My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 589: Roudi Palace

"sit down"

Lu Chen glanced at several people and said casually.

Qin Xue's four were not polite, because the person in front of him was from the Sword Emperor Palace, and their Astrology Sword Sect had a connection with the Sword Emperor Palace. Seeing that Lu Chen's combat power was so powerful, and also comprehending the sword intent, he naturally wanted to get to know him.

"Xu Le, this is not the place you should come to, go back quickly" Xu Li sat down and looked at Xu Le, and yelled directly.

"I'll join the Astral Sword Sect. It has nothing to do with you, right?" Xu Le stared at Xu Li coldly.

"You are not allowed to join the Astral Sword Sect" Xu Li said coldly.

"You better disappear in front of me" Lu Chen said lightly while looking at Xu Li.

When Xu Li heard Lu Chen's words, his face was suddenly hard to look. Originally, he wanted to get acquainted with the other party, but the other party was so innocent, and he was also an arrogant person, so naturally it was impossible to stay. He gave a cold snort and walked away. .

"Thank you"

When Xu Le saw Lu Chen come forward for him, he said something gratefully.

"I would like to ask your Excellency how to condense the sword intent." Qin Xue looked at Lu Chen and asked with a serious face. Li Zhengyang next to him also looked at Lu Chen. He was more interested in this topic. After all, their dream is Condensing sword intent.

"Sword power is accumulated, and sword power is born with sword power, and it continues to merge." Lu Chen said.

"I know" Qin Xue nodded, and then continued to speak: "Sword Emperor Yuanwu once said, but the sword aura is violent and mutually exclusive, let alone blending together, how did you do it."

Lu Chen stretched out his hand, raised three fingers, and said, "Three characters."

Qin Xue's beautiful eyes showed a solemn expression: "Which three words are it, please clarify."

Lu Chen said solemnly: "For female sword repairers, keep in mind the three words of beauty and talent, and for male sword repairers, keep in mind the three words of handsome and talent."

As soon as he said this, the four people next to him were confused, not understanding what Lu Chen meant.

When they were puzzled, Lu Chen talked about it: "Take my face as an example. If this man can achieve one-tenth of my handsomeness, he can consolidate his sword intent even if he has no talent. He does not have one-tenth of my handsomeness, and his talent is not up to the standard. That's why he can't condense the sword intent."

Lu Chen glanced at Li Zhengyang as he spoke.

At first, the four of them were still a little confused, but the more they listened, the more they were wrong. The other side seemed to be turning around and complimenting him for being handsome, and it had nothing to do with how to comprehend the sword intent.

The corners of Li Zhengyang's mouth twitched, and Qin Xue's face was even darker, and said angrily: "Nonsense."

Lu Chen spread his hands and said, "The three-character secret to condensing sword intent has already been told to you. Believe it or not, it's up to you."

"Chuck, you're really not modest at all." Xue Lin stared at Lu Chen with a pair of wonderful eyes, and the gleams of light in the beautiful eyes, with a frown and a smile, all with a fascinating meaning.

Xue Lin really became more and more curious about the young man in front of her.

Lu Chen said with great pressure: "It is all blame for those good people in Qingyu for not giving me the title of the first handsome in Qingyu. You may not know that being handsome is also a kind of pressure. I am under pressure at this age. The pressure that shouldn't be there, hey."

After speaking, he sighed heavily.

The four were speechless, why there is such a title as the first commander of the Qingyu, it is true or false, it always feels that something is wrong, but it can't be said.

"Really?" Xue Lin's charming face had a faint smile, her eyes flashed, and she said lazily: "Speaking of which, I really know people from Qingyu. I made two friends three months ago."


Lu Chen gave a cry, and didn't care.

"Did the brothers come to the emperor's domain to experience?" Li Zhengyang changed the subject, because he really didn't want to hear the other party doing too much entanglement on the word handsome, and smiled and said: "Brothers have come at the right time. Three months later, Roudi Palace A Tianjiao conference will be held, and the top three places can join Roudi Palace."

When Lu Chen heard the name, his eyes flashed, isn't Roudi Palace where the third master lives.

Seeing Lu Chen's silence, Li Zhengyang continued to recount the intention of the Roudi Palace to hold the Tianjiao Conference.

It turns out that in the Emperor's Domain, the Roudi Palace will hold a genius conference that belongs to the king every ten years. If you score in the top three, you can successfully join the Roudi Palace.

Every ten years, countless army of kings will rush to the Roudi Palace. Hope to shine in the Tianjiao Conference and win the top three to become the outer disciples of the Roudi Palace. All the top forces in the emperor domain are no exception, and they will send their disciples to compete for places.

The reason why joining Roudi Palace makes people crazy is that as long as you join the Royal Realm Tianjiao of Roudi Palace, you will definitely be able to enter the Dacheng Saint King Realm under the guidance of Roudi within a thousand years.

But there is a harsh condition. To reach the Great Sage King, you must go to the ancient road Tongtian and enter the nine days.

Originally, this condition was very harsh. It is well known that breaking the ancient road through the sky is the chance of a lifetime of nine deaths. Many warriors have reached the great sage king and have a long life.

However, if the Dacheng Saint King who joined the Roudi Palace and crossed the Tongtian Ancient Road, ten of them can pass nine, the chances are too great.

Why do you know, because the soul cards of the Great Sage Kings who went to pass the ancient road to the sky were not broken. After successfully entering the nine days, only a few human soul cards were broken.

Entering the nine days is the dream of every holy king, because only when you enter the nine days can you truly soar.

And Jiarou Palace, there is a chance, which makes people crazy.

This also established the superb chance of Roudi Palace in the emperor domain, and the mysterious Roudi made countless powerful people worship and awe.

Seeing that Lu Chen didn't show any expression, Li Zhengyang's eyes flashed. Could it be that this person is not for the Tianjiao banquet held for the Roudi Palace?

Just when he wanted to say something, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. This man was middle-aged, with wisps of sword intent in his thick breath. The man's sword intent was terrifying and fell on Lu Chen. Body.

"I have seen Zuo Xing Sword King" Qin Xue and Li Zhengyang said when they saw the person coming.

The incoming person is a sword king of the Astral Sword Sect, his cultivation is in the holy king state, and he belongs to the existence of the Supreme Elder.

Even Xue Lin, who was on the side, respectfully called Senior.

Two of them did not bid.

The first one is Xu Le. Xu Le was already trembling under the breath of this strong man. He tried to open his mouth, unable to say a complete sentence.

As for Lu Chen, in terms of sword intent, the opponent and him belonged to the same level of sword intent at the king level. The opponent had a relationship with the Sword Emperor Palace, not his elders, so he didn't call him.

"Looking up to the name of the sword emperor's palace for a long time, seeing it is better than seeing it. As expected, Jianzi has understood the sword intent of the king level," the middle-aged man said loudly, looking at Lu Chen with a hint of appreciation in his eyes .

"Your Excellency, you are polite" Lu Chen replied lightly.

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