My Master is Super Fierce

Chapter 825: Coming to Tianfu

The strongest people on the ship were defeated by the opponent. What kind of treatment would they have next? These Tianfu personnel turned pale, as if they had been splashed with cold water from their heads, from head to toe.

"You said that, I heard the cocoon coming, is Tianfu very powerful?" Lu Chen pulled out his ears with a disdainful expression, as if he did not put Tianfu in his eyes.

The background of Tianfu comes from the Shangxiao Tiangong of the upper realm, and there is a quasi-peerless mighty power on the top of the holy emperor. It is indeed a giant.

But Lu Chen didn't take it to heart.

Lu Chen slapped his face, drew the Saint King away on the deck, rolled a few times, and then spit out another mouthful of blood.

"Originally, I was going to leave, and I didn't bother to find Tianfu. You had to face and let me beat you. It's hard to be kind, and I feel embarrassed if you don't kill you." Lu Chen stood in the air. Staring at the holy king with a downward attitude and said.

Lu Chen's words made the people on the boat regretful.

It seems that this is the case. The other party did not act on them immediately when they got on the ship, but only asked the wanted person.

It's just that, as people from Tianfu, they have always been overbearing and accustomed. The other party said that the wanted person was his younger brother, so there is nothing to wait for.

Then something happened that they regretted very much.

Obviously their initiative has made the relationship between the two parties irresistible.

"You leave now, this matter is gone," the injured Saint King said as he looked at Lu Chen, showing weakness.

"Now that you know how to pretend to be grandson, don't you think it's too late," Lu Chen said.

Lu Chen looked down at the Saint King indifferently for a few seconds, there was no movement in his eyes, and with a wave of his palm, there was a sneer, and the sound of a sharp weapon entering his body sounded.

I saw that Saint King's body trembled fiercely, and then, his expression of horror turned into despair, and he said in a trembling tone: "You, you actually abolished my cultivation."

This saint king felt that his dantian was divided into two, and it was extremely painful, and the strength in his body was more rapidly lost.

He was actually abolished Dantian.

For the strong below the emperor, the source of power mainly depends on the Dantian, which is like nuclear power and can be continuously output.

Any strong Dantian will be abolished, it will become a waste.

However, in the future, there will be a chance to recover with pill, but it will take thousands of years to recover to the peak.

This was just a punishment Lu Chen gave to the other party, and he was already very gratifying for not letting his soul fly away.

"Where is the young man in the portrait?" Lu Chen looked at each other with indifferent eyes, full of powerful pressure, like a **** looking down on a mortal.

"You actually abolished me, you actually abolished me" the saint king muttered to himself like a dead heart.

He turned into a mortal from a Saint King-level powerhouse who overlooked the world. Such a huge gap could not be accepted at all, and he was unwilling to listen to Lu Chen's questions.

Although the dantian can be repaired, it is so difficult to go from a mortal to the top step by step and become a holy king again.

"If you don't say anything, then go to Tianfu" Lu Chen said indifferently. He dived down, carrying the Holy King who was deposed by him, and entered Qingyue Shuo.

On the big ship, a group of warriors who were still alive saw Lu Chen leaving, and their hearts were filled with great fortune.

But the words left by Lu Chen made them foolish.

Even if one of the holy kings of Tianfu is abolished in Zhongzhou Territory, he still dares to go to Tianfu?

Do they really regard their Tianfu as soft persimmons?

Lu Chen entered Qingyue Shuo, threw the abandoned Saint King on the deck, looked at Yan Zixuan and said apologetically: "The schedule has changed. One of my little brothers is wanted. He is strong enough to bring him back to the upper realm for training. ."

"No hurry, Junior Brother, you are done with the matter, let's go up" Yan Zixuan replied calmly.

For Yan Zixuan, there is nothing to do with the upper bound a few months later.

"Junior sister, let's go to Tianyu," Lu Chen said, looking at Liu Qingcheng.

Liu Qingcheng obediently replied, "Brother, you are the master."

The three of Lu Chen suddenly changed direction and headed towards the sky.

Tianyu and Zhongzhouyu are separated by an endless distance, and it takes several months to hurry on the road as fast as possible.

Four months later, Lu Chen and the others arrived at Tianyu, and after inquiring about the coordinates of Tianfu, they headed towards Tianfu again without stopping.

It didn't take long before they came to the realm of Tianfu.

Tianfu, the behemoth of the heavens, has its roots and feet from the upper realm. There is a super ancient orthodoxy. It often sends the saint kings down to search for various resources, and then returns to the upper realm, which is equivalent to plundering resources in the lower realm.

Tianfu in Tianyu is a super sect that covers the sky with one hand. No one dares to provoke it. Tianfu occupies the best Lingshan and Dachuan in Tianyu, and its disciples are all over Tianyu and have great influence.

In the distance, the peaks and ridges stretch for thousands of miles, and the aura is full of spirits. Viewing the mountains gives people a magnificent feeling. Here is the base of Tianfu.

Tianfu was shrouded by a powerful barrier, and the barrier reflected dazzling multicolored light under the sun's rays, revealing an aura of sacred majesty.

A cyan streamer quietly hung in the sky above the Tianfu enchantment, and invisible coercion spread from the enchantment, giving the three people inside Qingyue Shuo a strong coercion.

"Junior Brother, do you want to help?" Yan Zixuan asked with a smile.

"You wait, I'll take care of it," Lu Chen replied.

Lu Chen carried the deposed saint king outside and flew at high speed against the transparent barrier, crossing the mountains, and finally stopped over a certain majestic mountain.

Although there is a transparent barrier between the two.

But you can clearly look at the top of this mountain and build a magnificent palace.

The towering palaces are clustered, reflecting the dazzling golden light. Around the palace, there are spiritual lakes, medicinal fields, squares, and you can even see the squares. Many Tianfu disciples are meditating, discussing, communicating, and so on.

It can be seen that this is a relatively concentrated place in Tianfu with a lot of traffic.

"Hey, there seem to be two people in the sky"

"Who is so daring to stand outside the barrier and spy on Tianfu, and eat the leopard guts?"

Lu Chen could see the mountains, rivers, plants and trees, and countless Tianfu disciples through the enchantment from above.

The disciples of Tianfu could naturally feel the gaze of their gaze, and saw Lu Chen above the sky.

This is the base camp of Tianfu. The enchantment covers thousands of spiritual mountains. It is built like a fairy family blessed land to prevent the leakage of spiritual energy. Cultivating in the enchantment of Tianfu can achieve a multiplier effect with half the effort.

However, non-Tianfu disciples are strictly prohibited from approaching here, let alone flying over the barrier of Tianfu.

This is a big disrespect to Tianfu, it is standing on the head of Tianfu and shit, even the Dacheng Shengwang dare not do it.

Now, there are people standing above the barrier. This surprised the Tianfu disciple. He rubbed his eyes to make sure that this was not an illusion. Someone was standing on the barrier, looking down at them.

Then, the faces of many Tianfu disciples changed.

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