My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1162: Consequences of littering


Wu Ming said this, showing his gratitude to Lu Chen again.

"What do you mean?"

Ximen Yu and Mingzi were confused, a little confused.

Seeing that the two of them were unclear, Wu Ming explained to them the crisis they encountered during the process. When Wu Ming finished speaking, the two of them were surprised, and finally understood why Wu Ming had opened his mouth to send ten pieces of enlightened tea to Lu Chen. It turned out that Lu Chen rescued his wife by chance.

In addition, the two were also deeply shocked by Lu Chen's killing of the alien emperor.

Seeing Wu Ming insisted on not letting him give gifts, Lu Chen didn't insist either. He helped him bring his living wife back, which could not be measured by value, and he also had no gifts to give.

After successfully avoiding this embarrassing problem, Lu Chen focused his attention on Xi Men Yu, full of eyes, staring straight at him, more than ten seconds later, Xi Men Yu was hairy in Lu Chen's heart, and shouted loudly. : "Don't **** look at me with fiery eyes, I don't get **** up."

Ximen Yu got goose bumps when Lu Chen saw it, and it was almost bulging.

Lu Chen was silent for a while, and asked solemnly, "Jingshi Gourd is in your hands."

When Ximen Yu heard this, he looked vigilant and said, "Why, do you still want to hit me with this magic weapon? Tell you, there's no way."

As Ximen Yu said, he took a few steps back.

After all, Lu Chen came from behind, he was no longer his opponent, and he was easily knocked sap.

"No." Lu Chen shook his head. He now has no shortage of magic weapons in the realm of creation. Ximen Yu's possessions, he has already despised him, and asked: "In the beginning, you pretended to be resentful, where did you bring the resentment."

Ximen Yu patted his chest and said confidently: "Of course it was refined by Jingshi Gourd."

Here Ximen Yu blew a cowhide, and the grievance was not refined, because he found that it could not be refined, so he threw it away.

This is about his face, and he won't admit it to death.

"OK" Lu Chen asked in a deep voice, staring at him extremely sharply.

Ximen Yu was defeated under Lu Chen's powerful gaze. His eyes were erratic, and he said with a guilty conscience: "What are you asking about suddenly?"

Ximen Yu was a little puzzled, not understanding why Lu Chen asked this question.

"You have an enemy of the **** emperor, he is looking for you all over the world." Lu Chen saw that Xi Men Yu's eyes were erratic, and he knew that this guy was bragging. If he hadn't met the things in the Tianyuan Realm, he would have seen Xi Men Yu's pledge just now. Appearance, will choose to believe.

"Bringing cowhide" Ximen Yu curled his lips in disdain, and didn't believe Lu Chen's nonsense at all.

Although he was mad, he had a degree at any rate and could not offend the **** emperor.

Moreover, Lu Chen's thinking jumped too fast. One second before he asked him where to throw his grievances, the next second he said that he has an enemy of the **** emperor.

The two issues are not connected at all, and the bull's head is wrong.

Lu Chen looked solemn and continued: "The original grievances were promoted to the **** emperor in just a hundred years. Even if the world collapses, it cannot be destroyed."

"What do you mean, the original grievances have grown." Ximen Yu heard the words, his ears pricked up, and he took a breath in his heart.

" said that you lied to me, right" Ximen Yu saw Lu Chen's serious expression on his face, inexplicably guilty in his heart, always feeling a chill from his back.

Wu Ming and Mingzi also stared at Lu Chen curiously, unable to understand what they were talking about, but the words God Emperor attracted their attention.

Lu Chen said angrily, "Do you think I was joking? You never thought about the consequences of littering."

The reason why resentment grows is inseparable from Ximen Yu's littering.

Seeing Ximen Yu's silence, Lu Chen continued; "After that group of resentment has formed, he has not forgotten your breath, and is looking for you all over the world. This group of resentment has been promoted to the Divine Emperor realm in just a hundred years. You can imagine It's horrible."

Ximen Yu was puzzled and muttered to himself: "Impossible, it doesn't make sense..."

Lu Chen said solemnly, "Why is it impossible? The other party still claims to be a Cthulhu. On my way to the God Realm, I happened to encounter him and harm a world. All the creatures in that world were enslaved, and the will of the world was disintegrated."

Lu Chen unreservedly recounted the news of the Tianyuan Realm.

After listening to Lu Chen's narration, the three of them remained silent, mainly because they were surprised by Lu Chen's shocking information.

A mass of resentment gave birth to consciousness, and he was promoted to the emperor in just a hundred years, and survived the thunder and tribulation of the world.

Ximen Yu was completely stunned. From Lu Chen's description, it can be seen that the grievance of claiming to be a Cthulhu has become a climate, and it can't be killed at all. What's more terrifying is that the other party is looking for him from world to world.

Ximen Yu cried. When he took away the grievances, there was still no climate, so how could he remember the breath on his body.

Ximen Yu smiled bitterly: "After Jingshi Calabash pretended to take away the grievance, I left, and I found a place to throw it in the Wujiang area. I thought that the grievance would be diluted, and finally disappeared. No one knew that he would rise. If this is the case, I I would never do that."

Lu Chen spread his hands and said, "This is the consequence of your littering."

Ximen Yu said angrily: "Are you blaming me? I took away the grievances that I took away to save your world. I can't put the blame on me alone."

Lu Chen sighed and said, "I didn't blame you. Now we are both eyed by him. This guy's realm may have fallen below the emperor's level. Within a hundred years, he should not be able to overcome the storm. We must advance. Make a good response, and when he rises to the Divine Emperor Realm again, it will really be over."

"This gas is most afraid of flames, so I want to have a true flame in a short time." Lu Chen glanced over the three of them and said, "Do you have a good place to recommend? I need a lot of sacred fire to advance the life of the sacred fire. ."

Ximen Yu said: "Senior Vulcan is in the Hell Space, but the chances you get are infinitely close to zero."

"By the way, it seemed that the sacred fire of Hell was stolen in the past few years. Senior Vulcan rushed to the family and said that the ancestor Ximenqing had stolen his flames. It was too much." Ximen Yu said with a bit of annoyance: " I don’t know any **** who is so shameless who stole the sacred fire and threw the pot to my family."


Lu Chen coughed unnaturally.

"Couldn't it be you who stole it?" Ximen Yu heard the cough and turned to look at Lu Chen with a suspicious expression on his face.

Wu Ming and Mingzi also had weird expressions on their faces. They were both from the emperor-level forces. The news of the theft of the sacred fire in Hell was naturally known. It is said that the fire is not light.

At that time, they agreed that it was the Void Family who did it, because only the Void Dao in the realm of Senior Ximen Qing could easily steal the Divine Fire without the Vulcan's awareness.

It now appears that it was Lu Chen who had stolen the Shenhuo.

Lu Chen looked unnaturally and said, "Don't talk about stealing, this is a derogatory term, and it doesn't sound good. In fact, I can't be blamed. I thought those sacred fires were wild, so I swallowed some of them."

Therefore, Lu Chen probably explained the detention in Hell.

The three of them suddenly felt like this.

Lu Chen said: "My sacred fire has not yet advanced to true flames. I need a lot of sacred fires. In addition to the inferno, where are the dangerous places in the gods where there are sacred fires."

"I know that a place has a sacred fire, and it is still wild." At this time, Mingzi inserted an appropriate sentence.

Lu Chen quickly asked, "Where."

Mingzi said: "The big lizard's nest."

"The old lizard's nest, what is this place"

Lu Chen was confused.

Mingzi smiled faintly: "It's the Abyss Realm."

After a pause, Mingzi continued: "Brother Lu has been in the God Realm for so long. He must have known the Abyss Realm. The Abyss Realm occupies a forbidden monster and eats the world. There are many wild creatures in the Abyss Realm. flame."

Ximen Yu nodded and said, "This is true. According to my ancestors, there are many sacred fires in the Abyss. When he went to the Abyss, he wanted to take some away, but he disturbed the sleeping lizard and was forced to go away."

It turned out that the old patriarch of the Void Family had been to the Abyss Realm, and outsiders naturally did not know such secrets.

Lu Chen asked: "How many masters are there in the abyss world, and how strong is that lizard."

Ximen Yu said: "We don't know how many rulers of the abyss realm, anyway, there are more than the **** realm. As for the taboo monster lizard, you should know his terrible just by hearing the word taboo. This is a **** emperor. Extremely, the special creature under the realm of God, no one in the realm of God is its opponent."

After a pause, Ximen Yu continued: "If you want to get the sacred fire, you must take a risk. It depends on whether you are worth the risk, because the abyss is the home of the forbidden monster lizard."

Lu Chen became silent and went to the abyss realm to take a risk. This action was very crazy. With his courage, he had to think carefully that the big lizard was a more terrifying existence than the demon god.

Then the two sides talked for a while, and then they fell apart.

The wedding of Wu Ming and Zi Yun will begin two months later.

During these two months, Lu Chen passed by in his cultivation, relying on the Enlightenment Tea, his strength has grown by leaps and bounds.

Soon, two months passed in a hurry.

The wedding ceremony between Wuming and Zi Yun proceeded as usual. The wedding venue was at the foot of a sacred mountain, surrounded by purple mist, waterfalls and sacred birds hovering around, like a blessed land.

A ladder of several thousand feet long leads to the top, and at the foot of the mountain, there is a sea of ​​people.

This time it was the Martial Family's wedding, and people from all corners of the world came. Due to the limited space in the square, the seats on the ninth floor were placed at the foot of the mountain. Only some powerful gods or people with special status could go up the mountain.

At this moment, on a seat in the square, there were seven people, Lu Chen, Mingzi, Ximen Yu, and Xie Wukong next to Ximen Yu.

Xie Wukong is the son of the evil god, and this evil **** is not the other evil god.

Lu Chen and Xie Wukong had seen each other and nodded to each other.

In addition, there are three people Lu Chen who don't know each other, two women and one man, with extraordinary temperament and a faintly noble aura on them, all of whom are in the same circle as Ximen Yu.

Ximen Yu had introduced him to the three identities.

Sitting across from Lu Chen is a girl in a simple Tsing Yi, with a simple sword on her back, as if the poor can't afford to take the ring, letting the ring is obviously saves the burden, but she has to carry it. On the back.

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