My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1154: Lord of God of War

Immediately afterwards, the invincible **** king squeezed his hands and gathered the area of ​​the avenue. The space inside seemed to disappear, and was drew completely. There was tremendous pressure from all directions, squeezing Lu Chen's body, as if he was about to squeeze Lu Chen like paper. That's so thin.

This pressure from all directions made Lu Chen feel a little oppressed.

Lu Chen squeezed his fists, mobilized the majestic power of the rules in his body, and expanded to the surroundings, but he encountered an impediment invisibly.

A force expands outward, and a force squeezes inward.

In this way, the two forces collided invisibly and fell into a stalemate.

Lu Chen increased his strength, and the power of the rules slowly expanded outward. Finally, the Invincible King's Great Dao realm could no longer bear it, and he made a crisp sound of shattering.

"How can it be"

The invincible king's face was ugly, because his avenue domain collided with the opponent's rules, completely falling into the wind, uncontrollable collapse, cracks appeared on the domain, with signs of breaking.


Finally, his domain collapsed.

Without the constraints of the domain, Lu Chen pointed his toes, like a light and shadow flying towards the opponent, clenching his fists, and smashing them.

The latter reacted, his body tensed, a tyrannical aura erupted, and he threw his fist and collided with Lu Chen.

The two fought fiercely. After fighting for a few breaths, Lu Chen was fierce and smashed his chest with a punch.


The latter's body trembled fiercely, and then spouted a mouthful of red blood, with a pale face and a look of astonishment, falling from the air.

The invincible king fell to the ground embarrassedly, looking at the young man who was still standing in the sky, his eyes were dim, and he lost all his color in an instant.

He, the dignified invincible **** king, the strongest under the **** emperor, is still not a true **** youth opponent, and was injured.

When people around saw this scene, they were silent on the spot.

In just a few breaths, the two **** kings fell into the hands of a true god, and there was also a great general, the strongest under the **** king. However, they were still defeated, and there was no power to fight back. This made the palace in the palace. Everyone was silent, and their hearts were turbulent.

It's not that the evil spirits of the true gods of the higher-order war gods have not been seen, and there are those **** emperor-level superpowers, but the true gods of the invincible gods like the one in front of them have really never seen or heard of.

It is estimated that even if the **** emperor witnessed this battle with his own eyes, it would be shocked.

"Young man, although your strength is beyond my expectation, you still can't take away the tens of thousands of crystals." After a while of silence, the Lord of the Kingdom of God Mo Yunsheng spoke, his majestic eyes full of indifference. , A strong breath permeated from him.

At the level of the king of gods, they all became ashamed.

They are a great realm above each other, but they can’t win each other. Now they still need the Lord to take action personally. But then again, if the Lord doesn’t take action personally, no one on the scene can defeat this enchanting youth. They know for the first time, True God. Practitioners can actually be evil to this point.

"I've been waiting for you to do it," Lu Chen replied calmly.

Hearing Lu Chen's words, everyone looked dumbfounded, and then their faces flushed. It turned out that the young man hadn't put them in his eyes from beginning to end, and his goal was the Lord of the Kingdom of God.

Mo Yunsheng frowned and asked: "There is an enmity between you and me."


"Someone from the Mo Yun imperial family has offended you"


"Then why did you take Mo Yunfei away"

"I'll tell you if I win."

"How about the Battle of the Sky," Mo Yunsheng said, mainly because he was afraid of destroying Mo Yun City.


Lu Chen nodded.

The silhouettes of the two sides rose into the sky almost at the same time, like two beams of light, and soon came to a place high in the sky.

The crowd below raised their heads, staring scorchingly at the two somewhat vague figures in the sky, their complexion full of dignity, and a hint of excitement. This enchanting young man fought against the lord, regardless of the outcome, it will spread throughout the Moyun Divine Kingdom and the surrounding Divine Kingdom. .

If there is a tie, I am afraid it will spread to the entire God Realm in a very short time.

Of course, most people think it is impossible to succeed, because the true **** and the **** emperor are two big realms.

A tie is impossible, and even if the opponent is in the evildoer, it is impossible to tie with the leader of the country.

Sage Mo Yun stood high in the sky, endless divine light bloomed from him, spilling onto the earth, and the vast aura of the **** emperor radiated thousands of miles of land. At this moment, nearly half of the people of the kingdom of Mo Yun felt this. The breath, looking at the direction of Mo Yun City, was shocked.

The Lord of the Kingdom of God unexpectedly exploded into turbulent weather. What kind of troublesome enemy had he encountered, or that a foreign **** emperor from the abyss realm had come.

Did they encounter alien invasion?

Because Saint Mo Yun burst out of breath, it caused most of the people of the kingdom of God to panic.

Saint Mo Yun stood in the air, opposed to Lu Chen, looking calmly at Lu Chen and said: "You can't do it with the true gods, you can give up."

Mo Yunsheng has absolute confidence in his own strength. Although the opponent is strong, it is impossible to shake him.

Moreover, being able to create a kingdom of God, the surrounding kingdom of God does not dare to invade, he is not an ordinary **** emperor.

"It's not the first time to face the Emperor of God, don't talk too much," Lu Chen replied lazily.

Sage Mo Yun heard that his pupils shrank slightly. Could it be that this young man had fought against the emperor before, he wouldn’t have won, no, it’s impossible. If the true **** defeats the emperor, then the level of the realm arranged by the ancestors is one of the realm. The difference is like the gap between the moats, and it is meaningless.

Lu Chen's whole body was surging, looking at Mo Yunsheng and said: "This time I won't use any foreign objects, I just want to fight against the emperor dignifiedly."

Mo Yunsheng said: "Well, I meet your requirements, and I don't rely on treasures."

The majestic power of rules in Lu Chen roared out, and the surrounding space violently boiled, and the sword intent flowed from the sky and the earth, whizzing and intertwined, and the area of ​​thousands of miles seemed to have become a sword intent world, and the surroundings roared. The sword intent.

Even the people below, thousands of miles away, can feel this terrifying sword intent aura.

"What a strong kendo breath, who is this young man, is it the descendant of the sword god?"

"No, no, the breath of the sword **** is different from this person's breath style, it is not the descendant of the sword god"

The people around started whispering.

Lu Chen looked at Sage Mo Yun, a little far away, the sword intent all over the sky gathered, as if there was a regular order, and Sage Mo Yun was shrouded in an orderly manner.


The dense sword intent revolves crazily, wrapping Mo Yunsheng like a silkworm cocoon.

This is the first type of Lock Sword Art.

The cage of swords.

The infinite sword intent converges to form a cage with attack and defense power against the sky, locking the enemy. This move is basically invincible against the same level. People at the level of the opponent still have a huge attack power, but against Practitioners who are two great realms in height may have much less power, or even none.

Lu Chen didn't know if it would cause harm, but he could test the power of the emperor.

Sage Mo Yun was sealed in the cage of swords, watching the sword intent running at high speed around him, sharp voices came from his ears, these flowing ‘water currents’ were very harmful, much more terrifying than the mighty power of the **** king.

Mo Yunsheng knew that this kind of attack by the other party could easily kill the King of God in seconds.

But for him, the attack power is still weak.

Mo Yunsheng stretched out his hands, his palms were filled with a strong divine power, crystal-like crystal clear, solid and unparalleled, his hands were inserted into the high-speed running and sharp water flow, he broke the two sides, tore a corner, and came out easily.

After coming out, Mo Yunsheng stretched out a fist, divine power gushing, divine light shining, like a hot sun, bombarding Lu Chen's body.

Lu Chen felt the horror of this fist. Not only was he not afraid, his eyes also showed a crazily eagerness to try. With a low growl, the spiritual power inside his body roared out, his fist covered the power of endless rules, the light was dazzling, and the same as the sun. The light is so dazzling.

In the eyes of the people below, two dazzling little suns appeared high in the sky, and then they collided with each other.

They were a little excited, that true **** young man, really started fighting with the **** emperor.


Between the heaven and the earth, there was a loud noise, like a muffled thunder bursting, and like a boundary wall breaking.

A figure flew out upside down, and the person who flew out was naturally Lu Chen.

Lu Chen steadied his figure, shook his numb arm, and cursed inwardly that the **** emperor is the **** emperor, and the power is really terrifying.

There is indeed an invisible gap between him and the **** emperor, and this gap is difficult to bridge without the help of external forces.

With a punch, Lu Chen fell into the wind, but his body did not cause any serious problems. This was due to the fact that he had cultivated the Immortal Dharma Body, and his body had forged 20 rules, and his physique became more than one grade.

Otherwise, relying on the previous physique, it is impossible to resist the attack of the emperor.

Saint Mo Yun saw that Lu Chen only flew upside down, but his arm remained unbroken and he did not vomit blood. He was very surprised. He thought that a punch would cause the opponent's arm to burst.

He used about 70% of the power of the punch just now.

If you change to a **** king, you will be beaten into blood mist with a punch. If you change to a true god, the whole person will explode into blood mist with a punch. There is no suspense.

This young man just flew upside down. It seems that the other party has not only mastered the super terrifying attacking technique, but also has an extremely powerful body. It is simply a monster among monsters.

"Give up, you can't fight the Emperor of God now." When Mo Yunsheng spoke, he swiped his hands, and a sea of ​​divine power converged, evolving into a super huge palm print, covering Lu Chen's body.

Under this huge palm, Lu Chen was as large as a grain of rice, or the sailboat in the sea, alone and helpless, would be overturned by the waves at any time.

Lu Chen raised his head and looked at the falling giant palm. His pupils shot out two beams of light, as sharp as a sword, and a mighty sword intent rose up all over his body. together.


The terrible sword intent pierced the giant palm directly, letting it shatter, and a terrible aftermath of swordsmanship swept through thousands of miles and shook fiercely.

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