My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1135: Almost fooled

Lu Chen looked at the young man in Huangpao and said sarcastically: "You can't crush a copper coin. I'm ashamed to let me recognize you as the master."

A trace of gloating arose in Lu Chen's heart, this guy touched the Destiny Copper Coin, and had a causal connection with Destiny City Lord.

Only then did Li Xuan and others understand that they had misunderstood Lu Chen, and their expressions were rather embarrassed.

With the promotion speed of the yellow-robed youth, it may not take long for the Lord of Destiny to be spotted and then hunted.

But these little tricks have nothing to do with whether they can escape.

At the moment, I need to find a way to escape from the yellow robe youth.

Lu Chen's contemptuous tone made Huangpao Youth's face flushed, and he couldn't help refuting: "Can you crush it."

The young man in Huangpao was also stunned in his heart, and he couldn't crush a copper coin with his own cultivation base.

"No," Lu Chen replied confidently.

The yellow robe youth immediately roared: "You can't crush it, why let me crush it."

Lu Chen shrugged and said lazily: "I want me to recognize you as my master and show me some skills. I can't meet the conditions I mentioned. Why should I be embarrassed here? If I were you, I would run away in shame."

"Jiejie, I was almost deceived by you." The young man in Huangpao suddenly chuckled, staring at Lu Chen, and said playfully; "It's just a trivial strategy, how can I be fooled, today you surrender to surrender, you must surrender if you don't surrender. ."

Although the young man in Huangpao is not a human race, he knows that human beings are the most cunning creatures in the world, with many tricks. Fortunately, he is smart and almost fooled.

Of course, Lu Chen would not think that the other party would be agitated by the Fa. This guy had calculated the will of the Tianyuan Realm, and he was not a fool, so he said: "Give you an hour, if it can be destroyed within an hour, I will consider you as the master, otherwise If we do, we will commit suicide and we will not let you succeed."

The young man in Huangpao frowned, although he didn't care that Lu Chen and others committed suicide.

However, the Tianyuan realm that this time invaded is only a small world. In the future, he will invade the big world. He needs a team of people. Otherwise, with his own polished commander, it will be difficult to occupy the world with the martial artist of the creation realm in a short time. Encountered a flame that can restrain oneself.

His life is still in danger.

The Huangpao youth was a little angry in his heart. He was destined to become a taboo creature in this universe. Now he wants to recruit his subordinates, but the other party does not obey, which makes him quite annoyed.

The young man in Huangpao thought a little bit, and decided to fulfill his promise to destroy the fate of the copper coin within an hour, but his attention was always on Lu Chen and the others, preventing everyone from running away.

"what are you doing"

The Huangpao Youth suddenly stopped destroying the copper coins, turned his head to look at Lu Chen, his eyes fell on a black big bow.

Lu Chen gently wiped the Years Bow with his hand, and said angrily: "The magic weapon has been in Najie to eat ashes for a while, it is full of dust, I can't wipe it out."

Yellow robe youth: "..."

Everyone: "..."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, regardless of the yellow robe youth, he held a cloth in his hand and concentrated on wiping, and soon the bow of the years was very bright.

"Tell you, it's better not to play tricks, these little tricks can't deceive me" the yellow robe youth stared at Lu Chen, with a meaningful warning, and then a thick yellow substance rose up in his palm, and threw the fate copper coin in it. Want to corrode with grievances.

A minute later, the yellow-robed youth stopped moving again, staring coldly at Lu Chen, because the other party tried to pull the black bow in his hand, and there was energy gathering around him, and a translucent arrow aimed at him.

"What are you doing now?" Huang Pao Youth asked coldly.

Lu Chen pulled the bow, released it, back and forth several times, panting and saying, "Training the biceps, why, are you still not allowed to exercise?"

Yellow robe youth: "..."

"My patience is limited. Don't repeatedly challenge my bottom line." The yellow-robed youth looked indifferent and continued to'melt' fate's copper coins with grievances.

This time, the yellow-robed youth didn't care about Lu Chen's small movements, because he was not afraid of powerful offensive forces. The only thing he was afraid of was the flame and thunder, but the flame and thunder that could kill him were not available to these people.

"God of fire bathing in flames, I am your most loyal admirer. Listen to my call and come quickly." Lu Chen chanted like a **** stick beside him, dancing with his hands. I saw that the youth in yellow robe did not Caring about him, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Beautiful and gentle water god, I am obsessed with your appearance, I am your most loyal follower, please show up quickly."

"A Titan God who originated from ancient times..."

Li Xuan and the others looked at Lu Chen with a bewildered expression. They didn't understand what Lu Chen was doing. They were talking about the God of Fire, the God of Water, and the God of Titan. Could it be that the realm master existed.

Can Lu Chen summon the Lord?

Isn't it a pious calling for the Lord of the Mountain and Sea?

After all, he is a citizen of the Shanhai Realm, and he may call faithfully, and the Lord of the Shanhai Realm can hear the prayer.

"Boy, can you please stop twittering, I'm very annoyed to hear it" A minute later, the young man in yellow robe looked up and glared at Lu Chen.

Because there was no way to destroy this copper coin, the young man in the yellow robe was already very irritable, and someone nearby made him even more irritable.

"Thinking that I will become your servant soon, I want to sing and cultivate my sentiment." Lu Chen said with a lonely expression, actually calling for the will of the Tianyuan Realm secretly, hoping that the other party would help.

Lu Chen felt that even with the flames of enmity, it would not necessarily be able to severely injure the yellow-robed youth. If the Tianyuan Realm was willing to help himself, the more powerful the Years Bow would be exerted.

In fact, the will of the Tianyuan Realm had been paying attention to it secretly, and Lu Chen borrowed the flame from Fu Qiu to see clearly.

However, he didn't understand what Lu Chen was doing.

Could it be that a Tianzun could really explode the big move that severely injured the evil god.

If he can, he doesn't mind helping out.

Lu Chen didn't know if the Tianyuan Realm's will was sensed, but seeing that the Huangpao youth's divine mind hadn't locked him, Lu Chen knew that this was the last phone call meeting.

Lu Chen's expression suddenly became serious, and he took up the years longbow, drew the bowstring, and finished his action in one breath.

As the bow of the years was stretched out to a certain extent, the energy of the heavens and the earth gathered quickly, and the energy of the surrounding heavens and earth was tuned. In an instant, the surrounding sky was dim and the earth was dark, with no fingers in sight.

This super vision is entirely caused by the excessive extraction of energy from the heavens and the earth.

Lu Chen urged two divine fires to merge into the rapidly condensing arrows.

The flame arrows condensed on the bowstring filled with terrifying temperature, and even the space showed signs of melting.

"A strong flame energy, close to the realm of creation." Tianyuan Realm was startled, and he immediately understood that the young assassin in front of him was terrifying, but this power was not enough to severely injure the Cthulhu, because the Cthulhu was already a large body, and it was difficult to destroy. Kill, unless there is a holy flame, you can easily burn the opponent into nothingness.

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