My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1152: Kidnapping

Lu Chen didn't know, his son was still thinking about robbing him. If he knew, he would take off his pants and beat him hard.

Not long after, Lu Chen came back with a young man in his hand. The other party's brocade clothes and jade suit, belt and jade pendant, the clothes looked exquisite and magnificent, and there was a hint of nobleness on his body.

This young man was called Mo Yunfei, the son of Mo Yun's imperial family, and the ninth son of the Lord of the Kingdom of God, with outstanding talent. Among the many princes, only the fourth elder brother could surpass him.

At this moment, Mo Yunfei's face was full of stunned and shocked expressions.

Just before the kung fu of a cup of tea, he was cultivating well in the mansion, but suddenly a strange young man rushed in and took him away involuntarily.

The young man's cultivation was similar to him. He didn't have the slightest resistance at all and was taken away by suppression. What kind of monster this young man was, he was brought out directly without disturbing the guardian of the **** king.

Lu Chen threw Mo Yunfei on the ground, looked at Bai Hao and said, "This guy is the ninth prince of the Mo Yun imperial family. Although his strength is average, he is top-notch among many princes, and his talent surpasses the other brothers, indicating that the Mo Yun imperial family His resources tend to him, and he is also the first fat sheep I hunted."

Bai Hao listened intently, and finally nodded, and said, "Senior, I know how to choose the fat sheep in the future."

A drop of cold sweat slipped from Mo Yunfei's forehead, and he...he was compared to a fat sheep. Are these people trying to rob him?

Mo Yunfei's head was a little dizzy, and he felt very flustered. He was in Moyun City, and he was still in the Moyun City mansion, and was kidnapped?

Although he felt very flustered, the facts told him that he was really kidnapped.

"Several people want to ask for money, it's very simple, I can give you how many crystals you want, can you let me go?" Mo Yunfeiqiang squeezed a smile.

Mo Yunfei did not struggle and did not threaten, because the youth in front of him was abnormally strong, and any threatening words were useless. Since the other party dared to catch him, it meant that the Mo Yun imperial family had not been taken seriously.

Lu Chen ignored Mo Yunfei's words, took off the ring on his finger, glanced at it, and said, "Five hundred thousand square crystals, resources are so-so."

Mo Yunfei's head dizzy, this guy is too abnormal, can everyone still play happily, why everyone is in the same realm, the prohibition on the ring is regarded as nothing.

"The robbery is divided into one-time and multiple times. For example, the guy in front of you can take all his treasures at once without leaving anything. You can also divide into several robberies, each taking two-thirds." Lu Chen looked at Bai Hao and said.

Bai Hao asked wonderingly: "Senior, is there any difference between taking it all at once and taking only two-thirds in a fraction of a time."

Lu Chen said, "Of course there is a difference. It's like you ransacked all the resources of this guy, and ransacked him for a while, maybe it will make him feel hopeless in life and commit suicide."

"But you take two-thirds at a time, not all of them, giving the other party despair and hope of survival at the same time, not committing suicide, so that you can continue to develop. This is called cutting leek and plundering."

"Senior, I understand" Bai Hao nodded thoughtfully.

Mo Yunfei's face was full of cold sweat. Did he meet the ancestors of the robbery to teach the younger generation the experience of robbery? I feel that what the other party said makes sense.

If he was ransacked twice and ransacked completely, he would really collapse to the point of committing suicide, but every time the other party kept a little bit, he would have a glimmer of hope and use hatred as a motivation for cultivation.

Both Qiao and Qiao were in constant cold sweat. Seeing his young master's concentration and careful study, his young master has been completely distorted by this weird predecessor.

"You still have a long way to go if you want to reach the supremacy of robbery. Now if you robbery once, you will slip away as soon as possible. After all, behind this guy, there is a strong man you can't afford to provoke." Lu Chendun After a pause, he continued: "When you become stronger in the future, ignoring the people behind this kind of fat sheep, you can use him as a bait to do kidnapping business."

"His resources cannot be compared to the royal treasury resources."

Lu Chen said, "This time we will play an exciting gameplay and rob the royal family."

"Robbery of the Royal Family"

Bai Hao was slightly dumbfounded, his eyes rounded, and he said in a shame: "Senior, are we playing too much."

Although Bai Hao is young and not deeply involved in the world, he is not stupid. The creation of the Kingdom of God requires the cultivation of the Emperor of the Gods. I also saw from the memory crystal that Moyun God of the Kingdom has two Gods of the Emperor. The seniors are only in the real God. It is necessary to cross two great realms in a row to deal with the powerhouse of the Emperor God level.

According to the four professional terms of the kidnapping business that the predecessors said, it will alarm the Lord of the Kingdom of God.

Mo Yunfei's heart was full of sneers. He admitted that this person was talking about robbery, and he also admitted that his skills were not as good as others, but this guy at the same level as him didn't know their background at all.

If the other party is bold enough to threaten the royal family, it is absolutely ugly to die.

Xiao Qiao was also dumbfounded. The predecessor in front of him was not the ancestor of the robbery industry at all, but a lunatic, a complete lunatic. They had never seen such a madman, provoking a kingdom of God with the cultivation of True God Realm.

Lu Chen touched his nose, and said, "This time it was a bit playful. Without absolute strength, I don't recommend you to play. But for me, it's just some trivial things in my life. There has been a divine emperor’s mansion, and the divine emperor has been killed more than once. As for the same level of beheading, it is already innumerable."

Lu Chen brags about his past achievements. After all, this is his son, and he always wants to establish a heroic image for him.

Xiao Qiao and Mo Yunfei were horrified when they heard Lu Chen's words. The true **** in front of him was really so arrogant. He had made trouble in the mansion of the **** emperor and killed the **** emperor. How could it sound so unbelievable and unbelievable.


The Ninth Prince Mo Yunfei was kidnapped by a mysterious man, and the mysterious man asked thousands of squares to ransom him. The news spread quietly in Moyun City. This news made countless people stunned and couldn't believe what he heard in his ears. News.

This is under the eyes of the Lord of the Kingdom of God, where the bold robbers have hijacked the Nine Princes.

Most people feel that this news is false, which is simply impossible.

First of all, there are two guardians of the God King in the Nine Princes' Mansion. Even if the robbers of the God King come to rob people, they will definitely be discovered. Taking a step back, even if the guardians are not opponents, the fluctuations in the fight can always attract the attention of the neighboring palace. Right.

A spiritual practitioner at the level of the emperor can rob the nine princes away without disturbing the guardian without even noticing it.

But when the Emperor of God level enters Moyun City, it will be sensed, because Moyun City has established a large induction array, and the entrance of the Emperor of God level will be sensed, and thus will be known by the Lord of the Kingdom of God.

In addition, there is another possibility that the existence of the **** emperor level sneaks in and secretly abducts the nine princes, but don't be kidding, how can the existence of the **** emperor level deal with the nine princes who are only in the true gods. Besides, Mo Yun Dynasty There is no antagonism to any **** emperor level.

Therefore, everyone laughed at this news and felt it was fake. I don't know who was impatient, so I used the royal family.

However, when countless soldiers in silver armors searched house-to-house, asked if there were any witnesses, and gathered information, it made the public understand.

The Ninth Prince was really kidnapped.

In the palace.

In the palace, Mo Yun Sheng is high on the throne, his face is gloomy and scary, and there are seven or eight people around, all of whom are kings of the gods. Below, two middle-aged men stand conscientiously on the spot, cold sweat on their foreheads constantly slipping and shaking. Said: "Enlighten the Lord, we really didn't sense anyone sneaking into the Ninth Prince's residence. If we find out in time, we will definitely report it."

"Who did it?" Mo Yunsheng rubbed his head with a headache. He was calm and did not blame the two below.

Because the kidnappers can avoid them, it shows that the strength is very strong, or that they have special ways, such as the void way, the shadow way, or they have practiced powerful breath-trapping techniques, in short, they can avoid everyone’s eyes and eyes and take Mo Yunfei away. It's definitely not a waiter.

"Yun Tian, ​​think who kidnapped your nine brothers?" Mo Yunsheng cast his eyes on the young man below and asked.

This young man was named Mo Yuntian, the fourth son of Mo Yunsheng, and his enchanting level was not inferior to those of the top power heirs, and he was a younger generation that Mo Yunsheng valued most.

Mo Yuntian heard the words, clasped his fist and said: "Father, I have thought about it carefully. The second brother has hardly made any enemies with others. I collected the most hatred of him, that is, the prince of the neighboring country of Capricorn."

"There are ten divine emperor-level forces around, and one of them can avoid the induction array and sneak into the ink cloud city. He is the deputy master of the Xingyun Gate. He has the Void Bowl and can sneak with the help of the Void, but the Xingyun Gate has not made enemies with us. And I also know that the deputy sect master needs a million square crystals for each shot. The prince of the Capricorn Kingdom can’t get so many crystals, and the deputy sect master of the Xingyun Gate will not do it for a hundred. The Pantheon has enmity with us."

Mo Yunsheng nodded and said: "I have thought about all of what you said, and the enemies in my heart have also passed by one by one, but I never thought of anyone who could take away your ninth brother."

The people of Mo Yun's royal family were speechless. The enemies were filtered for most of them, and the most suspected person was not found. The headache was very much. Who kidnapped Mo Yunfei in the end.

They would never think of breaking their heads. They were a father who did not do human affairs. In order to teach his son the experience of robbery, he took Mo Yunfei away as a test product.

Mo Yunsheng sighed and said: "Forget it, wait for the news of the robber, he wants a ransom, he will show up anyway."


At this moment, a guard in silver armor hurriedly walked into the hall and knelt on one knee.


Mo Yunsheng said indifferently.

The guard hurriedly raised a letter in his hand: "I just found a letter at the gate of the imperial palace. Like last time, it should have been released by the robbers."


The guard held up the envelope and read it according to it: "Ten days from now, the Young Master will visit the palace in person and remember to prepare for the ransom."

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