My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 807: Mei Yingluo shot

Whether it is Yan Zixuan or Lei Cang, they are both men of the mountain and sea world. They are extremely powerful. If they face one person, there will be evenly matched battles, but facing two, even the gods and shepherds can't bear it.

After the golden vortex above Shenmu's head had difficultly resolved the power of destroying Six Swords, he folded his hands together and chanted the ancient spell.

A majestic and huge phantom of the heavenly **** appeared, the divine light was immense, and a monstrous divine might enveloped the boundless space. Under this strong pressure, everyone felt it was difficult to breathe.

The phantom of the gods is huge, and the breath is terrifying and vigorous. There are extremely bright divine light shooting around, making the space annihilate, as if it is about to turn into nothingness.

The **** shook his arm, his power was heavy, and the void was trembling. A huge golden palm came out and pressed towards Lei Cang's body from the void, as if to erase Lei Cang.

Lei Cang felt the danger and his face changed in twilight. He shouted, and the thunder and lightning mark glowed on the center of his eyebrows. A hundred-foot-long Thunder Dragon flew out from the center of his eyebrows. The terrifying lightning covered the surrounding area and turned into a sea of ​​thunder.

The hundred-foot-long Thunder Dragon opened its mouth and swallowed directly toward the golden palm.

The Thunder Dragon collided with the golden palms, and suddenly the sky broke and the earth cracked loudly. The golden rays of the sky and the blue thunder intertwined, flooding the boundless space.

When the dazzling light dissipated, the **** phantom was missing an arm that day, and Shen Mu's face was a little pale and his breath was unstable.

Yan Zixuan stared sharply at Shen Mu, his entire body circulated extremely powerful sword intent, and the six divine swords hovered, all condensed by sword intent, attacking Wushuang.

Yan Zixuan pointed his finger towards the **** and shepherd, and the six divine sword flew out, attacking the **** phantom.

The phantom of the gods seemed to feel the threat, turned around, waved the remaining arm, and collided with the six divine swords. Everyone only heard the sound of crisp cracks. The six flying swords broke directly, but they melted. For a strong sword intent, it directly shattered the arm of the god.

Shen Mu's body stepped back and shook, facing the attack of the two, he couldn't bear it.

"You can make a move," Shen Mu suddenly said.

The words of the shepherd caused the people present to be taken aback, who the shepherd was talking to.

Soon, they understood, they saw Mei Yingluo stepped forward in the field, and a super strong breath bloomed from Mei Yingluo's body. She raised her slender jade hand and suddenly patted Lei Cang in the air.

Although Lei Cang felt the danger, at the moment Mei Yingluo started his hands, he gathered a thunder and lightning stomach, like a real divine armor, but Mei Yingluo's palm was so terrifying, with a bang, Lei Cang's body flew upside down thousands of feet. .

"Shen Mu and Mei Yingluo have joined forces"

When the people around saw this scene, their expressions were slightly startled. Both of them are not small, especially Mei Yingluo, who is faintly the most powerful of the young generation, not one of them.

Because Mei Yingluo’s background is too horrible, her father is a heavenly emperor, standing on the top of the world of cultivation, and she has also practiced with the Divine Phoenix Emperor for some time, and no one dares to look down upon this mountain and sea. The most brilliant woman in the world.

Mei Yingluo stepped forward, stretched out her palm, and grabbed directly towards the origin of the emperor.

"Luo Ming, hurry up" Lei Cang's shout came from a distance.

In the crowd, the emperor Luo Ming shot his hand, his palms constantly slapped the void, only to see the sky above the origin of the emperor, the rules of yin and yang converge, forming a huge yin and yang picture covering the boundless space, with powerful forbidden power permeating from the yin and yang picture, desire Block space.

The people who were enveloped by the Yin-Yang picture felt a very strong bondage, and their bodies were blocked by the Yin-Yang chain and could not move.

"The Absolute Learning of Shangxiao Tiangong"

When the people around saw this scene, their hearts were quiet.

Shangxiao Tiangong is also a superpower in the mountain and sea realm, and it is extremely terrifying. This Luo Ming, like Xiang Feiyu, had been active in the mountain and sea realm for a period of time, but suddenly disappeared. He was sent by Shangxiao Tiangong to ten regions for secret training.

Mei Yingluo's cheeks are as white as jade, and her eyes are spiritual and majestic. She raised her eyes to look at the huge yin-yang picture in the sky.

A loud phoenix sound came out, and a huge lifelike phoenix appeared, burning the flames of the phoenix all over, dyeing the sky a fiery red, and the heat wave billowed.


A terrible heat wave of flame spread, filled with amazing flame power, making people sweat, and unconsciously operating the exercises to resist the attack of flame power.

The phoenix was like a living creature, with an aloof look in a pair of monster eyes, despising everyone around him.

The phoenix opened his mouth and howled, spitting out a flame of smelting heaven and earth, covering the yin and yang picture above the sky.

On the surface of the yin and yang diagram, the two currents of yin and yang rotate and intertwine to resist the phoenix flames.

But the power of the Phoenix Flame is very terrifying, burning the Yin and Yang map, and the power flowing on the surface is directly burned out.

When Luo Ming saw this scene, his heart was a little heavy. Although he was in the ten domains, Mei Yingluo's brilliant record kept coming. He knew that there was a big gap between him and this legendary girl in the mountains and seas, but he did not expect that the gap would be So big.

Mei Yingluo turned to look at Luo Ming, her eyes full of spirituality flashed with a strange light.

A sharp claw filled with flames smashed directly at the top of Luo Ming's head, and an euphorbia appeared in Luo Ming's hand. It stabbed straight forward and collided with the claws.


When the euphorbia collided with the sharp claws, the sound of gold and iron humming, accompanied by sparks splashing, Luo Ming's body was directly shaken back for a few steps, and the euphorbia in his hand almost dropped out, and there was numbness. feel.

"I heard about the fame of Fairy Mei early, but I have never learned it. Today, Yuanmou came to learn it." Yuan Qi of the fighting holy ape clan stared at Mei Yingluo with sharp eyes. After speaking, a golden stick appeared. In his hand, she swept away fiercely against Mei Yingluo's body, surprisingly powerful, as if she could sweep away all obstacles.

Mei Yingluo glanced at Yuanqi, her pure and elegant face was still extremely calm, raised her bare hand and slapped it against the golden long stick.

Flame palm prints appeared one after another, slapped on the golden long stick, blocking Yuan Qi's attack.

Yuan Qi had a serious expression and a high fighting spirit. With a loud roar, he also waved his long stick continuously to smash the flame palm prints.

In Yan Zixuan, Lei Cang confronted the **** of war, Mei Yingluo alone blocked Yuan Qi, and the emperor Luo Ming, the two powerhouses, even took the time to help the **** and animal husbandry, revealing the peerless combat power of the young generation.

When Lu Chen saw this scene in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly. Now for him, it was just a good opportunity to make a move.

The others around were also eager to test the origin of the emperor, but they were afraid of the few who were at war.

Don't look at those people who are fighting, but in fact, attention has always been on the origin of the emperor.

When everyone was entangled as to whether to go up and get a kick, no one saw Lu Chen's body vanish and disappear into the field out of thin air.

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