My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 514: Who else besides those five wastes

Lu Chen concealed his breath with secret methods, looked at Mei Xiao and said, "Okay, please start your performance."

Mei Xiao was startled, and immediately understood Lu Chen's thoughts, and then rushed outside.

At this moment, a group of people outside were watching the body of'Lu Chen' and seeing the markings on the face of the dead Lu Chen, they immediately realized that this was a curse.

"This is a curse, destined to be unsolvable"

"Even if it is guarded by the Holy Sense, it is hard to survive the curse."

A group of onlookers saw the corpse spots on the corpse and talked with a pale face, and then stepped back, for fear of being cursed.

The curse realm is absolutely a nightmare existence for the people in the Profound Realm. There is basically no solution to the curse, and there is only one result, and that is death.

Afterwards, they saw Mei Xiao rush out. The former Mei Xiao was cold and arrogant, giving people a feeling of inaccessibility, but now Mei Xiao's face was gloomy, and his body exuded an incomparable anger.

People around understand why Mei Xiao is so angry, because the dead are his followers.

Moreover, he died under the power of a curse.

"People from Flame Valley, come out and give me an explanation" Mei Xiao said coldly.

Soon, the events here shocked the high-levels of the Valley of Fire, and a group of figures broke through the air. When they saw the faces of the dead on the ground, and when they died for some reason, they all trembled in their hearts, and their faces quickly climbed up. A touch of paleness.

The strong man in the Valley of Fire was so scared that his heart was suffocated.

People who have no vital signs on the ground are not who Lu Chen is. Recently, their senior officials have learned that the Great Demon Lu Chen is coming. Although it is said that the Great Demon Lu Chen belongs to the Azure domain, they are even more uncomfortable when they come to the Profound Domain. The Great Demon King is the apprentice of Fairy Huadie, the first alchemist in the profound realm.

The Great Demon King Lu Chen died in their Valley of Fire, and he died under the force of a curse.

People who die because of the power of the curse have a very obvious feature, that is, there will be corpses on the surface of the skin, which come in various colors, including dark spots, gray spots, white spots, yellow spots, etc. .

They couldn't figure out why Lu Chen was actually cursed in the Valley of Fire.

"Princess Mei Xiao, what's going on?" A holy realm figure asked bitterly.

"What's the matter?" Mei Xiao said blankly: "You have to ask you what's going on in Flame Valley, why is there a curse in Flame Wine."

"There is a curse in the flame wine, it's impossible," a figure in the holy world categorically denied.

Flame wine is their secret wine in Flame Valley. It is used by people who have just come out of the flame space. It has always been good, how can it be mixed with cursed substances.

Moreover, where did they dare to dare to act against the Demon King Lu.

"See for yourself"

When Mei Xiao's wrist turned, a glass of wine appeared.

A sacred figure stepped forward, held up a wine glass, and looked at it for a second, his face changed.

Because he felt a lot of curses in the wine, this could at least poison the Emperor Realm level, no wonder the Great Demon King Lu Chen was poisoned to death.

Around, more and more people gathered, because it was heard that the flame wine contained a lot of curses, which poisoned Mei Xiao's followers.

Xia Yuxi stood in the crowd, staring at the corpse on the ground with complicated eyes. There is nothing wrong with it, that is, Lu Chen who suppressed her with only a sword intent a few months ago.

Lu Chen is definitely the most powerful King Realm she has ever seen, not one of them.

Who ever thought that after a few months of not seeing each other, the other party was actually killed by a curse, which can be described as good luck.

There was one person standing in the crowd, that was a genius of the Ning family. When he saw Lu Chen's corpse on the ground, a mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he sneered in his heart: "What about the sword of the sword emperor palace? How about being respected as the Great Demon King, a glass of wine with cursed substances will still send you to the west."

Then his eyes flashed from Mei Xiao's body, slightly regretful, the people behind let Mei Xiao be killed together. It is estimated that before Mei Xiao had time to drink, he noticed Lu Chen's strangeness.

So Mei Xiao did not die.

"Who is responsible for presenting Master Mei Xiao's flame wine, get out of it?" The strong man in Flame Valley looked around for a week, and his sharp pupils scanned the surroundings coldly.

"Princess Mei Xiao stay calm, and we will definitely give you a satisfactory answer in Flame Valley." An old man looked at Mei Xiao, and forced a smile that was even worse than crying.

Now the mood of the senior officials in the Valley of Fire is constantly complaining.

Mei Xiao’s anger was not the greatest. After all, Mei Xiao did not die. The most serious situation now is that Lu Chen died in the Valley of Fire, and he was still cursed to death. Although this matter was not done by them, but if Fairy Huadie pursued it, and Flame Valley would definitely be buried with Lu Chen.

Don't think that Fairy Hua Die has the reputation of being a fairy, she is just a gentle woman, Fairy Hua Die has sharp wrists and is decisive.

I found that there was a family connection with the cursed world. I entered the Dan League City. I wanted to do more than just the formation in the Dan League City, dumping the cursed material, and wanted to destroy the Dan League City without seeing any blood.

This incident aroused the anger of Fairy Huadie. He personally took action and destroyed the family implicated in the cursed world. At the same time, he found several hidden altars and killed several powerful saint kings in the cursed world.

At this moment, they knew that Lu Chen had the apprenticeship of Fairy Huadie, and they felt that disaster was imminent.

"Elder, it was Lu'e who gave Young Master Mei Xiao wine, but Lu'e died under the same curse a minute ago." A middle-aged woman flew over in panic and stammered.


This answer made the leaders of Flame Valley particularly angry.

It seems that someone is setting up Flame Valley secretly, or someone has an enmity with Lu Chen, and they just choose to start their hands in Flame Valley. Anyway, this scapegoat is settled.

"The murderer must still be in the Valley of Fire, immediately block the Valley of Fire and look for the murderer." In the dark, a voice like a thundering sky came.

The only one in the Valley of Fire did not go out with the Lord of the Valley, and the Saint King who stayed in the Valley of Flames was alarmed. Although the inner anger was suppressed deliberately, the people around still felt the anger contained in the words.


In the distance, a group of law enforcement teams in the Valley of Flames, ready to take action, began to blockade the Valley of Flames, and at the same time opened up a large array of mountain protection, only allowed to enter but not to leave.

"Princess Mei Xiao, we will definitely give you an explanation," a group of holy realms said to Mei Xiao. After speaking, they left worriedly.

The surrounding people also dispersed, but this incident has aroused everyone's vigilance, because it is very likely that the murderer was hidden in the dark, and I don't know who the murderer was, why he targeted Mei Xiao, or whether he targeted them.

For a time, everyone is in danger.

Mei Xiao returned to the palace, looked at Lu Chen and asked, "Do you know who the murderer is."

Lu Chen shrugged and smiled lazily: "Of course I know who else can have besides those five wastes. It just surprised me that they actually have connections with people in the curse world."

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