demon aura between the heavens and the earth violently boiled, an extremely heavy aura, covering the sky above the blood python clan.

This kind of vision naturally shocked all the demons. They raised their heads, and in their sight, a huge and huge moving city appeared, radiating a terrifying and unprovoked atmosphere, causing the mountains below to shake.

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