My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1194: Dog can't change eating shit

The moon's face blooms with the brilliance of the bright moon, reflecting the heaven and the earth, and the vast aura is like a vast and endless universe, stretches endlessly, as if it can crush the heaven and the earth.

Under this terrifying breath, Jin Yingjun's face was waxy white, and his eyes were full of fear.

Because the two are not at the same level, they belong to the superior to the inferior, and the monarch to the ministers are naturally suppressed.

Even if Lu Chen used several pinnacle artifacts, he couldn't compete against the level of Creation Realm, not to mention Jin Yingjun, who didn't have pinnacle artifacts.

Jin Yingjun's fear grew infinitely, and he kept blinking at Lu Chen, sending out a distress signal.

Yue Yan looked at Jin Yingjun with a blank face, and then turned to Lu Chen. Said coldly: "A raccoon dog."

Seeing that the two were called senior brothers, Yue Yan thought of Lu Chen's shamelessness, and now seeing Jin Yingjun again, she naturally classified the two of them together.

Lu Chen received Jin Yingjun's call for help. Although this brother often couldn't help eating shit, he was still his brother.

So Lu Chen looked at Yueyan and said, "Jin Yingjun is my senior, after all, he and I went out of the same school, so you have to line up if you want to beat him, because I want to beat him myself."

Lu Chen couldn't figure out why Jin Yingjun didn't have a long memory after losing his hands time and time again. Every time he met him, he couldn't help but ridicule him, showing a stubborn expression. Could it be that the dog can't change the shit.

Although this guy offended Yueyan, and the latter went on the move, Jin Yingjun was afraid that he would be beaten to death, but there was no sense of accomplishment in his own hands.

Everyone around: "..."

When everyone heard Lu Chen's words, the first half of the sentence was very affectionate, saying that the two were the same door, but they expected a sharp turn behind Lu Chen, and they also said that they should be the first to be the first to beat each other.

Jin Junjun had tears in his eyes, and he was very grateful for his brother's plea, but the inner touch only lasted for a few seconds before it vanished.

But I immediately sneered in my heart. Although I offended a heavenly emperor, a fat beating was inevitable, but before being beaten, it was worth beating this dog.

Yueyan also twitched the corners of her mouth. Obviously, Lu Chen surprised her by not playing cards according to common sense, but from the conversation between the two just now, it is not difficult to hear that the relationship between the two is not very good, the reason is that the smell of gunpowder is too strong. Up.

Yueyan withdrew the pressure and said coldly: "You do it first, I will do it when you finish."

After Jin Yingjun was free, he was lightened. He rolled up his sleeves with both hands and smiled jokingly: "Brother, let him check if you are lazy in the past few hundred years."

Then, Jin Yingjun prevented Lu Chen from repenting, and said quickly: "Say it in advance, don't call a foreign aid if you can't beat the senior brother. The signal to admit defeat is Wang Wangwang, otherwise the battle will continue."

Jin Yingjun is not a fool, after all, there is a heavenly emperor standing in front of the dog. If this guy falls into the wind and immediately calls a foreign aid, then he can't beat the opponent.

First make a pre-declaration, based on his understanding of the junior, the junior junior who loves face will never be called a foreign aid.

The practitioners around him were speechless when they heard Jin Yingjun's words. Jin Yingjun was as shameless as his ancestor Jin Leiluo. Even if he bullied people at a high level, he would not let others call foreign aid.

Listening to the meaning of the words, you have to beat Lu Chen hard, and even more say that if you concede defeat, you have to learn how to bark.

No matter what, Lu Chen's face was lost.

However, can Jin Yingjun's strategy succeed? Everyone thought that Lu Chen was only Tianzun at the time, so they simply beat Luo Shaoyu in the realm of the Great Emperor.

The outstanding emperor of the dignified Shangxiao Tiangong hadn't done three tricks in Lu Chen's hands.

With the metamorphosis of Lu Chen's challenge, now entering the Great Emperor, perhaps he can really fight the Holy Emperor.

Lu Chen shrugged and said, "Brother, do you just want to learn how to bark like a dog?"

"Junior Dog, the one who should learn how to bark is you" Jin Yingjun stepped forward, the road bloomed, and the golden domain of faith enveloped Lu Chen. In the domain, violent golden energy evolved and kept moving towards Lu Chen. Bombarded away.

Boom boom boom!

The energy exploded violently, and one golden mushroom cloud rose up beside Lu Chen, the force was enough to destroy the sky and the earth.

Lu Chen stood tall and motionless in the golden realm, expressionless, allowing the energy around him to explode, but he couldn't break through his defenses and could hardly hurt him.

Jin Yingjun frowned when he saw this scene. The dog thing was clearly a level lower than him, why there was nothing at all.

When the people around saw this scene, they thought in their hearts that, as expected, it seemed that after Lu Chen stepped into the emperor realm, he was really qualified to face the frenzied bombardment of the powerful Saint Emperor.

"I don't believe it, but you can't help this dog." Jin Yingjun saw that Lu Chen had nothing to do, and his heart was vaguely angry.

Jin Yingjun took a deep breath, kept making imprints with his hands, and shouted in a low voice: "A little fortune pen will break the world."

In the golden realm, the energy boiled violently, and the dazzling golden light gathered to form a magic pen, which circulated hundreds of millions of golden light, exuding an exceptionally sharp aura. Under the influence of the magic pen, the surrounding space splits black. Cracks.

Jin Yingjun clicked his finger, squeaked the magic pen, and smashed towards Lu Chen's body with the sharpness that tore the space.

"Brother Dog, I have suffered countless losses in my hands, why don't I have a long memory" Lu Chen sighed when he saw the magic pen flying over.

An endless sword intent bloomed all over his body, the sword intent flowed, covering the whole body. Although the magic pen was sharp, it was more than a bit weaker than Lu Chen's sword intent.

When the magic pen touched the sword intent, it immediately shattered and turned into nothing.

Jin Yingjun saw this scene, his eyes were almost protruding, how could this be possible.

Jin Yingjun couldn't think of it anyway. He attacked with all his strength and couldn't break Lu Chen's defense. How could he fight this?

"Brother Dog, are you ready to be beaten?" Lu Chen said as he looked at Jin Yingjun, his whole body radiated endless sword intent, and it was vaguely visible that there were strands of pale golden sword intent, but under the shining of the golden realm, Can't tell at all.

In fact, Lu Chen's sword intent was far beyond the venerable Dzogchen, touching the strands of gold.

Although it hasn't fully evolved, its sharpness far exceeds the sword intent of the Supreme Dzogchen.

With Lu Chen as the center point, endless horror sword intent was radiated, and mighty fluctuations spread out.

Jin Yingjun felt this terrifying power, his face was full of dignity, because he felt that he might not be able to stop it, and when his mind moved, the uninterrupted spiritual power in his body was urged to bless the solidity of the domain.


When the ocean of sword intent collided with the golden boundary wall, there was no suspense, the golden boundary wall shattered and turned into countless golden fragments flying.

Jin Yingjun saw that the realm was broken, and the whole person was stupid, and his realm was so broken by the younger brother.

This dog is a great emperor, why has it broken his holy emperor realm?

At this moment, Jin Yingjun felt a terrifying aura spreading over the sky, and after waking up to his senses, he saw a realm enveloped in it, filled with endless sword energy.

Although Jin Yingjun felt a hint of crisis, he didn't take it seriously. In his opinion, Lu Chen could break through his domain, and he could naturally break through Lu Chen's domain.

Jin Yingjun responded calmly and prepared to crack the domain. However, he found that this domain was very powerful, several times stronger than his domain. Even the power he was suppressed could not move.

Jin Yingjun showed a desperate expression.

"Teacher, Junior Brother, your subordinates are merciful" Jin Yingjun immediately began to confess.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Brother, I will be merciful when I study at the same door."

Jin Yingjun was a little bit convinced at first, but when he caught a glimpse of Lu Chen's playful eyes, his cold breath caught on.


In the next second, Jin Yingjun felt a terrifying force bombarding his face like a fist.

Afterwards, there seemed to be countless fists around, bombarding his whole body, grinning in pain.

Everyone could hear the dull sound like raindrops across the boundary.

Jin Yingjun was dying in pain, howling in pain.

"Junior brother, I gave up, I gave up." After a while, Jin Yingjun surrendered with a white flag.

However, the fist didn't stop, it kept beating on the body, causing him to cry in pain.

"Wang Wang Wang" couldn't help but Jin Yingjun barked.

"Brother, good people don't do it, why do they want to learn how to bark" Lu Chen said with a surprised look, but stopped attacking.

Jin Yingjun didn't answer Lu Chen's words, he looked eager to cry without tears. After all, he had pitted himself, and there was nowhere to reason.

"Sister-in-law, it's good to be beaten up, you'll come for you," Lu Chen said withdrawing from the domain, looking at Yue Yan.

The people around looked at Jin Yingjun with a blue nose and a swollen face, and his face was speechless, but no one sympathized with him, because he asked for it, and who asked him to tease a god.

"Sister, I was wrong, can you stop punching me?" Jin Yingjun narrowed the corner of his swollen eyes and begged pitifully for mercy.

Yueyan ignored the latter's begging for mercy and waved her hand.

Then, Jin Yingjun's brutal and inhuman cry sounded again between heaven and earth, and the cry lasted for about half an hour.

Half an hour later, Jin Yingjun lay on the ground, dying. He could not see his original appearance at all. His nose was blue and his face was swollen, and his face was blue and red. He was lying on the ground and gasping with air-conditioning.

When everyone saw this scene, the corners of their mouths twitched and couldn't bear to look directly.

Lu Chen sighed and said, "I said Sister-in-law, you were too light to start, you didn't kill him."

Everyone: "..."

Jin Yingjun heard Lu Chen's regretful sigh, his eyes rolled white, and he passed out angrily.

The matter of Jin Yingjun came to an end, and Lu Chen and his party came to Ruan Chenshuang's residence.

Lu Chen asked about the whereabouts of the evil god, and learned from Ruan Chenshuang's mouth that the plague broke out more than ten years ago. At that time, a young man in yellow robe walked out of a field battle and waved his hands. Yellow fog swept across the battlefield.

People on the battlefield can't help but inhale the yellow mist, and then find that the yellow mist stays in the body like filth, and it can't get rid of it.

Cultivators who inhale the yellow mist can only wait for death, waiting for the soul to decay slowly, and die in painful torture.

What's more frightening is that this gas will spread like a plague, and practitioners who breathe in the yellow mist too close will also be infected.

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