My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1164: Descend of the God Emperor

The wedding is going on. Zi Yun, the future daughter-in-law, will give tea to the father-in-law. After a tedious and ancient procedure is completed, the new couple will be prepared to give respect.

At this moment, above the sky, a huge crescent moon suddenly appeared, and the gentle light of the moon fell down, falling on everyone, a peerless beauty who was not stained with slender dust, accompanied by hazy moonlight.

This peerless beauty has icy muscles and bones, with a beautiful face, a slender figure, a slender waist and a full grip, and her legs are slender and slender.

Everyone saw the woman in the sky, immersed in the soft white moonlight.

Of course, more people looked at that beautiful figure in the moonlight, showing obsessive expressions.

With this moonlight vision, they naturally know who the person is.

God Emperor Ranking fourth, Moon God.

The Moon God is recognized by the God Realm as the most gentle female **** emperor, who has won people's hearts, and she doesn't know how many years of merit can be accumulated to marry the Moon God.

Soon, most people came back to their senses, with unexpected expressions in their eyes.

The Moon God actually came.

Moon God is a **** emperor, this kind of junior marriage should not attract her attention, even if the married person is the grandson of the **** of war, it can be ignored.

Everyone was puzzled and didn't understand why the Moon God would come.

Although I don't know why the Moon God came in person, seeing the beautiful figure of the Moon God is a small surprise during the wedding.

On the high stage, the Wu family and his party attracted the attention of all the people present when they saw the appearance of the moon god. The corners of their mouths twitched. You said that you are a dignified emperor. Is it necessary to come out with such attention to grab the limelight of the junior's big wedding?

However, they also know that no one can restrain the **** emperor, nor can the **** emperor do it. The **** emperor can act recklessly, and what he does depends on his mood, so he doesn’t care about grabbing the limelight. , Except for the same level, nothing else can be cared about.

Although the people present didn't know the purpose of the Moon God's visit, the senior officials of the Martial Family knew that it was the Martial God who invited them to discuss matters.

In the hazy moonlight, the Moon God was gritting his teeth and muttering in annoyance: "Where the **** is that grief?"

Speaking of what happened during this period of time, Moon God was upset.

First of all, she met the man who had failed her sister and was imprisoned in the Hell of Vulcan in order to avenge her.

I thought that doing this would be a slight punishment to the guilty man, but I didn't expect that in the end he would actually lift a rock and hit him in the foot.

The first few years were fine, but one day, Vulcan suddenly came to Moon God Mountain and said that she would be responsible for the loss.

After Vulcan's explanation, Moon God learned that the elder sister, the guilty man, had swallowed hundreds of spiritual fires and several sacred fires in the inferno, and even managed to escape.

After hearing this, Moon God was immediately stunned.

Where is the punishment for the other party, obviously it is to give the other party warmth.

More excessive things are still to come. Vulcan said that she had deliberately sent the young man to Hell for punishment on the face of it, but in fact she was secretly thinking about his divine fire.

Now that the man ran away, she had to pay for the loss of Shenhuo.

Moon God naturally did not do it, she didn't deliberately send the other party in to swallow the fire, the real purpose was to punish the other party.

Vulcan thought she was arguing and shielding the thief, and if she didn't compensate, she would live in Luna Mountain.

Moreover, the **** of fire had the words to say, and he really stayed in the Moon God Mountain, and kept yelling for her to pay for the fire.

In the past few years, Moon God was tortured by Vulcan's nagging, and he was depressed and vomiting blood. I have never seen Vulcan digging and digging soso. Don't you lose a few sacred fires? It is necessary to be so serious.

In the end, Moon God couldn't stand the nagging of Vulcan, so he ordered to go down and look for Lu Chen's whereabouts.

But after searching for a few years, there is no news at all.

Outside, everyone saw the Moon God standing still, and they were a little surprised. Was the Moon God distracted? Why did they stand still? They didn't know that the Moon God was worrying about where someone was.

Fortunately, on the high platform, Wu Ming's biological father said: "Welcome to the predecessor of the Moon God to come to the Wu family."

These words awakened the contemplative Moon God, and she glanced at the lack of interest in the Moon God, and she was not interested in witnessing such a boring wedding. She was about to leave, and suddenly her body trembled because she found a certain'ri thinking The person who thought of'night' actually sat in the seat with peace of mind.

Moon God was really surprised, no wonder she couldn't find her sister's grief, who turned out to be in the martial arts family.

Moon God Mountain is far away from the Wu family.

But counting the time, it took the other party a few years to escape from the fire prison, swaying all the way, and it was indeed possible to reach the Wu family.

When Moon God saw Lu Chen, he thought of his experiences over the years.

And the instigator, like a okay person, is still in the mood to attend someone else's wedding.

The Moon God became more and more angry, and his anger rushed upwards. Suddenly, his figure flashed, and he came towards Lu Chen, and at the same time he said, "Bulldog, I finally found you."

The Moon God carried a majestic coercion, and immediately came to Lu Chen. The roaring coercion shook Lu Chen's vitality and blood. He snorted, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

In fact, the moment the Moon God appeared, Lu Chen began to feel hairy in his heart, and a faint feeling arose. He had somehow offended the latter at the beginning, so that he was imprisoned in Hell.

Now encountering the Moon God, Lu Chen felt that he was going to be unlucky.

Sure enough, the Moon God didn't say a word, he came directly in front of him, spitting blood out with the pressure.

But the words of Moon God made Lu Chen mess in the wind.

What the **** is the grief?

Who did he lose?

Could it be that you, a **** emperor, can talk nonsense.

Not to mention that Lu Chen was really not light by the Moon God's shocking words, and the people around him were the same, staring at Lu Chen in dismay.

The main reason was that the Moon God was too agitated, and those three words were very lethal.

As for Ximen Yu, Mingzi, Xie Wukong and the others next to Lu Chen, they had long been dumbfounded, staring back and forth between Lu Chen and Moon God.

"Sure enough, the rumors of the God Realm are all deceptive, saying that you are the most gentle goddess. In my opinion, you are a crazy woman." Every word Lu Chen said, a burst of blood would burst out of it.

Lu Chen felt as if he was falling apart, and he was severely injured by the random release of pressure from the God Emperor level.

Fortunately, it was him, if he changed to a general **** king, his body would be like a balloon, and his body would burst.

Lu Chen was a little puzzled. Before coming to God Realm, he had never had any anxiety with Moon God. I don't know why the other party resented him so much, it was simply inexplicable.

This time, his attitude was more radical than last time, and he actually called him by the three words "heart-minded".

Lu Chen had a bold guess in his mind. Luna probably had been deceived by a certain man. The man who lied to him looked a bit like his own, and Luna transferred the hatred to him.

Lu Chen thought in his heart, feeling more and more possible.

The depression in Lu Chen's heart has always been he who made others hold the scapegoat, but now he is the scapegoat for others.

In fact, the Moon God yelled out the three words "Negative Han", she was also dumbfounded, saying this privately, nothing, it was to vent her anger for her sister, but there were hundreds of thousands of practitioners around, and what she said was too ambiguous.

After recovering, Moon God's pretty face became hot, and at the same time he became a little more sober.

But when he heard Lu Chen's words, a hint of anger flashed across his pretty face, and said bitterly, "I'll be looking for you to settle the account later."

After Luna finished speaking, he hurried away.

She didn't want to stay here anymore and lose face. As for the thought-provoking words, she didn't bother to explain it, and there was no need to explain it to them.

Although the Moon God was gone, the presence fell into silence. Everyone's eyes fell on Lu Chen, and Lu Chen became the focus of the audience.

Even the elders of the Wu family on the high platform kept staring at Lu Chen with weird eyes.

The dignified moon **** was deceived by a **** king?

Apart from being a little more handsome, this **** king has no other special features, let alone being handsome, he can't be eaten as a meal.

I don't know why the Moon God fell in love with the other party, but the weird thing is still behind, it seems that this young man has abandoned the Moon God, so that the Moon God resentment is very strong.

This young man is absolutely blind.

This one, this idea came to mind in the minds of those present.

"Ahem, the wedding continues." At this moment, Wu Ming's father coughed dryly on stage and said.

Everyone immediately came back to their senses and almost forgot that today is Wu Ming's wedding.

However, Wu Ming's father hadn't said a few words yet, and something went wrong again.

The surrounding space suddenly boiled, and a scorching temperature swept in. This temperature was extremely terrifying, and even the skin of a god-sovereign-level practitioner had a slight burning pain.

Above the sky, a sea of ​​fire appeared out of thin air, as gorgeous as the sunset, a fire man shrouded in flames fell from the sky, the heat wave evaporated, and the flames between the sky and the earth boiled inexplicably at this moment.

A majestic flame coercion radiated from the man who was enveloped in flames.

The Sect Master of the Vulcan Sect, descended to the Wu Family.

Vulcan stood in the air, looked at the stage, hugged his fists at the two newcomers, and said, "I wish the two newcomers will be of one mind forever."

It can be seen from this that Vulcan is much more polite than Moon God.

"Thanks to Vulcan Senior Ji Yan" Wu Ming and Zi Yun responded on stage.


Vulcan said, preparing to leave.

The people around also breathed a sigh of relief. After the previous Lunar God's disturbance, the wedding was almost impossible to proceed. Fortunately, Vulcan came to bless the couple and let the wedding go on.

Everyone felt that the Vulcan was relatively calm, and it looked like the Moon God rashly.

Vulcan saw the expressions of the two newcomers and shook his head with emotion. It seemed that he saw himself when he was young. He swept away his divine thoughts casually. When the divine thoughts swept over someone, the Vulcan tiger's body trembled, and a backlog of his mind for several years His anger suddenly exploded in his heart, and two blazing flame beams shot out from his eyes.

"Little Wang Ba Lao, you made the old man find it so hard" Vulcan roared, the flames of his body boiled, and waves of flames swept away.

This wave of fluctuations shook the audience's interest, showing what Vulcan's rage has become.

With a bang, Vulcan's body was as brilliant as a fire, and it descended in front of Lu Chen powerfully.


Lu Chen immediately spouted a mouthful of blood.

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