My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 823: The whereabouts of Mei Xiao

"Elevating the sword intent to the emperor level is the dream of every sword repairman" Yan Zixuan stared at the Slaughter God Sword, his eyes flashing hot, and his voice was low.

The emperor's sword intent is complete, the world respects the sword emperor, and the status is special, which can be equal to the emperor.

Unfortunately, the emperor-level sword intent is not so easy to comprehend. Not to mention the completion of the comprehension, even if the pale golden sword intent is comprehended, it can be reluctantly called the sword emperor.

It can be imagined how difficult it is for Jian Yi to rise to the emperor level.

There are Saint-Emperor-level powerhouses in the Sword Emperor's Palace, all of whom are stuck at the Sword Sovereign Consummation level, unable to realize the pale golden sword intent.

"Junior Brother, let's go, for nine days" Yan Zixuan calmed down and said.

"Let's go"

Lu Chen nodded.

Even the master has left the ten realms, he really doesn't have to stay in the ten realms.

Lu Chen put the Divine Slaughter Sword away and looked at the Xuan Chongyin in his hand.

Xuan Zhongyin's appearance did not seem to have changed, but when power was injected into it, a terrifying might burst out, and the surrounding space was affected and distorted.

Xuan Zhongyin engraved the rules of gravity, which can make the void collapse, and even a huge mountain can be smashed to pieces at once.

After all, it is now a Heavenly Sovereign Tool, a magic weapon for ordinary emperors to be enthusiastic.

However, in Lu Chen's hands, it was just a brick.

Lu Chen took out Qingyuesuo and left with Yan Zixuan and Liu Qingcheng. Before leaving, he didn't find Wuzhan, so he couldn't help but ask, "Wuzhan."

"He left, saying that he wants to cultivate until the Saint King is up," Yan Zixuan said.

Lu Chen didn’t say anything, and left with the two of them. On the way to the Land of Oblivion, Lu Chen went to Bodhi Mountain, preparing to let Bodhi Patriarch, Xuanwu Pill Sage, and Gu Tianya leave together. To go, unfortunately, I was told that the three had already left for half a year.

According to the Xuanwu Pill Saint Sect, the three of them went on the ancient road ahead of time.

When Lu Chen heard the words, he only hoped that the three of them could successfully climb up. Given the strength of the three, they should be able to easily climb up.

Then, the three of Lu Chen continued on the journey and walked for half a month. Suddenly, a large ship with a length of one hundred meters flew from a distance, and a strong pressure filled the space. Above the ship’s mast, two Tianfu towers hung high. Words.

Lu Chen squinted his eyes when he saw the big ship. He said that he still had some grudges with Tianfu.

However, for the sake of the upcoming upper realm, let him go with the wind.

Lu Chen glanced at it with Spiritual Mind and found that there was a holy king on the ship, and ten holy kings belonged to a very strong lineup.


At this moment, there was a cold snort from the ship, and an invisible wave swept over.

The Saint King of Tianfu on the big ship felt his divine spirit probe and made a dissatisfaction voice.

Yan Zixuan shot, a dazzling sword intent swept across, and slashed towards the storm that was set off by invisible waves, tearing the storm instantly, and the sky suddenly restored calm.


Lu Chen picked up his eyes slightly and discovered something extremely interesting.

"You wait for me for a while"

Lu Chen disappeared from Qing Yuesuo, and when he appeared again, he had already arrived on the big ship.


On the deck of the big ship, a group of Tianfu men and horses stared at Lu Chen with unkind expressions, with strong hostility.

Who are they, the people of Tianfu, no matter what forces see the signs of Tianfu, they must stay far away. Now this young man stepped into the big ship without their permission. This made Tianfu people very unhappy. .

Had it not been for Lu Chen's body exuding the aura of the peak of the holy monarch, he would have done it long ago.

Lu Chen ignored their upset, anyway the other party was upset, it had nothing to do with him, he didn't care about other people's feelings when he acted.

Lu Chen walked to the deck, where there was a thick stack of portraits.

In the portrait, it is an extremely heroic young man, his face is a bit cool, his eyes are as sharp as a blade.

Lu Chen picked up a portrait, looked at the people on the boat, and asked calmly, "Tianfu is looking for him."

"So what?" A sage from Tianfu replied with a cold tone.

"Unfortunately, he is my little brother" Lu Chen said.

As Lu Chen's voice fell, the atmosphere stagnated slightly, and then the majestic Shengwei enveloped the boundless space.

"Tread through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find, it is no effort to get it"

"I couldn't find him yet, since you know him, come with us."

The powerhouses of Tianfu spoke one after another, releasing extremely strong pressure, and at the same time more than a dozen spirits locked Lu Chen.

They have been looking for people with wanted portraits for a long time. Unfortunately, this person is so powerful that ordinary people can't hold them, so they posted wanted portraits everywhere. Unexpectedly, someone stepped into their ship and said that they had something to do with the wanted person. This coke destroyed the people in Tianfu.

"Why do you want him" Lu Chen asked lightly, as if he didn't feel threatened.

"This person snatched a treasure from Tianfu"

"What treasure"

"Tianluo Halberd"

Lu Chen squinted his eyes when he heard the words. The Tianluo Halberd was not borrowed from him after defeating Luo Yan, the descendant of Shangxiao Tiangong, in the Eastern Emperor's space. Later, he gave it to Mei Xiao's grandfather and asked it to pass it on. Mei Xiao.

Now, how come Mei Xiao grabbed Tianfu.

Lu Chen didn't know that Tianfu was actually a sect supported by Shangxiao Tiangong in Ten Regions, and the emperor Luo Ming was put down and cultivated by Shangxiao Tiangong.

Luo Yan was defeated by him at the beginning, and he borrowed the Tianluo halberd. Not only that, Shangxiao Tiangong also lost a Tianzun for unknown reasons.

So far, I haven't understood how that Tianzun died, and Shangxiao Tiangong didn't have the courage to question the Great Dream Goddess.

Originally thought that this matter would not end, but who would have thought that the saint king who came down from the Heavenly Palace had recognized the Euphorbia in the hands of a young man in the Ten Territories as the Tianluo Halberd that Luo Yan lost.

Although I don't understand why the Tianluo Halberd appeared in the Ten Regions for no reason, the thing belonging to the Shangxiao Heavenly Palace is another Heavenly Sovereign Tool, and naturally I have to get it back.

But the young man was so powerful that he had escaped several times, and even the peak of the holy monarch had nothing to do with him.

Had to send out the powerhouse of the holy king level to search, but it has not been found yet.

"What state is he now?" Lu Chen asked.

The person in Tianfu frowned. Didn't this person say that he knew the wanted person? Why didn't he know the wanted person's cultivation.

They didn't know that Lu Chen and Mei Xiao hadn't seen each other for decades.

"Take him" an impatient voice came from the only strong saint king on the big ship.

There was a hint of impatience in the words of this holy king.

"Boy, come with us obediently"

"Besides, I always feel that you are a little familiar, maybe you were wanted by Tianfu, right"

The two sages approached their peaks, using coercion to suppress Lu Chen, and at the same time they reached out their palms and buckled directly at Lu Chen's shoulder.

"You are right, I was indeed wanted by Tianfu" Lu Chen replied lazily, and then launched a counterattack very casually.

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