My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1175: Surprised black sand

Lu Chen did not sit still, but with a thought, a black big bow appeared in his hand, and at the same time a small black tower flew out of his body, floating above his head.

Even though the small black tower is only the size of a palm, it is a genuine magic weapon in the realm of creation, with strands of bounding power rippling from the surface of the tower, like waves of mysterious waves, colliding with the boundary wall of the domain.

In an instant, there was a dull loud noise in the domain.

This is the collision of two boundary forces.

Of course, what Lu Chen urged was a magic weapon after all, and Heisha was a real world powerhouse, and the boundary power spread from the Seismic Boundary Tower could not shake the realm.

Lu Chen was in the middle of the black storm, the avenue aura was surging, the whole body bloomed with dazzling emperor glory, dazzling, and with a low cry, his arms suddenly moved, pulling the bow of the years.

After Lu Chen was promoted to the emperor, he ruled his way, and his spiritual power was multiplied, and he could drive three magic weapons in the realm of creation at the same time.

As the bowstring is pulled apart, the power of the avenue converges and interweaves together. A radiant arrow slowly condenses and exudes a variety of avenue aura. With the increase in the arc of the bowstring, the power of the arrow is gradually Enhanced.

Hei Sha was dumbfounded when he saw Lu Chen's defense methods.

Heisha is naturally not afraid of Lu Chen's attack power. Even though the opponent's power to mobilize two magic weapons in the realm of creation has reached the level of quasi-created realm, his realm is too high to cause danger to him.

Between the Saint Emperor Realm and the Creation Realm, the power they possess is vastly different.

The Saint Emperor realm powerhouse condenses the origin of Dao and integrates all the Dao law mastered into the origin.

And those who are strong in the creation realm can easily obliterate the holy emperor.

Those who are strong in the realm of creation condense the origin of the world and master the power of the world. This power is similar to the power of a world.

Of course, it is far inferior to the real world's bounding power, it can only be regarded as a small world.

This kind of power naturally suppresses the Tao below the manufacturing realm.

If it reveals that the cultivation base reaches the limit of the holy emperor, and has a glimpse of boundary power, with the assistance of the magic weapon of the creation realm, perhaps he can break his wrist.

But the other party didn't even arrive at the Holy Emperor. It was just the Great Emperor who wanted to fight him. Isn't this just taking an egg against a stone?

The reason why Heisha was dumbfounded was that Lu Chen's current appearance was so unique.

First, there is a layer of cyan divine light protection body around the body, six beads permeating boundary power rotate at high speed, and the defense power is terrible. Holding a bow and arrow, the arrows are condensed. It is formed by the compression of various ways to the extreme, and the power is terrible for no reason.

There was also a black tower suspended above his head, showing waves of boundary force after another, colliding with his domain.

Heisha was stunned by the three magic weapons in the realm of creation.

Hei Sha returned to his senses, and felt very emotional. He has lived for tens of thousands of years, and this is the first time he has seen such a wealthy little monk.

When did the magic weapon of the creation realm become so worthless.

But having said that, it's not that there are magic weapons in the realm of creation everywhere, but this kid is lucky to have three magic weapons in the realm of creation that make people jealous.

Lu Chen didn't know Hei Sha's psychological activities. He only knew that this time he seemed to be playing off and was too anxious, but his face showed a calm expression, his hand loosened, the arrow accompanied by the terrifying power, shoveled. With a sound, he shot at General Heisha.

"With your current strength, you still can't pose a threat to me" Heisha said calmly, raised his palm, grabbed it from the air, and directly crushed the arrow that could severely damage the emperor giant with his bare hands, even a little bit. The waves did not blast out, and the power was completely wiped out.

Lu Chen couldn't help but sink, Heisha's strength was far beyond expectation.

The power in the later stage of the creation realm was really too powerful, and in his current state, he couldn't pose a danger to the latter at all.

Lu Chen didn't even think about it, urging Lingyin's robe to gather his breath and disappear into the void.


After seeing Lu Chen disappear, Hei Sha couldn't feel any fluctuations, and his eyes showed an unexpected look again.

The other party's display is nothing but the Void Dao. Although the concealment is very good, he majors in spirits and has extraordinary perceptual power. Even if the **** realm practitioner Ximen Qing hides the void, he can vaguely sense a trace. .

Obviously, this young man is not Ximenqing, but the degree of hiding is no weaker than Ximenqing.

At least he just scanned his thoughts casually and couldn't find it.

"The fourth magic weapon of the realm of creation" Hei Sha couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

To be honest, he is very shocked now, of course not shocking the opponent's strength, but shocking the other party's wealth.

A great emperor possesses four magic weapons in the realm of creation, which is too terrifying.

Dao ancestor level, the highest level of creation, represents the ultimate of Dao.

This kind of character is the strongest under the realm master.

Such as Pang Yun Daozu.

However, even some Dao ancestors in the Origin Realm can't come up with the four pinnacle secret treasures.

Heisha could sense that the opponent's four magic weapons of the realm of creation were very strong, belonging to the best of magic weapons, the pinnacle of magic weapons.

If this kind of treasure is used by Dao ancestors, it can increase the combat effectiveness. Which powerhouse is so extravagant to protect the descendants with four peak secret treasures.

It is estimated to be the master level.

Thinking of this, Hei Sha's eyes dazzled, and suddenly he remembered something. Before his hometown world was swallowed by Taoist Pang Yun, and he was not enslaved, there was a terrifying existence.

Suddenly, Heisha's eyes became deeper.

He vaguely knew who was standing behind the youth.

At this time, Heisha suddenly felt a force bombarding the realm crazily, and it must be the young man in the dark who wanted to rush out of the realm.

"If you meet another level of creation, you might run away, but unfortunately you met me" Hei Sha said to himself.


Hei Sha opened his mouth and let out a low growl. A large black ripple spread out from his mouth, radiating out in a fan shape, spreading across the entire territory.

This is the power of the soul, specifically for the soul.


Heisha's words fell, and the space not far away split, and a figure fell out, his face was extremely pale, his eyes were chaotic, sometimes confused, sometimes sober, as if caught in some painful struggle.

This person is Lu Chen.

After Lu Chen saw the power of Heisha, he wanted to rush out of the opponent's domain. Who would have thought of a sudden and terrifying mind, like countless swordsmans passing through the soul, and there was a violent tearing pain, and his head became A mass of paste.

Lu Chen didn't have the slightest suspense, his soul was damaged, and his head was still groggy.

Lu Chen looked at Heisha with fear. Is this the terrifying power of the late creation realm? Even though he has four creation realm magic weapons, he is still vulnerable in front of the opponent.

In the past, Lu Chen felt that with many magic weapons in the creation realm, he could deal with the strong in the creation realm a few times, and then patted his **** and left.

But now, the fragile defeat allows him to see the situation thoroughly, no matter how many magic weapons, it is only an external force after all.

Only the power that you have mastered is truly yours.

If there is a chance to live, and in the future, when you encounter a strong man in the creation realm, you will never be as big as you are now.

However, there seems to be no future.

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