My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1131: I am enough

"Brother Lu, you just said that you have seen a strong grievance that even those who practice in the creation realm can't help but how did you solve it in the end?" Li Xuan turned his head and said, "Tianyuan Realm, this monster born of endless grievances, shouldn’t it? It will be the one you saw."

It is no wonder that Li Xuan has this idea, even if the grievance is born of consciousness and turned into a monster, it will be difficult to achieve.

At least, it was the first time that they had seen resentment turned into such a perverted monster. They had never seen it before.

This monster has grown to the realm of creation in just a hundred years.

This growth rate is unheard of.

There was an example, which was rare, and Lu Chen said that he had seen one before, whether what Lu Chen saw was the same as the monster in the Tianyuan Realm.

Lu Chen shook his head, and said, "It shouldn't be. What I saw at the time was still grievances, there was no condensed human body, and it had been purified."

"How was it purified?" Li Xuan asked.

Lu Chen responded: "A magic weapon in the creation realm has the power of purification."

"The magic weapon of the creation realm should not be purified, unless it contains the fire of the world." Li Xuan shook his head and said: "Just now you said that even the strong of the creation realm can't refining, and a magic weapon can't be achieved. ."

Hearing Li Xuan's words, Lu Chen felt a little heavy in his heart.

When I went to the God Realm, I had to ask Xi Men Yu carefully whether the pretending grievances were completely purified. If it evolves into such a powerful monster as the Tianyuan Realm, it would be a disaster.

Lu Chen asked: "What is the difference between the fire of the world and the fire of the universe."

Li Xuan said: "All things in the heavens and the earth can unlock spiritual wisdom, and flames are the same. The flames that give birth to spiritual wisdom belong to spiritual fires. This kind of flame is only the lowest. Flames want to be promoted to the level. Spiritual power, it may not be able to advance for millions of years."

"It takes a certain amount of time for the spiritual fire to be promoted to the sacred fire. The sacred fire can easily burn to death the strong. After the sacred fire is the world fire, also known as the true flame. This kind of flame is extremely rare, because the sacred fire wants to be advanced, at least it has to be swallowed. Hundreds of flames of the same level."

"True Flame can easily burn to death the strong in the Emperor Realm, and the perfect true flame can cause harm to the strong in the ordinary Creation Realm."

"After the true flame is the fire of the universe, this kind of flame is also called the holy flame, and some people call it the holy flame of nirvana."

"Because this kind of flame falls in a world, it is enough to burn all living beings in the world, wherever the holy flame passes, all things go to nirvana, so it is called the sacred flame of nirvana."

"If True Flame wants to be promoted to Holy Flame, he also needs to swallow flames of the same level"

"There are too few holy flames, and there are only a few in the source world, no more than a hand index, all in the hands of the master."

Li Xuan said a big deal. Lu Chen's vision expanded. It turned out that the flame can be upgraded by two levels. The World Extinguishing Black Flame followed him and suffered a lot. Since the upper realm, he has forgotten its existence, and later encountered flames. , It has to be promoted.

"Someone is coming" Mo Xiu Fu Qiu suddenly raised his head and looked up to the sky, his eyes became slightly solemn. At the same time, everyone also noticed the subtle changes in the space and raised their heads.

The majestic and vast aura swept across the boundless space, making this world extremely dull, and a terrifying storm roared from afar, swallowing everything in the space.

Five figures appeared in the eyes of everyone.

The five people are tall, with faint brilliance, and the incomparable atmosphere of the avenue is permeated above their bodies, covering this world. At this moment, everyone feels a suffocation.

"Five Saint Emperor Realm"

Everyone saw the five holy emperors coming in a row, and they released coercive resistance one after another, waiting in full battle.

Everyone saw these five powerful Saint Emperors, with yellow light glowing in their pupils, and a little dementia, indicating that these five powerful Saint Emperors were enslaved by the guy who claimed to be a Cthulhu.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, because since the opponent was enslaved, it would be impossible to have combat experience like a normal practitioner, and it is estimated that he would fight by instinct.

The five holy emperors who were enslaved by the evil **** came to the heights of the crowd, and the lines of the avenue spread from under their feet, expanding wildly.

"One person, one, as for the rest, it's up to you," Li Xuan said quickly.

They are four invincible great emperors, and it is not a problem to fight against the four weakened saint emperors. As for the vacant one, it will be handled by his men.

In addition to the four of them, the Wanderer, there are more than twenty emperor realm powerhouses, and it shouldn't be a problem to contain a holy emperor.

Whoosh whoosh!

The four Li Xuan took the initiative to attack and rose into the air. The brilliance of the road spread, sacred and bright, like a **** of war, to face the four powerful saints.

Boom boom boom!

The four immediately launched a lore, various secret techniques, and unique skills.

Between heaven and earth, there was a dull loud rumbling sound,

The four Li Xuan and the four saint emperors fought against each other, and the resulting movement was immense. A group of hot and dazzling light enveloped the entire world. In that dazzling light, fragments of the avenue flew, destroying the aftermath and annihilating the surrounding space.

The remaining Saint Emperor, no one stopped, stared at more than twenty great emperors, bathed in brilliance, stepped forward, and fell with one step, the world trembled, like the sky and the earth cracked.

The strong faces of the Drifter were extremely dignified, and they opened up the domain to resist the pressure of the holy emperor. Kakaka, the sound of the domain colliding and breaking constantly, one after another, the figure was shaken off, and the blood mist sprayed.

In the face of this saint emperor, they had no chance of winning. After they stabilized, they could only use the domain and involve the other side.

Lu Chen stood next to him, and didn't do anything for the first time, because the guy who claimed to be an evil **** couldn't enslave the five holy emperors, at least there were a group of servants.

When Lu Chen’s thoughts came up, many auras exploded in the distance, and soon, in the eyes of everyone, a legion with more than a hundred people appeared. Every slave was filled with the aura of great power, indicating that this group People are all powerful in the emperor realm.

Five holy emperors, plus more than one hundred emperor realms, belong to the top lineup of the Tianyuan realm.

These people were all enslaved by the yellow-robed youth.

"There are so many more"

Seeing a group of strong imperial realms appeared, the complexion of the practitioners of the emperor realm of the Wanderer changed drastically, showing bitterness.

A group of them can barely contain a weakened Saint Emperor powerhouse.

But now, another group ran out, how could they resist.

"Ten people will be divided to fight, and the rest will be restrained." Although a group of people saw the arrival of the army, they were in the mood to retreat, but they still placed most of their expectations on the four captains, and waited for them to solve the four holy emperors. , Naturally can freely help them.

"You don't have to make a move, I'm all alone"

Just when they were about to separate their hands and fight against the Imperial Realm Legion, a calm word rang from the side.

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