My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 802: Collision

The monster beasts that ran into the mountains and seas from Tianhen were densely packed, overwhelming, and the number was too large to count.

These monsters have strange shapes, including dragons with bone wings, dark phoenixes, night monsters who specialize in ingesting the soul, fire monsters living in magma, and void rats that free the void. The number of each monster group is too large to calculate.

These countless monsters came from another world, the Heavenly Demon Realm.

The Sky Demon Realm was born into the Sky Demon, which is very unfriendly to the Human Race and feeds on the Human Race.

After the sky demon invaded the mountains and seas, the earth and the creatures became charcoal, and the places where the sky demon passed were riddled with blemishes.

At this point, the world of mountains and seas ushered in a dark day, and the human race put aside their hatred, united their will to fight the invaders.

But because there are too many kinds of sky monsters, they are good at different abilities, and every sky monster race group is very powerful, possessing monsters that are not weaker than the holy emperor and the sky.

The sky demon with the Saint Emperor realm is called the royal family, and the sky monster with the Heaven Emperor realm is called the royal family.

According to rumors, there are over a hundred royal clans of the sky demon, and there are more than ten royal clans.

Ten times, a hundred times stronger than the human race in the mountain and sea world.

At the very beginning, there was only one Heavenly Emperor standing at the peak of cultivation in the mountain and sea world. Because the human race had not experienced a racial crisis, the cultivation was smooth sailing, and it was difficult to give birth to a strong person at the peak of cultivation.

It wasn't until the heavenly emperor who was respected by all races died in battle, and the endless heavenly monsters occupied the mountain and sea realm, that the human race realized that the true genocide had come.

If these sky demons are not driven away, the human race will be extinct.

The human race worked hard and fought **** battles with the heavenly monsters. Over the course of several million years, several heavenly emperor realm powerhouses were born in various eras, and all beings from the mountains and seas were assembled against the heavenly monsters.

Moreover, the will of the mountain and sea world has a strong rejection of foreign invaders, and if it is not recognized by the will, the stronger the sky demon, the more difficult it will be to cross the boundary.

The sky demon above the emperor would cost a great price to cross the boundary.

Otherwise, the sky demons would have occupied the mountain and sea boundary long ago.

The warriors of the mountain and sea world began a continuous tug-of-war match with the sky demon. With the battle, the warriors of the mountain and sea world grew rapidly. There were two or three emperors born in each generation, and the sky demon was gradually driven back to himself. world.

Especially in the recent ancient times, that is, within two million years, there were born the Great Dream Goddess, the Eastern Emperor Tiandi, Ning Tianjun, the Divine Phoenix Female Emperor, the Seal Female Emperor and other heavenly emperors, as well as some extremely powerful emperors, such as the alchemy supreme Huadie, Qi Zhizun Jian Qingyin, the lord of the void, the sword emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty who created sword intent, their achievements are comparable to the emperor of heaven.

The world of mountains and seas has ushered in a golden age.

Just when everyone in the mountain and sea realm thought that the strongest could seal the sky mark and let the sky demon roll out of the mountain and sea realm forever, a terrible news suddenly came.

In order to become stronger, or to reach an agreement with the imperial clan of the Sky Demon Realm, the Emperor Ning Tianjun did not hesitate to choose to betray the Mountain Sea Realm.

Ning Tianjun's betrayal led to the fall of the Eastern Emperor, the Lord of the Void, and the Sword Emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty, including the millions of elites in Void Castle and 36 great emperors from various forces.

It can be said that it was the worst loss since the battle with the sky demon.

Originally saw the situation about to drive away the sky demon, because of Ning Tianjun's betrayal, the efforts of several ages were in vain.

Moreover, it also caused a very bad chain reaction. Even the Emperor of Heaven had betrayed, and the idea of ​​betraying many people, secretly, I am afraid that many forces have taken refuge in the Sky Demon in order to survive.

Moreover, as the number of sky marks increases, the will of the mountain and sea world becomes weaker. The great monsters in the sky monsters are more likely to cross the boundary than before. In the past, they had to cross the boundary to come over, they had to go through the side gates such as seizing homes and possessing. Even the real body can cross over.

Today's mountains and seas can be described as internal and external troubles, precarious.

After listening to what Yan Zixuan said, Lu Chen and the others were full of emotions, standing still in silence for a long time, falling into tremendous shock and loss of consciousness.

Compared with the wars in the mountains and seas, the ups and downs they stirred in the Ten Territories were nothing at all.

It took a long time for Lu Chen to recover.

Yan Zixuan continued: "According to the inference of the strongest standing on the peak of the mountain and sea world, the origin of the sky mark should be caused by the collision of the two worlds."

The two worlds collide?

Everyone showed a blank look.

Yan Zixuan explained: "The mountain and sea world is a complete world, and the same is true of the sky demon world. The two big worlds were originally separated by endless distances, and suddenly collided together, causing a crack in the boundary, which is equivalent to a passage between the two worlds. Tianhen goes to the sky demon world, and the sky demon can naturally come to our world."

"The sky demon race is more and more powerful than our human race. The battle between our human race and the sky demon has always been a disadvantage. Fortunately, the will of the mountain and sea world will shelter the creatures in the world and reject the creatures of other worlds."

"Because of the excessive number of sky scars, in front of the huge sky scars, sky demons continue to emerge, and they can't be eliminated at all. Human races had to build a boundary city, recruit heavy soldiers to guard the boundary city, and prevent the sky monsters from coming. Shanghui guards one or two boundary cities. For example, our Sword Emperor Palace guards two boundary cities."

Lu Chen suddenly felt that when Jiu Jianzun asked about Yan Zixuan, Yan Zixuan said that Jiecheng had lost nine.

At that time, Lu Chen didn't understand what Jiecheng was, but now he knows it.

Jiecheng, a giant city built near Tianhen, was guarded by heavy soldiers to block the invasion of the sky demon. It was equivalent to a line of defense. If the line of defense was breached, the mountain and sea boundary would be in danger.

Yan Zixuan said softly: "Fortunately, within two million years of ancient times, a respected emperor appeared in the mountain and sea realm, which temporarily eased the difficult situation in the mountain and sea realm."

Emperor teacher?

Everyone continued to be at a loss.

Yan Zixuan looked solemn, with a dazzling light in his eyes, and solemnly said: "This is a real emperor of the mountain and sea world. His accomplishments are extremely terrifying and unbelievable. The most important achievement is to cultivate three emperors who suppress the world. , The achievement of this move can be said to be unprecedented. The disciples who want to worship him are rushing, I don't know how many."

Lu Chen and the others opened their mouths into an O shape, a heavenly emperor, enough for all races to respect and shock the world, this kind of worldly powerhouse, even the top power in the mountain and sea world, could hardly be born.

How could Lu Chen not be surprised when he heard that someone was cultivating three emperors.

That's a strong emperor of heaven, a peerless figure who has cultivated to the pinnacle.

Who is so terrible?

Seeing Lu Chen's blank face, Yan Zixuan said with a smile: "Junior, you are not in the mountain and sea world. You may not know the legend of the emperor. This emperor is the goddess of the dream, the goddess of the phoenix, and the master who sealed the emperor. In addition, they also trained two strange women who are infinitely close to the Emperor of Heaven."

It is too difficult for ordinary sects to be born in the realm of the emperor of heaven. It is too difficult to cultivate with all the resources of the sect, and it is difficult to produce one in several eras, but this emperor directly trained three emperors.

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