My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 522: Challenge of the Immea Palace

The next day!

Lu Chen left Ningfu and came outside to feel the prosperity of Ningcheng.

Ningcheng is a huge ancient city with an estimated population of tens of millions, and it is extremely vast. Of course, Ningcheng has also given birth to intricate forces, including the lowest level of kings, imperial families, and holy families, but with the holy king. Only the Ning family is in his family, and he is a three-sage king.

In addition, there are several sages of the Ning Family who have reached Consummation, and they may break through one day.

In addition to the local forces in Ningcheng, there are foreign forces who come here to do business.

Normally, this sect has the power of the Holy King Realm to come to Ningcheng to do business, and the local snakes dare not make trouble at will. For example, the Danxin Sect, their suzerain is the Nine Stage Pill Sage, and at the same time is a Saint King Realm.

The Danxinzong opened a pill shop in Ningcheng, selling pill, and occasionally selling holy pill, which is very famous.

In addition to the Dan Xin Sect, there are also the Wuliang Palace, Huangji Sect and other forces that are not weaker than the Ning family, and they have strongholds in Ningcheng.

The Ning family must treat the branches opened by such forces politely.

The first power Lu Chen found was Wulianggong.

There are several formation masters in Wuliang Palace, so the branch of Wuliang Palace in Ningcheng is a shop selling formations.

Speaking of a shop, it is actually very huge. A tall building stands in the center of Ningcheng. It has a height of about ten stories and is enveloped by a layer of formation enchantment. Under the sunlight, the formation is shining and the enchantment Amazing spiritual ripples flowed on the surface.

At this moment, thousands of people were surrounded by the front door of the shop.

The shop Xiaoer stood at the door, spitting wildly and said: "This is the formation created by the Master of the Imamage Palace Formation on the basis of the Earth Spirit Formation. It is called the Earth Spirit Anti-Injury Formation, which means no matter how powerful the force is to attack the formation. The law and the formation will attack the power released by the formation."

"The formation of the same realm, anyone at a higher realm can try to break it. If anyone breaks the formation, the shop will directly reward him with a billion spiritual stones."

"This is a five-level earth spirit anti-injury formation. Everyone who is strong in the king state can try it. Of course, the emperor is free. After all, it is only a fifth-level formation." Xiao Er said, pointing to the formation that enveloped the shop.

"Earth Spirit Anti-Injury Array, offensive and defensive, a bit interesting"

"Just don't know the effect is different from what you said"

The people around whispered.

Most of the defensive arrays used by general forces are Earth Spirit Arrays, which can be upgraded from one to ten. The higher the array flag level, the stronger the defense.

However, there is a drawback, that is, the spirit formation can only be passively beaten, and the formation flag is extremely expensive. Of course, you can also detonate the formation to attack. However, many forces buy a set of the spirit formation of the same level, and they will eat the dirt for a while. Time, who is willing to take it out to explode.

If the Earth Spirit Formation is improved to integrate offense and defense, it will be good.

"Really, if you can break the formation, you will reward one billion spirit stones." Someone in the crowd said so.

The shop second said: "Of course it is true, not only rewards one billion spirit stones, but also gives you a set of seven-level earth spirit anti-injury formation."

Xiao Er's voice fell, and there was an uproar in the crowd.

I have to say that this reward is quite tempting, and many people can't help but want to try it.

"Since everyone is so enthusiastic and wants to challenge, then I will close the formation. I hope someone can break the barrier. In addition, everyone can use weapons and be confined to the sacred artifacts." The shop Xiaoer stepped back and walked into the formation. Holding the jade charm in his hand, the area that was originally opened suddenly closed.

"I come"

The people who could not bear it for a long time began to attack the enchantment one after another, but when they attacked the formation, the formation revealed a powerful force, which shook them up, vomiting blood one by one and fell to the ground.

Soon, more than a dozen people were injured by the injuries rebounded from the enchantment, and they slumped on the ground, unable to get up for a while.

When the people around saw this scene, their hearts were stunned. It seemed that this billion spirit stones plus a set of seven-level formations was not so easy to handle.

In other words, no one can break it at all. After all, the people in the Boundless Palace are not fools, and they must have tested the defense power of the barrier.

The reason for expelling such a big tempting condition is just to make the new formation famous.

Dian Xiaoer stood in the barrier and saw the testers being shaken by their own power. Everyone's eyes were shocked, and they were very satisfied.

It seems that this time, the formation developed by the Supreme Elder is going to sell out.

With hundreds of people on the field failing, including several practitioners at the pinnacle of the king's realm, Xiaoer Dian said: "Everyone, it's almost the same, this formation is personally improved by the elder Taishang in the sect. The rank formation is difficult for the king to break open, at least it takes a figure in the emperor to break open."

Xiaoer's tone is confident.

"How much is this five-level formation?" Someone immediately asked among the crowd.

"The price of this formation is not expensive, two hundred million spirits..." Xiaoer Dian opened his mouth, but he was interrupted before he finished speaking, "I'll try it."

Dian Xiaoer was interrupted, slightly uncomfortable, when he looked over and wanted to see who interrupted him, he found Lu Chen standing in the crowd. Although Lu Chen was disfigured, his temperament was outstanding. People have a noble breath.

The people around also turned their attention to Lu Chen.

I found that this young man was very refined, with an extraordinary temperament on his body, and secretly guessed in his heart that it was probably a descendant of a powerful force to cultivate this unique temperament.

"Since you want to try, then try it" Xiao Er said.

Lu Chen slowly walked out of the crowd, came to the formation, looked at the formation, the formation was crystal clear, the huge formation was inlaid with more than fifty formation flags, ripples of spiritual power in the knot The flow above the world seems to be the strongest object in the world, indestructible and no one can break it.

Lu Chen's figure flickered before flying away, a breath radiating from his body.

"In the early stage of the King Realm, I dared to challenge to break the formation. Didn't you see that all the Warriors of the King Realm failed before."

The people around started whispering, looking forward to how Lu Chen will look embarrassed next.

Lu Chen came to a formation flag, squeezed his fist print, his fist glowed, and bombarded the formation flag, only to hear, the luminous formation flag quickly dimmed, but the strength of his fist was flattened by this barrier. Spread, the force area is divided evenly.

But in less than a second, the originally scattered forces gathered together and burst out suddenly.

Lu Chen's figure flickered, and his body moved away like a teleport, making the attack that bounced back from the barrier failed.

"The flag is cracked"

When the surrounding people saw this scene, they were dumbfounded, and the noisy environment instantly quieted down.

A warrior in the early stage of the king realm smashed a flag with a punch, and their mouths were dry and they felt like dreaming.

Inside the enchantment, Xiaoer Dian saw the cracked formation flag and was dumbfounded in place.

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