My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 524: Yuanhan is happy to serve you

Yuan Han was very impressed by this generous young man, and he smiled quickly and said, "Boss, what service do you need this time, Yuan Han is very happy to serve you."

The steward next to him was dumbfounded, this is the elder Yuan Han of their Imamong Palace?

It was the first time that he saw the appearance of elder Yuan Han bowing his knees.

Lu Chen glanced at Guan Shi, Yuan Han immediately understood, and waved his hand to Guan Shi: "You go down first, I have something to discuss with this boss."

After the steward left, Lu Chen said solemnly, "What do you think of the curse world."

After speaking, stare at each other.

Yuan Han was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "Boss, are you going to deal with people in the curse world this time? This group of people is not easy to deal with."

The Cursed Realm is deeply rooted in the profound realm, like a moth, hidden in the dark, and also infiltrated a lot of forces. In addition, there are many powerful people in the Cursed Realm. It is estimated that there are at least 20 or 30 holy kings. This is only the number they know. It is not excluded that the Holy King was secretly returned to the lower realm.

Anyway, it is very dangerous to provoke the power of the curse world.

Not only is there a lot of powerhouses at the Saint King level, but also because the curse power is very strange and unpredictable.

A warrior who is not good at the two powers of flame and thunder is generally cursed material into the body, it is difficult to suppress and drive away the body.

Lu Chen stared at Yuan Han, seeing that the other party didn't show a special expression, there was a slight surprise.

It seems that Boundless Palace and the curse world are not involved.

Immediately, Lu Chen nodded and said calmly: "This time it is the Ning family who is going to deal with it. Of course, it is possible to face the Cursed Realm."

Yuan Han immediately shrank his pupils, his expression regained seriousness, and said: "Lu Shao, you think the Ning family is implicated in the curse world."

The curse realm is basically a mouse crossing the street to the forces in the profound realm, and everyone shouts and beats. Of course, there are also very few forces that will take risks and cooperate with the curse realm.

After all, the curse world comes from a big power in the upper realm, with treasures, resources, etc. that are irresistible to people in the lower realm.

It's just that once a certain force is found to be connected to the cursed world, it will be attacked by groups and die miserably.

At the beginning, there were several Saint King-level sects that cooperated with the Cursed Realm and ran to the Dan League City to destroy them. As a result, Fairy Huadie's thunder and anger was aroused, and several forces easily disappeared in the history of the profound domain.

Lu Chen said: "The Holy King of Wuliang Palace can shout as much as he can. I need to arrest people in the cursed world."

"Everyone who is dispatched has a chance to let the tenth-rank alchemist make a pill." When Yuan Han was surprised that Lu Chen really wanted to attack the Cursed Realm, Lu Chen added.

Yuan Han's heart shuddered, this young man really came from Dan League City.

Because there are only a few tenth-rank alchemists in the Pill League City in the Profound Domain.

Last time I guessed that this person was from Dan League City, now it seems that the guess is completely correct.

"I don't know which family of the five alchemy families the boss is from" Yuan Han asked with a smile.

"Five Great Family"

Lu Chen glanced at Yuan Han with a weird look, and said faintly, "Neither."

Yuan Han was stunned, besides Pill League City, is there any other power in charge of Ten-Rank Alchemist?

There should be no more.

"Come with me, take a trip to Huangjizong's territory, and pull together Huangjizong," Lu Chen said.

Yuan Han didn't know the identity of Lu Chen for a while, but still said, "Okay, I'll take you there."

But I feel a little bit out of the way.

Because last time in Danmeng City, he and several other sages hunted a sage of Huangjizong. Although he hid his appearance at the time, his unique skills exposed his identity, so that during this time, Wulianggong and The relationship between Emperor Huangjizong was very stale, and the disciples under the sect often had friction.

And this one in front of him is even the principal who offered a reward to the Emperor of Emperor Jizong.

Go to Huangjizong to call a helper, are you sure you can call it?

Huangjizong has an auction house in Ningcheng, and business is booming. When Yuan Han and Lu Chen came here, they were immediately hated by the disciples of Huangjizong, because all the disciples of Huangjizong recognized Yuan Han. It is a sage of Wulianggong. Some time ago, this sage hunted a sage of Huangjizong.

The two sides hate each other, just like water and fire.

However, the other party is a holy monarch at any rate, they are just small people who dare not speak up.

At this moment, a strong sense of depression suddenly appeared in the space, a powerful Shengwei erupted, and an angry thunder voice sounded:

"Yuan Han, what to do here"

With the violent wind surging, strands of air flow flowed, and an old man in white robe tore the space appeared, and suddenly stopped in front of them.

The white-robed old man looked at Yuan Han with a strong anger in his eyes.

As if I would do it at any time.

Yuan Han smiled when he saw the incoming person, and said, "Zhou Ting, I have known each other for thousands of years. Why is his temper so violent? Don't be angry. I'm here to discuss things with you.

The white-robed old man stared at Yuan Han with extremely sharp eyes, violent sparks rubbed in the air.

"No talk"

Emperor Zhou Ting, the holy monarch of Emperor Jizong, waved his sleeves, his tone was extremely strong, and there was no room for negotiation.

"If you don't want to go to war, get out of here immediately"

"I've said it, it's not that I'm here to find you, it's the boss who is looking for you." Yuan Han pointed to Lu Chen.

"Find a quiet place, I have something to tell you," Lu Chen glanced at the holy monarch of Huangjizong and said in a flat tone.

Even when facing a powerful person at the Saint Monarch level, Lu Chen was still so calm and calm, with a tone of high-level and low-level talking.

Huangjizong's holy monarch Zhou Ting saw a young man from the king realm talk to him in this tone, his eyes immediately became fierce, and a ray of holy power pressed towards Lu Chen.

Yuan Han waved his hand to counteract Zhou Ting's coercion, and said in a rather yin and yang tone: "Zhou Ting, if you want to bring disaster to Emperor Jizong, then just do it."

Although Yuan Han did not know the identity of Lu Chen, and the other party also rejected the five great alchemy families from Pill League City, but he could come up with five nine-rank pill, definitely not a leisurely person, and had the energy to destroy the Wulianggong and the emperor. Zong these forces.

If there is a tenth grade pill saint in the family, it means that they have an extremely strong network and can bring in a group of saint king thugs.

When Zhou Ting heard Yuan Han's words, his breath stagnated, and then Sheng Wei disappeared invisibly.

Zhou Ting’s eyes were gloomy and uncertain. Hearing Yuan Han’s hidden meaning, this young man had a great background. He stared at Lu Chen for a long while. The other party's temperament was extraordinary, handsome and unparalleled, especially his clear eyes. Sub-majesty.

The other person's eyes looked at him, as if they were looking at ordinary people, without a trace of awe.

Zhou Ting was a little confused about the identity of the other party, thinking for a few seconds, and his attitude was not as cold as before: "Come with me."

Zhou Ting took the two of them into the auction house wrapped by the formation and came to a secret room.

Zhou Ting paused, looked at Lu Chen, and said, "Your Excellency can say something."

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