My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1147: Gentleman is magnanimous

The Sect Master of the Vulcan Sect stood volley in the air, his robe hunting and hunting, silently meditating: "Xi Menqing wrote the guarantee at the beginning, and there is absolutely no next time. The attitude is sincere, not like cheating..."

The Vulcan Sect Master's face was gloomy and uncertain, how could the good-looking flames disappear.

After thinking about it for a while, the Vulcan Sect Sect Master still felt that Ximen Qing was the most suspicious. Although it was not only the Void Family who knew nothing about it, only Ximen Qing could sneak away Shenhuo without even noticing it.

The Sect Master of the Vulcan Sect decided to find out the youth brought by the Moon God to inquire, to see if he had encountered an old man, random spiritual thoughts shrouded the upper space of the Inferno, but no one was found.

The Sect Master of the Vulcan Sect was a little weird, could it be that the opponent was burned to ashes by the flame?

Impossible, the other party has a sacred fire, and the upper space of Hell does not threaten the latter.

Did you enter the lower space of Hell?

Do you want to die?

Even if he possesses a divine fire, the lower space of Hell is not a place where true gods can stay. The rich flame element in the lower space can burn the ordinary divine emperor to death. If the opponent goes down, he will definitely not survive.

The Sect Master of the Vulcan Sect was puzzled that not only the sacred fire but also the people disappeared. This matter became more and more weird.

The Vulcan Sect Master's figure flashed and came to the lower space of the Hell.

The Sect Master of the Vulcan Sect unfolded his majestic thoughts and carefully searched every inch of space. Fortunately, his efforts paid off, and he felt a faint familiar breath.

Although the breath was very weak, he recognized it all at once.

The owner of this breath was the young man brought by the Moon God a few years ago, and it was easy to identify, because the breath of the young man was different from that of the warriors of the gods, and there was no divine power fluctuation.

The Vulcan Sect Sect Master looked towards the empty place and said with a black face, "Boy, I know you are hiding nearby and come out."

The Sect Master of the Vulcan Sect did not expect that the youth brought by the Moon God really came to the lower space and lived well, and more importantly, the other party also understood the Void Dao and was hiding in the world of Void Particles.

Fortunately, he is a **** emperor, and if he is replaced by a **** emperor to investigate carefully, he may not be able to perceive the other's breath.

As a result, the Vulcan Sect's suspicious probability of the youth rose linearly.

There was a wave of void ripples in the space, and Lu Chen appeared in front of the Vulcan Sect's Sect Master, asking harmlessly, "What's wrong, Senior."

The Sect Master of the Vulcan Sect stared at Lu Chen with sharp eyes, and said coldly: "You understand the Void Dao."


Lu Chen replied.

The Sect Master of the Vulcan Sect continued to ask with a black face, "So, the sacred fire was swallowed by you."

Next to the Sect Master of the Vulcan Sect, the great elder and ten elite disciples looked at Lu Chen with strange expressions, and muttered in their hearts. Could it be that the old patriarch of the Void Family has harmed Shenhuo, and the youth in front of him is the real murderer.

"What, what kind of fire?" Lu Chen looked puzzled.

"Don't pretend to be stupid." The Vulcan Sect Master had a bad look and said: "Is the Vulcan swallowed by you? To be honest, otherwise I will smoke you."

Lu Chen said innocently, "Senior, did you say that there is a sacred fire here? I felt a lot of it, but before I had time to swallow it, you appeared."

Before the Vulcan Sect Master could speak, Lu Chen guessed: "Could it be that the mad woman told Senior to trouble me? If this is the case, I admit it, Senior doesn't need to find a crappy reason."

The Vulcan Sect Sect Master heard Lu Chen's name for the Moon God, his face was speechless, this kid was too courageous, he even called the Moon God a mad woman, does he know if this sentence is spread outside, the God Realm Two thirds of male creatures will come to beat him.

A single spit is enough to drown him.

However, the doubts in my heart have been dispelled a lot, is it really not the kid in front of me.

The Vulcan Sect Sect Master’s expression eased a lot, and his eyes became less sharp, and he continued to ask: "Have you seen strangers come here, or have sensed special aura fluctuations."

Ximen Qingnengshen sneaked into it unconsciously without being noticed by him, because the opponent had extremely high Void Dao mastery, but it was important to show up to steal the Divine Fire, it was impossible to have no breath at all.

"Let’s think about it." Lu Chen thought hard and fell into thinking. After three seconds, he slapped his forehead, and said suddenly: "Oh, a few months ago, I did see a person who mastered a very powerful Void Dao. I chased it out of curiosity, but after not chasing it for a while, I chased it and lost it."

The last word fell, and Lu Chen's face showed a look of regret in a timely manner.

Lu Chen was previously alarmed by the shouts of the great elder of the Vulcan Sect. He kept his eyes on him and heard someone roaring at the old patriarch of the Void Family. He thought to himself, could it be Ximen Yu's family.

Then I heard the roar of the Vulcan Sect Master, cursing a man named Ximen Qing.

Then, I figured out the situation, it turned out that the spirit fire and divine fire in the Hell Space were lost, which alarmed the Vulcan Sect Master.

Originally, Lu Chen thought that the flames in the Hell Space were purely wild, but now it doesn't seem to be that it was cultivated by the Vulcan Sect Sect Master.

The World Extinguishing Black Flame swallowed hundreds of spiritual fires and eight divine fires. If the Vulcan Sect Master knew about it, he might slap him to death.

The main suspect of the Vulcan Sect's Sect Master was the person named Ximen Qing. Of course, he was also in the suspicion of the other party, only a slight suspicion.

In this case, I still can't shake the pot quickly.

"Senior Ximenqing, I'm sorry," Lu Chen said silently.

The World Extinguishing Black Flame swallowed hundreds of spiritual fires and eight divine fires. If the Vulcan Sect Master knew about it, he might slap him to death.

Far away, in the prosperous city, an old beggar in ragged clothes and gray hair squatted on a street corner, next to a porcelain bowl with a missing corner, he sneezed severely, and a strange color appeared in his old eyes.

The old beggar had a faint sense of uncertainty in his heart, always feeling that something bad happened.

"Ding Dong" a few copper coins fell into the tattered bowl.

"Thank you kind people, thank you kind people" The old beggar raised his head and thanked a seven or eight-year-old delicate little girl.

This old beggar is the old patriarch of the Void Family, a **** emperor realm. Because the cultivation base reaches the **** emperor realm, every time it breaks through a small realm, it takes hundreds of millions of years to come out to play the red dust. Experience the world.

Vulcan Sect is here.

The Vulcan Sect Sect Master twitched his cheeks, his temples were blue, and he gritted his teeth and asked, "When did he come?"

I was almost certain in my heart that it was the old fellow Ximen Qing who came to patronize once.

"I felt the fluctuation a few months ago, but as for when I came here, I don't know." Lu Chen showed a look of memory, and then said admiringly: "That senior has a very high level of knowledge about the void, and he is the best I have ever seen. Powerful people originally wanted to worship each other as their teacher, but they couldn't keep up with the other's speed."

Lu Chen's expression was full of sorrow.

"He is the old patriarch of the Void Family, and the **** emperor's mid-term cultivation base, of course you can't keep up with your speed" Sect Master of the Vulcan Sect immediately mocked. On Void Dao attainments, Xi Men Qing admits himself second, no one dares to recognize the first.

This guy is truly in the realm of spirits, and he wants to keep up with Ximen Qing, which is simply a dream.

"The bull's head is not right with the horse's mouth." At this moment, the Vulcan Sect Great Elder stepped forward, looked at Lu Chen, and sneered, "I swept through the wave of my spirit before, and the one who disappeared was you. I felt that my spirit disappeared immediately, and said , Is it a guilty conscience."

The eyes of the Great Elder were like two golden lamps, extremely sharp, full of a sense of oppression.

"You are a real god, why can you stay safe and sound in the lower space of the Inferno Prison?" Before Lu Chen could speak, the elder raised another tricky question.

Lu Chen had already turned all the attention of the Vulcan Sect Master to the person named Ximen Qing, but when he suspected that he disappeared, someone intervened, so the Vulcan Sect Master turned his attention to him again. .

Lu Chen cursed secretly. Although he was nervous to die, his expression was calm and calm. He said, "I'm too far from the realm of Senior. Senior swept across with anger and spirit. I was very scared. As for the second question. , These two goods can come to the lower space, why can't I."

Lu Chen looked at the ten people next to the Great Elder, two of them were in the realm of True God, the same realm as his.

The great elder was silent for two seconds, and then said: "Both of them are the top true gods in the God Realm, and they can naturally resist the temperature of the lower layers of the Hell."

Lu Chen said: "Senior means that the two of them have the strongest true gods, and there is no real **** more powerful than them. Is that what I mean?"

The elder shook his head and said, "That's not it."

Although these two people are very powerful in True God Realm, they are not the strongest. After all, the super power of God Realm is not the dominance of the Vulcan Sect. Other **** emperor-level forces can also cultivate excellent true gods.

Lu Chen said: "I have a magical fire body and can come to the lower space. Isn't this a normal thing?"

"Return to the subject" Lu Chen shifted his gaze to the Vulcan Sect Master, and said sincerely: "Senior, I did not take the Noble Sect Divine Fire, I just swallowed a few spirit fires in the upper level."

"Take out your divine fire and let me feel it." The Sect Master of the Vulcan Sect only needs to check the opponent's divine fire aura to know if it is true or false.

Lu Chen didn't hesitate at all. When his mind moved, his body surface was covered with a layer of black flames, filled with hot temperature, and at the same time, his eyes did not have the slightest guilty conscience to look at the Vulcan Sect Master, and he said: "Losing a few spiritual fires is not for Guizong. What's the big deal? If the Guizong really wants me to pay, I can write down an outstanding bill and pay it back at that time."

"That's not enough," said the Vulcan Sect Master proudly. Spiritual fire is not precious to him. In the upper space of Hell, several, even more than ten, can be born in ten thousand years. The main reason is that the sacred fire is more precious than the spiritual fire. It was his heartache and determination to track down the murderer.

Slightly sensed the opponent's flame aura, it was a lot better than last time, it should be because of swallowing a few spirit fires.

Moreover, the gentleman acting as a young man was magnanimous and did not have a guilty conscience of doing bad things at all. It seemed that the suspect was not him.

Just as the Vulcan Sect Master wanted to feel the breath carefully with his spiritual thoughts, Lu Chen suddenly closed the flames.

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