My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1184: Beginning World War

Lu Chen didn't choose to entangle Dong Yiliu's party too much, and left directly.

Half a month later, Lu Chen and Wu Ming successfully converged. From the latter's mouth, he learned that the contact channel between the Abyss Realm and Shi Realm was about to take place in a grand battle.

The thing is like this, the master of the abyss side ambushed a strong creation realm who is close to perfection in the beginning, causing him to be seriously injured, so the masters are ready to take the opportunity to take the opportunity and take the beginning.

There are four masters in the realm of creation, two of them are close to perfection, one in the late stage and the other in the mid-term. The lineup is relatively strong.

However, recently a strong man in the realm of creation who was close to perfection was seriously injured, which gave the aliens a chance.

This news was obtained by Wuming and the others after they arrested an alien race.

The day of the war, it is estimated that it will happen in the next few days, as long as a war between the two realms, they can take the opportunity to break through the blockade and enter the beginning realm.

Lu Chen and the others lurked in the exit area, quietly waiting for the opportunity.

A few days later, the war between the two realms finally started. They saw the black and orderly army at the exit, roaring the sky, shaking the sky and the earth, and then all entered the passage.

Not long after, terrible fluctuations spread over.

Everyone's eyes lit up. Is this the beginning of a confrontation between the two armies?


Lu Chen said, controlling the Void Castle and quickly heading towards the exit. Although there were a few Divine Sovereign-level aliens nearby, they couldn't feel Lu Chen and the others passing by.

At least, you have to dominate level to feel subtle fluctuations.

Lu Chen and his party entered the wide passage and they were greeted. Countless people were fighting together, murderous aura boiled, and blood was raining, and one after another corpses fell in a pool of blood.

This is an extremely fierce battle between the two armies.

The wide border passages of hundreds of kilometers long are all battlefields, but they ignored them, sneaking quickly, and after a short time, they entered the beginning world.

After entering the realm, they found that the two-world passage was just a corner of the battle. On the surface of the realm, more people were fighting together.

The battlefield covers a radius of tens of thousands of miles, whether on the ground or in the air, there are terrorist battles erupting.

Above the sky, there are seven dazzling statues standing tall, like dazzling figures like gods, their bodies are covered with hot light, shrouded like a mist, unable to see their faces, and exudes an overwhelming atmosphere.

The seven people are facing each other far away, staring at each other.

One party has three people and one party has four people.

There are a total of eight strong creation realms.

They formed a confrontation with each other, and did not start a war, but indifferently looked at the countless **** kings below, and the **** kings fought fiercely with each other.


At this moment, the existence of the creation realm of the two sides suddenly thoughtfully looked at the battlefield, because they felt the void fluctuations, and with their spiritual thoughts, it was easy to understand that there were dozens of **** king auras on the battlefield. Sneak sneaking in in the middle.

Sensing that someone was sneaking in the void, both sides thought it was a team sent by each other, but they didn't care, because on the battlefield, a team of God Kings couldn't beat the storm at all.

Inside the Void Castle, Ximen Yu said: "I have been hiding in the abyss of the East for so long, just to leave like this, is it a bit unwilling, it is better to vent the squeezed anger in my heart before I leave."

Wu Ming nodded in agreement, and said, "This period of time is really frustrated."

"Brother Lu, what do you think?" The group looked at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen didn't feel the feeling of being hunted down in the Abyss Realm, but still said, "Since you want to move around, then do it."

Lu Chen removed the rules of the void, letting the castle of the void appear.


Wu Ming, Ximen Yu, Jian Wuxin, Mingzi, etc., led a group of invincible kings, pounced on the nearby alien races. Everyone has a terrible brilliance blooming, and the fighting spirit is high, suddenly reaching the alien race, and the most unfolding Fierce killing.

A face-to-face, let the alien king bleed blood, or explode his body.

The alien race was caught off guard by their attack.

The surrounding alien races and people from Shijie were taken aback by the dozens of **** kings who suddenly smashed out, but the powerhouse of Shijie quickly calmed down. Although they don’t know the origin of these people, because they rely on their breath, they don’t. People from the beginning world.

But the other party is also not a person from the abyss world, after all, after just a breath of time, the abyss world has fallen dozens of alien kings.

"Hey, they are not from the Abyss Realm." On the sky, the three masters in the creation realm of the Beginning Realm saw this scene with an unexpected look. Before they thought they were aliens from the Abyss Realm.

"People of the God Realm" On the contrary, the eyes of the four alien masters fell on a group of people, shooting cold eyes.

During this period of time, a major event occurred in the Abyssal Realm. Three lost altars were infiltrated and destroyed by people from the God Realm, and Heisha betrayed Pang Yun Dao Ancestor and was pinched to death by Dao Ancestor.

The four rulers have known Heisha for a long time, and can't figure out why Heisha was instigated by the people of the gods and betrayed Pang Yun Daozu.

But it is undeniable that Heisha's death caused them to lose a strong support. If Heisha did not die, they would be able to take the Beginning Realm while a master was severely injured.

Although there are only three players in the beginning world who can play, they have one more, but the chance of winning is extremely small, otherwise, they will not stand on the sky to contain them.

They thought that the group of **** kings who entered the abyss world had been caught long ago, but they didn't expect that the other party would take advantage of them to go to war with the beginning world, following the exit, and sneaking into the beginning world.

Although the masters knew Lu Chen and their identities, they still stood still. The scope of the battle this time is huge. There are hundreds of thousands of foreign races at the level of the God King of Light. What if there are dozens of God Kings suddenly entering the battlefield? Can it shake the situation that they must win?

But soon, they knew they were wrong, and they were so wrong.

Among the group of gods, there is a young man who is particularly eye-catching. The young man is tall and straight, standing proud and empty, and a stern power rises into the sky. .

A boundless and sharp breath fell down, making countless people unable to bear it, and it felt like the body was about to split.

Huh huh!

As the young man pressed the palm of his hand, the sword fell like rain, and every sword was like the sickle of the **** of death. The body of the middle sword exploded without suspense, bursting into a cloud of blood.

In the blink of an eye, a large area was vacated by the dense battle group around.

"So perverted"

This is the voice of everyone, whether it is the aliens of the beginning world, the abyss world, or Wu Ming, their mouths are open into a 0 shape, and their faces are in a daze.

Because that sword was too sharp, the alien king of the gods would die if he touched it. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of alien kings of the gods died.

The opponent is obviously a **** king, but dealing with other races of the same level is no different from killing a chicken.

Jian Wuxin stared at Lu Chen with a shock in his heart. The kendo practiced by the other party was definitely a hundred times stronger than the Dazhan kendo she practiced. For a long time, she thought Dazhan kendo was the strongest. Only now I know that outsiders have it, but outside the mountain. mountain.

On the sky, the four alien masters had very dark faces. If the **** king alien was compared to a sheep, the opponent would be a wolf.

How can the sheep stop the wolf entering the flock?

Puff puff!

Basically every second, an alien king dies. This speed of death makes the ruler tremble, and no matter how many aliens, there is not enough to kill the opponent.

Lu Chen stared at the alien race in front of him, waving his hands, a black gas rushed out of his body quickly, blowing through it like a hurricane, and every alien race that was blown by the gale burst out black flames and turned into a burning man. It disintegrated in the screams, and was burned to ashes within two breaths.

"True Flame"

High in the sky, the ruler saw the black storm between the sky and the earth, and his heart trembled again. The young man below actually mastered the true flame.

The three Beginner Realm experts in the creation realm also widened their eyes, with surprises on their faces.

It has to be said that this sudden death of the king is really too strong. Originally, the number of their army was far inferior to that of the foreign race. This time, it is likely to have heavy casualties, but now, there is such a powerful foreign aid. , Things may turn around.

In a short period of time, nearly a thousand divine kings and alien races died, making the faces of the four masters black and black again.

They knew that they couldn't let the other party continue.

"Go, kill him"

One of the master gods fell on the two gods, the voice said.

Such a god-defying king must be restrained, otherwise, no matter how many **** kings, he will not be able to withstand the killing of young people.

The two divine emperors got the order, their eyes fell on Lu Chen, their figures flashed, turning into streamers and flying over, carrying a vigorous power, and slammed toward Lu Chen fiercely.

The three masters of the Beginning Realm Creation Realm saw the God Emperor attack the young man, their expressions changed slightly, but before they had time to change, a breath spread over, as if as long as they took it, the master of the breath would take it.

"So shameless"

The strong creation realm in the beginning world looked at the alien master with an ugly expression.

"The other party has true flames, it is considered to be a **** emperor level, if you intervene, don't blame us for intervening," an alien master said lightly.

Hearing the words, the strong creation realm in the beginning world gave a cold snort, not speaking.

They are not ready to go to war with the alien ruler, but just like this, the strong support that they don't know where is coming from is attacked by the alien emperor?

Isn't it a bit immoral to do so without interfering?

But now, I can only watch, they are not afraid to go to war with the master, I am afraid that when the war starts, the master takes the opportunity to attack the latter, for the latter, the threat of the master is the greatest.

Now I only hope that the opponent can block the attack of the two alien emperors.

The two divine emperors were full of terrible Daowei, with cold eyes, raised their palms, the majestic strength gathered, covering the top of Lu Chen's head.

This super powerful offensive force is undoubtedly fatal to the **** king.

However, Lu Chen didn't seem to sense the horror of the God Emperor's attack, so he stepped forward, pushing his hands horizontally, carrying the power of the Great Way, and colliding with the God Emperor.


At this moment, the heaven and the earth seemed to explode, sending out a dull loud noise, a shock wave of boundless terror, swept all around, flying a group of fighting gods.

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