My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1149: Robber

The sky is high and the birds fly, the sea is wide and the fish leap!

Tens of millions of miles away from the Vulcan Sect, a young man with extraordinary temperament walked alone on a crowded street in a certain kingdom of God. Pedestrians cast strange glances, secretly saying that a young man in Yushu and facing the wind, I don’t know which major force cultivated to walk the world. Experienced precious son.

This person is not someone else, but Lu Chen.

Lu Chen guessed as he walked. It was estimated that the Vulcan Sect Sect Master had already figured out the facts at this time, and he had returned to the Vulcan Sect. He must have been throwing something in a rage.

Next, Lu Chen traveled through the kingdom of God one after another. During the period, he also encountered an old beggar in ragged clothes. He threw a few pills of kindness to the other party. This old man also blames the poor. He has a little cultivation base. As for falling to the streets to pray.

However, Lu Chen did not expect that the old beggar would suddenly pull him and ask if he was interested in worshiping him as a teacher.

Lu Chen rolled his eyes. The old beggar thought very beautifully. Can a mortal teach him how to beg.

Hehe, he doesn't learn this.

Lu Chen didn't know. After he left, the old beggar looked at his back with a pensive expression: "This young man doesn't know which world he comes from. He has a strong atmosphere of rules. At least he has understood hundreds of rules. It is estimated that the source world came out to experience it. The proud son of heaven, it is a pity that he has no chance to become an apprentice."

Just as Lu Chen was walking aimlessly, on another street in the city, at a table by the window of a pub, a boy of about eleven or twelve years old held his chin with his hands, watching the pedestrians coming and going outside the street, drooping. He looked at his head as if he lacked interest.

The boy has a delicate face, black hair and dark eyes, and a pair of dark eyeballs are turning steadily, and his immature face that has not faded away has a slight handsomeness, which is already a little handsome.

It is estimated that when he grows up, there will be one more beautiful man in the world who fascinates thousands of young girls.

"It's so boring." The little boy sighed listlessly.

Next to the little boy were two maids, who looked about seventeen or eighteen years old, with white dresses, melon-seeded faces, and willow eyebrows, slim, and very beautiful faces.

The appearance of the two girls is almost exactly the same. They are twins. It is difficult to tell who is the sister and who is the sister from the appearance.

The excellent appearance of the twins naturally attracted the coveting eyes of male creatures in the tavern.

"What are you looking at? I'm watching to dig out all of your eyes." One of the twin girls patted the table with his hand and glanced viciously at the male creatures in the tavern. If there was no pressure, the whole audience was filled.

This coercion made the male creature sober, his face changed drastically, and it was difficult to see that this slim girl was actually a powerhouse of the Divine King Realm.

Although the prosperous city at the foot is a kingdom of God, where the strong are gathered, the kingdom of God is cultivated as the most powerful leader of the kingdom. However, in the early days of the **** king, the level of the **** king belongs to the top power of the country, and can create a top family, even if the country The Lord will also be courteous and polite.

These three people should come from the power of the gods, and everyone was so scared that they diverted their gazes and did not dare to look at them again.

"Sister Qiao, it's so boring." At this moment, the child boy Bai Hao bowed his head and sighed dejectedly.

"Young Master, you have been out for three months, let's go back, the mistress should be worried," the twin **** Bai Hao's left said softly.

This girl is more mature and stable than the **** the right. The **** the right is the one who scolded everyone before, and her fierce tone made a group of people afraid to keep prying.

The twins are Big Qiao and Xiao Qiao respectively. They look only seventeen or eighteen years old regardless of their appearance, but their true age can already be measured in thousands.

"Now that there is an all-out invasion in the God Realm, foreign races have invaded, Young Master, you are so noble, if you are known by the foreign race, you will face the whole world chasing you." Da Qiao's face is clear and refined, and his big watery eyes are full of worry.

Young Master Bai Hao's status is too noble, there must be no surprises.

"I won't go back" Bai Hao shook his head and said with a gloomy expression: "I will be beaten by my mother again when I go back."

When Da Qiao heard this, he wanted to laugh a little, but he still patiently comforted him: "Young Master, you just need to be good, don't be naughty, and you won't be beaten."

"Hmph, finally escaped once and said nothing to go back." Bai Hao hummed, staying in the Kingdom of Death was uncomfortable at all. Because of the mother's mighty and majestic, there was no friend. Those of his age dare not approach him.

Speaking to them, you can obviously feel awe.

Although he had a good reincarnation, he was very lonely inside.

Although the kingdom of death is safe, there is nowhere to be free and easy outside.

"Sister Da Qiao, why don't we find something exciting to sit down?" Bai Hao said excitedly when his eyes lit up without knowing what he thought of.

"Wh, what's the excitement?" Da Qiao's face blushed slightly, a little uncomfortable with the latter's fiery eyes.

"Robbery" Bai Hao snapped his fingers, his eyes shot solemnly and sacredly, and said excitedly: "We came out all the way, I don't know how many waves of robbery people have been encountered. I was thinking that robbery must be fun, otherwise, why is there? So many people like robbery, let's try robbery and experience the joy of robbery."

"Good robbery, hee hee" Xiao Qiao on the right clapped and happily agreed to robbery with the young master.

Da Qiao stared at my younger sister, the young master was making a fool of herself, she followed what she was doing. Da Qiao looked at Bai Hao, and explained dumbly: "Young master, those who have the qualifications of casual cultivator, life is forced to take a road of robbery, young master. Lord, you don’t lack resources, so why bother to rob."

Bai Hao talked about it and said, "It's too boring now, I always find something exciting to do."

"Sister Da Qiao, please promise me," Bai Hao asked pitifully.

"Okay, okay" Da Qiao was defeated and nodded helplessly.

"Sister Da Qiao, you are so kind" Bai Hao looked excited, then looked out the window, stared at the pedestrians coming and going, and picked the victims of the robbery.

About ten minutes later, a young man caught Bai Hao’s sight, his eyes lit up, and he pointed to the young man and said, "Sister Xiao Qiao, Sister Da Qiao, what do you think of this person, his temperament is more dusty than those around him, I want to come. If there is something good on one's body, we will rob him."

Da Qiao looked at Bai Hao and said, "Young Master, after this mischief, please follow us home obediently."

"I'll talk at that time" Bai Hao waved his hand in a perfunctory manner, focusing on the young man, walked out of the tavern, and walked up with cat waist.

Da Qiao looked helpless, hoping that the young master could go home obediently after this mischief.

Lu Chen wandered around at random, suddenly startled, three little tails appeared behind him, sneaking after him.

Lu Chen's face was strange, and the three little tails behind him kept following behind him. What do they want to do, robbery?

Although he found the anomaly, Lu Chen didn't care. As if he didn't find the stalker, he continued to wander aimlessly. The people behind him were very patient and followed him unhurriedly, keeping a certain distance from him.

After an hour, Lu Chen became a little bored, and he wondered what the people behind him wanted to do.

Lu Chen swayed out of the city and headed to a deserted place.

"Finally out of the city" Bai Hao heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Lu Chen leaving the city. If the targeted target continues to wander around, he will choose to change the target.

Although you can also do it in the city, it's boring to do so much. Is it still called robbery in the public? It's called Mingqiu, it's not exciting at all.

Now that the other party is finally out of the city, he can enjoy the process of the robbery.

The three of Bai Hao followed Lu Chen all the way to the outskirts. They watched Lu Chen enter a forest. Bai Hao clapped his hands excitedly and said, "Sister Xiao Qiao, Sister Da Qiao, come on, surround him, don't let him run away, ** Don’t leave him with any of his clothes. Let’s rob him for the first time and try to be a qualified robber."

The three rushed into the woods, preparing to stop each other, but found that the woods were empty and the target of the robbery was missing.

The twins of Qiao and Qiao are both in the pinnacle state of the **** king. Seeing people disappear and the spirit of mind enveloping the woods, they still haven't found the young man. Their pretty faces can't help but be stunned. How can a person who practice in the real **** state escape the scan of their spirit, can the other person find They followed and escaped.

However, no matter how fast young people are, they shouldn't escape their spiritual consciousness.

"Where did you go?"

Bai Hao stood in a clearing and looked around, his face was full of disappointment. He clearly saw the other person coming in with his own eyes, why didn't he see the young man.

Could it have disappeared.

Da Qiao's pretty face rarely showed a touch of solemnity, and said in a low voice: "Xiao Qiao, protect young master."

Da Qiao faintly realized that it was not good. He thought that the selected looted was a sheep, but now it seems that the sheep has become a wolf.

Being able to escape her mind scan shows that the other party is by no means as simple as it seems.

At the same time, Lu Chen standing in the world of void particles, with a playful look at the corners of his mouth, embraced his hands and looked at the silly three people.

The three people's every move, talking about words, clearly fell into his ears.

A young boy in his early ten years old, two twin girls.

The little boy was in his early ten years old, and Lu Chen felt that the other party's aura was very weak, which was comparable to the three-level holy realm of the holy realm. A holy realm of about ten years old was already against the sky.

The two twin girls should be the guards of the little boys. They have the cultivation base of the **** king peak, weaker than the invincible emperor, and the fluctuations of the extreme emperor are not much different.

"People, why have they disappeared? The first time I robbed him, wouldn't it be so sad that the curtain would come to an end?" Bai Hao said without seeing the person, almost crying.

When Lu Chen heard this, his face was speechless, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of panic in his heart. What kind of **** luck he had taken, a little boy with no hairs stared at him, yelling and robbing him. .

This robbery combination is too strange.


Suddenly, Lu Chen trembled all over, as if struck by lightning, causing his body to shake slightly.

Lu Chen stared at the little boy in disbelief, whose outline was seventy-sevenths like himself, very much like his own when he was a child.

And in the other party, I felt a sense of closeness and familiarity, which was the resonance caused by blood.

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