My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 1203: The suitor of Liu Qingcheng

Being said to be the number one soft rice king in the mountains and seas, Lu Chen felt a little speechless, but then again, he has five Heavenly Masters, all of whom are women, no men, so it's hard not to make people want to be crooked.

However, Lu Chen justified: "Lu Chen shouldn't be that kind of person, right."

"Why not?" The fat man looked excited, and said spittle, "Brother, let me tell you that it is not an exaggeration to call Lu Chen the king of soft rice, there is a reason."

"What's the reason?" Lu Chen asked curiously.

The fat man had a mysterious expression on his face, and said, "According to the gossip that I have learned, Lu Chen not only eats soft rice from the mountains and seas, but also from other worlds. I heard that he brought back a beautiful goddess from outside. Haha, haven't you heard of this realm system, the **** emperor is equivalent to the emperor of heaven."

Lu Chen: "..."

Lu Chen was a little speechless, what a fat man, he knew he had brought back a **** emperor.

"Brother, the girl next to you is very pretty, fair-skinned and beautiful, and more temperamental than those female gods of war" when Lu Chen was speechless, the fat man said with a mean voice.

At a glance, the fat man noticed that Lu Chen had a reason, because Lu Chen was with Yue Yan, and the fat man felt that the beauty of this beauty was so outstanding that she could use it to compete with the Divine Phoenix Empress.

Of course, in Fatty's heart, she still felt that the Divine Phoenix Empress had a more outstanding temperament.

The fat man still admired this young man who had just entered Divine Phoenix City. He had such a beautiful girl and wanted to grab a job.

And he also had a sense of crisis, because this little white face is more handsome than him, and with such a beautiful girl, his mouth must be neat.

"Ahem, do you know how to write these four words from the mouth?" Lu Chen coughed dryly and kindly reminded him.

Lu Chen had to admire this fat man, thinking that Yue Yan next to Transsion could not listen. After the fat man finished commenting on Yue Yan, Lu Chen obviously felt a slight chill on his body.

Fatty didn't take Lu Chen's reminder in his heart at all. He was confident that the sound transmission could not even intercept the emperor giants, and smiled wryly: "Don't worry, brother, my sound transmission technique is very confidential, and only the emperor grade can intercept it. Hear it."

Lu Chen complained in his heart, the key is that the next person is the Heavenly Emperor rank.

However, the fat man didn't know that the danger had come, and continued to say trivially: "Brother, you can get such a beautiful girl. You are very good at picking up girls. By the way, I haven't asked your name yet."

"Lu Chen" Lu Chen replied.

"Lu Chen"

The fat man had an unbelievable look. Lu Chen thought that the fat man had recognized him, and then he said, "You actually have the same name as the soft rice king."

The fat man, Ma Daha, did not suspect that the soft rice king he was talking about was sitting in front of him. After all, the dragon of Lu Chen did not see the head and the tail. It was very mysterious, and he did not spend most of the time in the mountain and sea realm, either in the sky demon realm, or Travel out of borderless regions.

In the days of mountains and seas, most of the time I was in retreat, and I couldn't touch it at all.


Lu Chen coughed dryly when he heard the fat man's words.

Whether the fat man pretended not to know or really didn't know, but he didn't bother to explain. Suddenly, Lu Chen looked towards the door thoughtfully.

A woman in a white outfit came into Lu Chen's sight. This beauty had a slim figure, her skin was like fat, her face was exquisite, and her pupils were shining, and beauty and temperament coexisted.

As the woman came in, the surroundings instantly calmed down, and everyone's attention fell on the woman, with deep love in her eyes.

This beauty is almost the most favored person in Divine Phoenix City, because of her noble status, she is Liu Qingcheng, the disciple of Divine Phoenix Empress.

Liu Qingcheng was not only beautiful, but also brilliantly talented. Now, he was in the realm of Invincible Great Emperor, far behind his peers.

Although there are many younger generations who admire Liu Qingcheng, the latter does not have a good impression of those men who are dedicated to their hospitality at all, and reveals a cold air that is not close to strangers.

Liu Qingcheng, as well as the female gods under the command of the Divine Phoenix Female Emperor, were one of the targets that the men of Divine Phoenix City wanted to attack. Unfortunately, so far, no one has successfully embraced the beauty.

Of course, there are also rumors that Liu Qingcheng likes her senior brother Lu Chen, who has a sense of belonging, so he directly ignores the diligence of others.

Liu Qingcheng walked into the restaurant and looked strange at the delivery around, or she was thinking about things and didn't pay attention at all. At this moment Liu Qingcheng's heart was constantly resentful: "Brother smelly, bad brother, have been back for a few years. , Don't come to me either."

Liu Qingcheng naturally knew the news of Lu Chen's return a few years ago. She was very happy when her brother came back from outside, but after waiting for a long time, the brother didn't come to see her.

And I heard that there was a beautiful woman who came back with the brother, who was at the same level as the master, and she was said to be very beautiful.

This gave her a sense of crisis in her heart.

"Qingcheng" a gentle magnetic voice sounded, and a young man in blue appeared next to Liu Qingcheng. The latter had a slender body and a faint smile on his handsome face, giving people a very sunny feeling. He smiled:" You can tell me if you have something upsetting, depending on your frowning face."

When people around saw the blue-clothed youth appearing in front of Liu Qingcheng, they naturally recognized him. The blue-clothed youth was named Xu Ning. He was one of the most outstanding talents in Divine Phoenix City. Half of his foot has entered the ranks of Saint Emperor Realm.

Xu Ning is Liu Qingcheng's suitor. It's no secret, it's just that he failed every time.

"Xu Ning, you go, I want to be alone." Liu Qingcheng glanced at Xu Ning, his tone was soft, but with a sense of distance.

"Haha, it really failed again"

When the people around saw this scene, their eyes were gloating.

This Xu Ning is also an individual talent. Although he was rejected every time, he never became discouraged and pursued it with perseverance.

Everyone also understands that if Xu Ning continues to fight and lose repeatedly like this, he might really attack Liu Qingcheng, so that his status can be pushed up.

"This guy is harassing Liu Qingcheng again." On Lu Chen's side, the fat man murmured when he saw the blue-clothed youth appearing next to Liu Qingcheng.

Lu Chen squinted his eyes and said, "Why, that gangster often harass Liu Qingcheng."

When the fat "Sao Bao" heard Lu Chen's nickname for him, he laughed, gave him a thumbs up, and said, "Brother Lu, your term is very appropriate. Xu Ning is a Sao Bao. He thinks he is very charming. Big, sticking to Liu Qingcheng like dog skin plaster."

Lu Chen's gaze brought a hint of playfulness.

Xu Ning heard Liu Qingcheng's words, his eyes dimmed, and his heart was a little gloomy. He boasted that his talent could completely match Liu Qingcheng, and in his heart, he also believed that only Liu Qingcheng could be worthy of him, except for Liu Qingcheng. There are also Xu Qingyao, Mei Yingluo, Ruan Chenshuang and others who are just a few days old.

Compared to the next three, Liu Qingcheng is still weaker in temperament, and he is in the same boundary city, so he can get the moon first by approaching the water tower.

"Qingcheng, it's been so long, don't you still understand my thoughts?" Xu Ning sighed slightly, with a low expression and a trace of sorrow in his tone: "Qingcheng, my love for you can be learned from the world."

"Hahaha, Xu Ning, you're still as funny as you always did." A harsh voice came from outside the door, and another ‘Sao Bao’ came in from outside the door, with the most ironic gaze falling on Xu Ning.

Everyone turned their heads to see, a young man walked outside the door, wearing a gorgeous robe, and his appearance was extremely handsome, but his cultivation was a little weaker than Xu Ning.

The young man who walked in was also Liu Qingcheng's suitor, named Qi Ji.

Speaking of Qi Ji, although his talent is not the top-notch, his background is very strong. First, the Qi family itself is a super power, and there are sage emperor giants in charge. Secondly, the Meitian emperor among several emperors is the uncle of the other side. Cousin Mei Yingluo, with this level of identity alone, Qi Ji can walk across the mountain and sea boundary.

And Qi Ji didn't insult him. He was very arrogant in the main world city. Generally speaking, everyone had to let him go.

Qi Ji came to the front, looked at Xu Ning, Yin and Yang said strangely: "Xu Ning, you must be self-aware, knowing that Qingcheng doesn't like you, and even harassing her, if I were you, how far and how far will I go."


Xu Ning exploded with a terrible aura, staring at Qi Ji with sharp eyes, and said: "If you didn't have the background behind you, you would have never known how many times you have died in the battle of the world, and you would never have a chance. I am proud in front of me."

Qi Ji didn't feel embarrassed at all when he heard this irony. Instead, he said triumphantly: "This young man is a son of destiny, and has a strong reincarnation ability. There is a giant grandfather and an uncle of the emperor. You go back to the furnace to rebuild and reincarnate."

Everyone: "..."

In everyone’s opinion, although reincarnation is a technical job, the stronger the reincarnation family, the more it must show unparalleled talent. Otherwise, it will not be worthy of its own identity. If it is not the best, it will be laughed at. .

As for Qi Ji, he often compares him, because he was born with an excellent talent, but his talent is not top-notch, and he is often gossiped behind his back.

However, Qi Ji didn't care about being gossips at all. Everyone said that his luck was taken to reincarnation. His talent was almost reasonable, and his talent was not too bad, at least it was the regularization of Dao. , And now is the ultimate emperor.

Lu Chen looked at Qi Ji, still speechless.

I remember when I met this guy last time, apart from being arrogant, I wasn't so shameless.


Xu Ning snorted coldly when he heard Qi Ji's words. When he met such a shameless person, he couldn't irritate him with anything.

Xu Ning turned his head and looked at Liu Qingcheng and said, "Qingcheng, I know you like your brother, but your brother has never seen you in Upper Realm. This shows that he doesn't have you in his heart."

"It's not a gentleman's style to gossiping behind your back." A loud and loud voice resounded through the tavern, with a sense of unpleasantness.

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